About Applications

Applications are a way of grouping the different objects in the system into logical groups, according to the purpose that they serve.

You can use Applications to organize objects into logical groups. For example, you might organize the process servers, queues, process definitions and chain definitions for a decision support system into a Decision Support Application.

Applications can be exported to a CAR archive file, either manually or using the process definition named System_ExportApplication. These archives can then be imported with the System_Import_Archive process definition into other repositories. This allows for easy migration from a "Dev" or "Test" environment into a "Prod" environment.

Applications can be nested one inside the other, and each Application belongs to a Partition. For example, here is the hierarchy for an Application named Application3.


To view installed Applications, navigate to Applications. When an Application is selected in the navigation bar, the objects in that Application display in the main pane, ordered by object type.