About Configuration Entries

Configuration entries are available in multiple backends. The user interface lets you customize many settings using the Registry, but settings set in the following backends cannot not overridden using the Registry.

Note: If you make changes to a Registry entry, you may need to restart RunMyJobs for those changes to take effect.If you make changes to a Registry entry, you may need to restart RunMyJobs for those changes to take effect.

Configuration Backends

Configuration entries are specified in backends, each backend carries a weight, lighter backends override heavier ones: Command Line settings override System Properties settings, which override Environment Variables and so on.

The following backends are available:

System property: -DBoot.Resource
Environment variable: Boot_Resource
Configuration file: Boot.Resource
Servlet variables: <param-name>Boot.Resource</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Boot/Resource

This entry takes a string.


Default options for the SNMP monitoring


Host where to send the SNMP traps to This setting is optional.

System property: -DSNMPDefaults.Host
Environment variable: SNMPDefaults_Host
Configuration file: SNMPDefaults.Host
Servlet variables: <param-name>SNMPDefaults.Host</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SNMPDefaults/Host
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.snmp.host
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.snmp.host

This entry takes a string.


Port on the host where to send the SNMP traps to This setting is optional.

System property: -DSNMPDefaults.Port
Environment variable: SNMPDefaults_Port
Configuration file: SNMPDefaults.Port
Servlet variables: <param-name>SNMPDefaults.Port</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SNMPDefaults/Port
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.snmp.port
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.snmp.port

Integer configuration entry:


Community that is encoded This setting is optional.

System property: -DSNMPDefaults.Community
Environment variable: SNMPDefaults_Community
Configuration file: SNMPDefaults.Community
Servlet variables: <param-name>SNMPDefaults.Community</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SNMPDefaults/Community
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.snmp.community
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.snmp.community

This entry takes a string.


First of 2 parameters that are sent as content of the trap This setting is optional.

System property: -DSNMPDefaults.Id
Environment variable: SNMPDefaults_Id
Configuration file: SNMPDefaults.Id
Servlet variables: <param-name>SNMPDefaults.Id</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SNMPDefaults/Id
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.snmp.id
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.snmp.id

Integer configuration entry:


Second of 2 parameters that are sent as content of the trap This setting is optional.

System property: -DSNMPDefaults.Data
Environment variable: SNMPDefaults_Data
Configuration file: SNMPDefaults.Data
Servlet variables: <param-name>SNMPDefaults.Data</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SNMPDefaults/Data
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.snmp.data
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.snmp.data

This entry takes a string.


All of the options required to configure the API


The number of times to retry a persist in the face of competition. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUnitOfWork.DatabaseRetries
Environment variable: UnitOfWork_DatabaseRetries
Configuration file: UnitOfWork.DatabaseRetries
Servlet variables: <param-name>UnitOfWork.DatabaseRetries</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UnitOfWork/DatabaseRetries
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.api.DatabaseRetries
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.api.DatabaseRetries

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 45
  • integer Default: 18


The number of times to immediately retry (spin) the persist instead of pausing. This value should be less than or equal to the number of retries for it to make sense. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUnitOfWork.DatabaseSpin
Environment variable: UnitOfWork_DatabaseSpin
Configuration file: UnitOfWork.DatabaseSpin
Servlet variables: <param-name>UnitOfWork.DatabaseSpin</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UnitOfWork/DatabaseSpin
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.api.DatabaseSpin
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.api.DatabaseSpin

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 10
  • integer Default: 2


The maximum number of milliseconds to wait before the first non-spinning retry. The actual backoff time will be a random value between DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff and this (inclusive). (Subsequent retries grow in an exponential manner.) This setting is optional.

System property: -DUnitOfWork.DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff
Environment variable: UnitOfWork_DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff
Configuration file: UnitOfWork.DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff
Servlet variables: <param-name>UnitOfWork.DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UnitOfWork/DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.api.DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff converted from fromMillis
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.api.DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff converted from fromMillis

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0.01
  • Maximum: 0.250
  • duration Default: 0.05


The minimum number of milliseconds to wait before the first non-spinning retry. The actual backoff time will be a random value between this and DatabaseRetryMaxInitialBackoff. (Subsequent retries grow in an exponential manner.) This setting is optional.

System property: -DUnitOfWork.DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff
Environment variable: UnitOfWork_DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff
Configuration file: UnitOfWork.DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff
Servlet variables: <param-name>UnitOfWork.DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UnitOfWork/DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.api.DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff converted from fromMillis
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.api.DatabaseRetryMinInitialBackoff converted from fromMillis

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0.001
  • Maximum: 0.100
  • duration Default: 0.005


System configuration settings.


The basic identifier for the system. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSystem.Id
Environment variable: System_Id
Configuration file: System.Id
Servlet variables: <param-name>System.Id</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/System/Id

String configuration entry:

The default is automatically generated.


The Mail configurations


The default server to send mail through This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.Server
Environment variable: Mail_Server
Configuration file: Mail.Server
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.Server</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/Server
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.Server
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.Server

This entry takes a string.


The transport type to send mail This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DMail.Transport
Environment variable: Mail_Transport
Configuration file: Mail.Transport
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.Transport</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/Transport
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.Transport
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.Transport

Enum configuration entry:

  • smtp
  • smtps
  • enum Default: smtp


The server port to send mail through This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.Port
Environment variable: Mail_Port
Configuration file: Mail.Port
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.Port</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/Port
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.Port
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.Port

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 65535


The default email address to send mail from This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.From
Environment variable: Mail_From
Configuration file: Mail.From
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.From</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/From
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.From
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.From

This entry takes a string.


The default user to authenticate with the mail server This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.User
Environment variable: Mail_User
Configuration file: Mail.User
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.User</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/User
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.User
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.User

This entry takes a string.


The behavior for mails when attachment files are not found This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.AttachmentError
Environment variable: Mail_AttachmentError
Configuration file: Mail.AttachmentError
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.AttachmentError</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/AttachmentError
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.attachmentError
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.attachmentError

Enum configuration entry:

  • operatormessage
  • error
  • none
  • enum Default: operatormessage


The connection security that is allowed for the mail connection This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.ConnectionSecurity
Environment variable: Mail_ConnectionSecurity
Configuration file: Mail.ConnectionSecurity
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.ConnectionSecurity</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/ConnectionSecurity
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.connectionSecurity
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.connectionSecurity

Enum configuration entry:

  • none
  • starttls_optional
  • starttls_required
  • enum Default: starttls_optional


The base path on the server that mail attachments can be read from This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.AccessiblePath
Environment variable: Mail_AccessiblePath
Configuration file: Mail.AccessiblePath
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.AccessiblePath</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/AccessiblePath

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


Send email even if one of the recipients is invalid. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.SendPartial
Environment variable: Mail_SendPartial
Configuration file: Mail.SendPartial
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.SendPartial</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/SendPartial

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


The java mail properties for custom configuration options when sending mail This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail.JavaMail
Environment variable: Mail_JavaMail
Configuration file: Mail.JavaMail
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail.JavaMail</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail/JavaMail
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.mail.Properties
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.mail.Properties

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This entry takes a string.


The SMS configurations


The default server to send SMS through This setting is optional.

System property: -DMail2SMS.Server
Environment variable: Mail2SMS_Server
Configuration file: Mail2SMS.Server
Servlet variables: <param-name>Mail2SMS.Server</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Mail2SMS/Server
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.sms.Server
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.sms.Server

This entry takes a string.


System Security configuration options.


The HTTP Authentication Provider implementation for the system This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Auth
Environment variable: Security_Auth
Configuration file: Security.Auth
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Auth</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Auth
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security

This entry takes a string.


The port allocation method for Redwood Platform where the port is not configured. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Method
Environment variable: Security_Method
Configuration file: Security.Method
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Method</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Method

Enum configuration entry:

  • method
  • direct


The URL to use for the loopback login for authorizing shell and tool logins. There is a special value of localhttp for RedwoodPlatform which will calculate the port automatically. If this is not defined the default behaviour is to fall back to using the ContextURL. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.LoginURL
Environment variable: Security_LoginURL
Configuration file: Security.LoginURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.LoginURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/LoginURL
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.LoginURL
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.LoginURL

This entry takes a string.


The URL to use for the the context path for references to the Redwood Scheduling instance when accessing it remotely. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.ContextURL
Environment variable: Security_ContextURL
Configuration file: Security.ContextURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.ContextURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/ContextURL
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.ContextURL
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.ContextURL

This entry takes a string.


The URL to use for the the context path for agent initiated Platform Agent connections if the primary ContextURL cannot be accessed. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.FailoverContextURL
Environment variable: Security_FailoverContextURL
Configuration file: Security.FailoverContextURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.FailoverContextURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/FailoverContextURL

String configuration entry:


  • Default:


The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header that is set in the channel filter. The keys in the map contain the servlet path and the values contain the header that should be used. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.HttpFrameOptions
Environment variable: Security_HttpFrameOptions
Configuration file: Security.HttpFrameOptions
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.HttpFrameOptions</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/HttpFrameOptions
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.http.frame-options
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.http.frame-options

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This entry takes a string.


A map of policy values for the Content Security Policy. These values are concatenated to produce the Content-Security-Policy header for all responses. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.ContentSecurityPolicy
Environment variable: Security_ContentSecurityPolicy
Configuration file: Security.ContentSecurityPolicy
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.ContentSecurityPolicy</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/ContentSecurityPolicy

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


  • Default: { "default-src": ["'self'", "data:", "https://*.runmyjobs.cloud", "https://*.runmyfinance.cloud"], "img-src": ["'self'", "data:", "https://heapanalytics.com", "https://*.runmyjobs.cloud", "https://*.runmyfinance.cloud"], "script-src": ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", "'unsafe-eval'", "https://cdn.heapanalytics.com", "https://heapanalytics.com", "https://*.runmyjobs.cloud", "https://*.runmyfinance.cloud"], "style-src": ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", "https://heapanalytics.com", "https://*.runmyjobs.cloud", "https://*.runmyfinance.cloud"], "connect-src": ["'self'", "data:", "https://heapanalytics.com", "https://*.runmyjobs.cloud", "https://*.runmyfinance.cloud"], "font-src": ["'self'", "data:", "https://heapanalytics.com", "https://*.runmyjobs.cloud", "https://*.runmyfinance.cloud"] }


The configuration options for the REST Authentication Provider.


The URL of the REST provider to connect to. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.RESTAuth.URL
Environment variable: Security_RESTAuth_URL
Configuration file: Security.RESTAuth.URL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.RESTAuth.URL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/RESTAuth/URL

This entry takes a string.


The shared secret for the auth provider. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.RESTAuth.Secret
Environment variable: Security_RESTAuth_Secret
Configuration file: Security.RESTAuth.Secret
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.RESTAuth.Secret</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/RESTAuth/Secret

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords will cause a warning to be logged


Should we use the proxy configured for the scheduler? This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.RESTAuth.UseProxy
Environment variable: Security_RESTAuth_UseProxy
Configuration file: Security.RESTAuth.UseProxy
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.RESTAuth.UseProxy</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/RESTAuth/UseProxy

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Configuration for the maintenance mode user settings.


Value that indicates whether or not maintenance is ongoing This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.MaintenanceMode.Enabled
Environment variable: UI_MaintenanceMode_Enabled
Configuration file: UI.MaintenanceMode.Enabled
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.MaintenanceMode.Enabled</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/MaintenanceMode/Enabled

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


The message that will be shown to users when their login attempt is blocked This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.MaintenanceMode.Message
Environment variable: UI_MaintenanceMode_Message
Configuration file: UI.MaintenanceMode.Message
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.MaintenanceMode.Message</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/MaintenanceMode/Message

String configuration entry:


  • Default: @locale@:com.redwood.scheduler.jsp.login.MaintenanceModeDefaultText


Configuration for Custom Object Definitions


The list of roles to give grantor rights when a custom Object Definition is created. The privilege is always granted to 'scheduler-administrator', and the user that creates the Object Definition (unless the user is Redwood System, who inherits the privilege from the 'scheduler-administrator' role) This setting is optional.

System property: -DCustomObjectDefinition.AdditionalGrantorRoles
Environment variable: CustomObjectDefinition_AdditionalGrantorRoles
Configuration file: CustomObjectDefinition.AdditionalGrantorRoles
Servlet variables: <param-name>CustomObjectDefinition.AdditionalGrantorRoles</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/CustomObjectDefinition/AdditionalGrantorRoles

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


The Single Sign On configuration


The encoded key for scheme1 SSO authentication This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.Scheme1
Environment variable: Security_SSO_Scheme1
Configuration file: Security.SSO.Scheme1
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.Scheme1</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/Scheme1
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.sso.scheme1
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.sso.scheme1

This entry takes a string.


The encoded key for Restricted Scheduler Session SSO authentication This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.RSS
Environment variable: Security_SSO_RSS
Configuration file: Security.SSO.RSS
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.RSS</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/RSS
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.sso.rss
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.sso.rss

This entry takes a string.


The timeout as seconds for SSO Tokens before they expire This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.Timeout
Environment variable: Security_SSO_Timeout
Configuration file: Security.SSO.Timeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.Timeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/Timeout
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.sso.timeout
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.sso.timeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 120


The external address to redirect to that provides the SSO tokens. If NextURIParameter is set, it will be appented to this, unless redirecting upon logout. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.External
Environment variable: Security_SSO_External
Configuration file: Security.SSO.External
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.External</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/External
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.sso.external
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.sso.external

This entry takes a string.


The cookie configuration used by the scheme1 SSO implementation. This provides the name of the cookie and the secret key. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.Cookie
Environment variable: Security_SSO_Cookie
Configuration file: Security.SSO.Cookie
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.Cookie</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/Cookie
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.sso.scheme1.cookie
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.sso.scheme1.cookie

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This entry takes a string.


The additional login parameters for SSO solutions of external tools (iPhone, jTool, api-tool, BAE, PL/SQL, etc) This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.LoginParameters
Environment variable: Security_SSO_LoginParameters
Configuration file: Security.SSO.LoginParameters
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.LoginParameters</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/LoginParameters
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.AppendLoginParameters
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.AppendLoginParameters

This entry takes a string.


Redirect behaviour after logging out. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.LogoutRedirect
Environment variable: Security_SSO_LogoutRedirect
Configuration file: Security.SSO.LogoutRedirect
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.LogoutRedirect</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/LogoutRedirect

Enum configuration entry:

  • ToLogin
  • None
  • Custom


The custom URL to redirect to after logging out. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.CustomLogoutURL
Environment variable: Security_SSO_CustomLogoutURL
Configuration file: Security.SSO.CustomLogoutURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.CustomLogoutURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/CustomLogoutURL

This entry takes a string.


If this parameter is set, then it will be appended to the External configuration value, unless redirecting upon logout. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SSO.NextURIParameter
Environment variable: Security_SSO_NextURIParameter
Configuration file: Security.SSO.NextURIParameter
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SSO.NextURIParameter</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SSO/NextURIParameter

String configuration entry:


  • Default: nexturi


Configuration for the secure storage subsystem


The key to use when encrypting/decrypting the secure storage values. If this is changed, old encrypted values cannot be decrypted. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SecureStorageEncryption.Key
Environment variable: Security_SecureStorageEncryption_Key
Configuration file: Security.SecureStorageEncryption.Key
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SecureStorageEncryption.Key</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SecureStorageEncryption/Key
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.securestorageencryption.key
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.securestorageencryption.key

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords are stored


What algorithm is used by SecureStorage. Note that this cannot be overridden, this is set internally. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SecureStorageEncryption.Algorithm
Environment variable: Security_SecureStorageEncryption_Algorithm
Configuration file: Security.SecureStorageEncryption.Algorithm
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SecureStorageEncryption.Algorithm</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SecureStorageEncryption/Algorithm
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.securestorageencryption.algorithm
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.securestorageencryption.algorithm

This entry takes a string.


Universally Unique iDentifier. Changing this will invalidate all existing keys in your system. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.SecureStorageEncryption.UUID
Environment variable: Security_SecureStorageEncryption_UUID
Configuration file: Security.SecureStorageEncryption.UUID
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.SecureStorageEncryption.UUID</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/SecureStorageEncryption/UUID
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.securestorageencryption.uuid
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.securestorageencryption.uuid

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords are stored


The HTTP Session configuration options


The timeout in for HTTP sessions. If specified, this must be longer than 1 minute in duration. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Session.Timeout
Environment variable: Security_Session_Timeout
Configuration file: Security.Session.Timeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Session.Timeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Session/Timeout
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.sessiontimeout converted from fromMinutes
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.sessiontimeout converted from fromMinutes

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 60


Additional scheduling configuration


The restart delay that is used if no max restarts is specified. This setting is optional.

System property: -DScheduling.DelayForUnlimitedRestarts
Environment variable: Scheduling_DelayForUnlimitedRestarts
Configuration file: Scheduling.DelayForUnlimitedRestarts
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduling.DelayForUnlimitedRestarts</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduling/DelayForUnlimitedRestarts

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • duration Default: 15s


The default value for the field JobDefinition.overdueStatus (the status that will be applied if a job is overdue). This setting is optional.

System property: -DScheduling.DefaultStatusForOverdue
Environment variable: Scheduling_DefaultStatusForOverdue
Configuration file: Scheduling.DefaultStatusForOverdue
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduling.DefaultStatusForOverdue</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduling/DefaultStatusForOverdue

Enum configuration entry:

  • Scheduled
  • Overdue
  • Canceling
  • Held
  • enum Default: Overdue


The default maximum number of Job (and JobChain) restarts that is used if no max restarts is specified. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DScheduling.DefaultJobDefinitionRestartLimit
Environment variable: Scheduling_DefaultJobDefinitionRestartLimit
Configuration file: Scheduling.DefaultJobDefinitionRestartLimit
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduling.DefaultJobDefinitionRestartLimit</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduling/DefaultJobDefinitionRestartLimit

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • integer Default: 100


The default maximum number of JobChainStep restarts that is used if no max restarts is specified. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DScheduling.DefaultStepRestartLimit
Environment variable: Scheduling_DefaultStepRestartLimit
Configuration file: Scheduling.DefaultStepRestartLimit
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduling.DefaultStepRestartLimit</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduling/DefaultStepRestartLimit

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • integer Default: 100


Options for compiling and running Redwood Script


Additional options to be passed into the compiler when compiling RedwoodScript This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.CompilerOptions
Environment variable: JavaToolkit_RedwoodScript_CompilerOptions
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.CompilerOptions
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.CompilerOptions</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit/RedwoodScript/CompilerOptions
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.javatoolkit.CompilerOptions
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.javatoolkit.CompilerOptions

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This entry takes a string.


Class name that the generated Stub should extend This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.StubParentClass
Environment variable: JavaToolkit_RedwoodScript_StubParentClass
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.StubParentClass
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.StubParentClass</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit/RedwoodScript/StubParentClass
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.javatoolkit.StubParentClass
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.javatoolkit.StubParentClass

This entry takes a string.


What is the source version for compiling RedwoodScript This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.SourceVersion
Environment variable: JavaToolkit_RedwoodScript_SourceVersion
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.SourceVersion
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.SourceVersion</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit/RedwoodScript/SourceVersion
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.javatoolkit.SourceVersion converted from ignoreNone
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.javatoolkit.SourceVersion converted from ignoreNone

String configuration entry:


  • Default: 1.8


What is the target version for compiling RedwoodScript This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.TargetVersion
Environment variable: JavaToolkit_RedwoodScript_TargetVersion
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.TargetVersion
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.TargetVersion</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit/RedwoodScript/TargetVersion
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.javatoolkit.TargetVersion converted from ignoreNone
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.javatoolkit.TargetVersion converted from ignoreNone

String configuration entry:


  • Default: 1.8


Should System.exec() be prevented from RedwoodScript This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.DisableRuntimeExec
Environment variable: JavaToolkit_RedwoodScript_DisableRuntimeExec
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.DisableRuntimeExec
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.DisableRuntimeExec</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit/RedwoodScript/DisableRuntimeExec
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.javatoolkit.disableRuntimeExec
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.javatoolkit.disableRuntimeExec

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


The maximum number of entries in the RedwoodScript hash cache. This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.HashCacheSize
Environment variable: JavaToolkit_RedwoodScript_HashCacheSize
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.HashCacheSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.HashCacheSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit/RedwoodScript/HashCacheSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 2147483647
  • integer Default: 1000


Configuration options for Job Chains


If a job chain loops, or does a backwards goto causing a new step to be created, should the Ignored status from the previous instance of the step be copied? This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DScheduler.JobChain.CopyIgnoredStatusWhenLooping
Environment variable: Scheduler_JobChain_CopyIgnoredStatusWhenLooping
Configuration file: Scheduler.JobChain.CopyIgnoredStatusWhenLooping
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.JobChain.CopyIgnoredStatusWhenLooping</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/JobChain/CopyIgnoredStatusWhenLooping
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.jcs.propagateOldStepsStatus converted from falseIfEntryExists
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.jcs.propagateOldStepsStatus converted from falseIfEntryExists

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


Should the final status of the chain reflect the status of the last executed step (true), or the status of the last step in the chain (false). This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DScheduler.JobChain.UseLastExecutedStepStatus
Environment variable: Scheduler_JobChain_UseLastExecutedStepStatus
Configuration file: Scheduler.JobChain.UseLastExecutedStepStatus
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.JobChain.UseLastExecutedStepStatus</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/JobChain/UseLastExecutedStepStatus
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.jcs.jobchain.useLastExecutedStepStatus
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.jcs.jobchain.useLastExecutedStepStatus

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


How should messages from the chain engine be generated? This specifies what sort of objects to create to track chain errors. This setting is optional.

System property: -DScheduler.JobChain.ObjectTypeToUseForMessages
Environment variable: Scheduler_JobChain_ObjectTypeToUseForMessages
Configuration file: Scheduler.JobChain.ObjectTypeToUseForMessages
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.JobChain.ObjectTypeToUseForMessages</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/JobChain/ObjectTypeToUseForMessages
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.jcs.JobChainMessageLocation
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.jcs.JobChainMessageLocation

Enum configuration entry:

  • OperatorMessage
  • JobNote
  • enum Default: JobNote


When the user is given an option to restart a chain, which version should be chosen? If nothing is specified, the user will be able to choose. This setting is optional.

System property: -DScheduler.JobChain.RestartVersion
Environment variable: Scheduler_JobChain_RestartVersion
Configuration file: Scheduler.JobChain.RestartVersion
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.JobChain.RestartVersion</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/JobChain/RestartVersion
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.jcs.jobchain.RestartVersion
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.jcs.jobchain.RestartVersion

Enum configuration entry:

  • currentVersion
  • latestVersion


All of the options required to configure an agent core


The dispatcher thread priority; A Redwood Server restart is required for a change to this setting to take effect. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCore.DispatcherPriority
Environment variable: Core_DispatcherPriority
Configuration file: Core.DispatcherPriority
Servlet variables: <param-name>Core.DispatcherPriority</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Core/DispatcherPriority
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.jcs.dispatcher.ThreadPriority
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.jcs.dispatcher.ThreadPriority

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 10
  • integer Default: 8


The maximum number of jobs that will be assigned to a process server at a time. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCore.MaxAllocatedJobs
Environment variable: Core_MaxAllocatedJobs
Configuration file: Core.MaxAllocatedJobs
Servlet variables: <param-name>Core.MaxAllocatedJobs</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Core/MaxAllocatedJobs

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • integer Default: 20


The number of seconds between updating the runtime values for Queues and ProcessServers in the Monitor tree. Note that this cannot be less than the default. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCore.MonitorUpdateInterval
Environment variable: Core_MonitorUpdateInterval
Configuration file: Core.MonitorUpdateInterval
Servlet variables: <param-name>Core.MonitorUpdateInterval</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Core/MonitorUpdateInterval

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 30
  • duration Default: 30


A list of prefixes that can not be used for process definitions. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCore.RestrictedDefinitionNames
Environment variable: Core_RestrictedDefinitionNames
Configuration file: Core.RestrictedDefinitionNames
Servlet variables: <param-name>Core.RestrictedDefinitionNames</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Core/RestrictedDefinitionNames

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This entry takes a string.


Location for store JobFiles and logs, if value isn't set it uses InstallDirectory by default. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCore.SystemDataRootDirectory
Environment variable: Core_SystemDataRootDirectory
Configuration file: Core.SystemDataRootDirectory
Servlet variables: <param-name>Core.SystemDataRootDirectory</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Core/SystemDataRootDirectory

String configuration entry:


  • Default: ${InstallDirectory}


Option group for holding upload configuration.


Location for store Uploaded files, if value isn't set it uses InstallDirectory by default. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUpload.UploadedFilesPath
Environment variable: Upload_UploadedFilesPath
Configuration file: Upload.UploadedFilesPath
Servlet variables: <param-name>Upload.UploadedFilesPath</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Upload/UploadedFilesPath

This entry takes a string.


Configuration for Document management features


Allow storing raw HTML in documents, without putting in the ";render=raw" comment in the HTML file. This setting is optional.

System property: -DScheduler.Document.AllowRawHtml
Environment variable: Scheduler_Document_AllowRawHtml
Configuration file: Scheduler.Document.AllowRawHtml
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.Document.AllowRawHtml</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/Document/AllowRawHtml

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


The number of lines (1000 bytes in length) to buffer in memory when streaming Document data. This setting is optional.

System property: -DScheduler.Document.StreamBufferLineSize
Environment variable: Scheduler_Document_StreamBufferLineSize
Configuration file: Scheduler.Document.StreamBufferLineSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.Document.StreamBufferLineSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/Document/StreamBufferLineSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 10


Configuration options for recurrences


The default value to use for the presubmit count. This is also used in the submit wizard. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DScheduler.Recurrence.DefaultPreSubmit
Environment variable: Scheduler_Recurrence_DefaultPreSubmit
Configuration file: Scheduler.Recurrence.DefaultPreSubmit
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.Recurrence.DefaultPreSubmit</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/Recurrence/DefaultPreSubmit
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.jcs.recurrence.DefaultPreSubmit
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.jcs.recurrence.DefaultPreSubmit

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • integer Default: 1


The maximum number of pre-submitted jobs that can be submitted in a recurrence. If a value larger than this is specified, it will be capped to this value. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DScheduler.Recurrence.MaximumPreSubmit
Environment variable: Scheduler_Recurrence_MaximumPreSubmit
Configuration file: Scheduler.Recurrence.MaximumPreSubmit
Servlet variables: <param-name>Scheduler.Recurrence.MaximumPreSubmit</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Scheduler/Recurrence/MaximumPreSubmit
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.jcs.recurrence.MaximumPreSubmit
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.jcs.recurrence.MaximumPreSubmit

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • integer Default: 50


The location of files and directories on the Redwood Platform


Options to configure the cluster module.


How old should the lock be before we try to break it. This setting is optional.

System property: -DClustering.lockTimeoutThreshold
Environment variable: Clustering_lockTimeoutThreshold
Configuration file: Clustering.lockTimeoutThreshold
Servlet variables: <param-name>Clustering.lockTimeoutThreshold</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Clustering/lockTimeoutThreshold

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 15s
  • Maximum: 24d
  • duration Default: 300s


Options to configure the configuration module.


JSON string defining additional back ends. This setting is optional.

System property: -DConfiguration.CustomBackends
Environment variable: Configuration_CustomBackends
Configuration file: Configuration.CustomBackends
Servlet variables: <param-name>Configuration.CustomBackends</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Configuration/CustomBackends

This entry takes a string.


Monitoring Dashboard Custom Health Settings


Indicates whether custom query filters are enabled. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoringDashboard.CustomHealth.Enabled
Environment variable: MonitoringDashboard_CustomHealth_Enabled
Configuration file: MonitoringDashboard.CustomHealth.Enabled
Servlet variables: <param-name>MonitoringDashboard.CustomHealth.Enabled</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/MonitoringDashboard/CustomHealth/Enabled

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Settings for query filters


The threshold for the 'Delayed in remote system' query filter; only processes that are delayed longer than this period are taken into account. This setting is optional.

System property: -DQueryFilter.JobsDelayedInRemoteSystem
Environment variable: QueryFilter_JobsDelayedInRemoteSystem
Configuration file: QueryFilter.JobsDelayedInRemoteSystem
Servlet variables: <param-name>QueryFilter.JobsDelayedInRemoteSystem</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/QueryFilter/JobsDelayedInRemoteSystem

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 1d
  • duration Default: 60s


Configuration options for Cronacle Library


Name of the environment. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCronacleLibrary.EnvironmentName
Environment variable: CronacleLibrary_EnvironmentName
Configuration file: CronacleLibrary.EnvironmentName
Servlet variables: <param-name>CronacleLibrary.EnvironmentName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/CronacleLibrary/EnvironmentName

This entry takes a string.


The time between each update cycle. Increasing this value reduces load on the server, but increases the risk on loosing more data in case of server crash.


The minimum poll interval when the system is busy. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCustomJob.PollInterval.Min
Environment variable: CustomJob_PollInterval_Min
Configuration file: CustomJob.PollInterval.Min
Servlet variables: <param-name>CustomJob.PollInterval.Min</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/CustomJob/PollInterval/Min

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 10s
  • duration Default: 10s


The maximum poll interval if the system is not busy. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCustomJob.PollInterval.Max
Environment variable: CustomJob_PollInterval_Max
Configuration file: CustomJob.PollInterval.Max
Servlet variables: <param-name>CustomJob.PollInterval.Max</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/CustomJob/PollInterval/Max

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 120s
  • duration Default: 120s


Increase number of seconds for the poll interval of the Custom job synchronizer when the system is idle. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCustomJob.PollInterval.Increment
Environment variable: CustomJob_PollInterval_Increment
Configuration file: CustomJob.PollInterval.Increment
Servlet variables: <param-name>CustomJob.PollInterval.Increment</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/CustomJob/PollInterval/Increment

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 5s
  • duration Default: 5s


Decrease number of seconds for the poll interval of the Custom job synchronizer when the system is busy. This setting is optional.

System property: -DCustomJob.PollInterval.Decrement
Environment variable: CustomJob_PollInterval_Decrement
Configuration file: CustomJob.PollInterval.Decrement
Servlet variables: <param-name>CustomJob.PollInterval.Decrement</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/CustomJob/PollInterval/Decrement

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 10s
  • duration Default: 60s


Billing configurations


The server to contact to submit billing data. This setting is optional.

System property: -DBilling.ServerURL
Environment variable: Billing_ServerURL
Configuration file: Billing.ServerURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Billing.ServerURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Billing/ServerURL

String configuration entry:


  • Default: https://billing.runmyjobs.cloud


Flag if it is possible to send collected usage data via email as the alternative option. This setting is optional.

System property: -DBilling.allowEmail
Environment variable: Billing_allowEmail
Configuration file: Billing.allowEmail
Servlet variables: <param-name>Billing.allowEmail</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Billing/allowEmail

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Address to send collected usage data via email. This setting is optional.

System property: -DBilling.emailAddress
Environment variable: Billing_emailAddress
Configuration file: Billing.emailAddress
Servlet variables: <param-name>Billing.emailAddress</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Billing/emailAddress

This entry takes a string.


History configurations


The length of time to keep jobs - this is rounded to the nearest day. This setting is optional.

System property: -DHistory.JobHistory
Environment variable: History_JobHistory
Configuration file: History.JobHistory
Servlet variables: <param-name>History.JobHistory</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/History/JobHistory
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.history.jobhistory converted from fromDays
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.history.jobhistory converted from fromDays

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 365d


The offset that is used in the job System_DeleteJobFiles to clean up the system log directory; if set, files older than the current timestamp minus this offset are deleted. This setting is optional.

System property: -DHistory.CleanUpSystemLogDirectoryRange
Environment variable: History_CleanUpSystemLogDirectoryRange
Configuration file: History.CleanUpSystemLogDirectoryRange
Servlet variables: <param-name>History.CleanUpSystemLogDirectoryRange</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/History/CleanUpSystemLogDirectoryRange

Period onfiguration entry:

  • Minimum: P1D
  • Maximum: P1Y


Options for configuring the monitoring. If this group is disabled, all monitoring will be disabled.


The time between each update cycle. Increasing this value reduces load on the server, but increases the risk on loosing more data in case of server crash. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoring.RefreshInterval
Environment variable: Monitoring_RefreshInterval
Configuration file: Monitoring.RefreshInterval
Servlet variables: <param-name>Monitoring.RefreshInterval</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Monitoring/RefreshInterval
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.monitoring.refreshinterval
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.monitoring.refreshinterval

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 10
  • duration Default: 30


Should JMX information be published. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoring.JMXEnabled
Environment variable: Monitoring_JMXEnabled
Configuration file: Monitoring.JMXEnabled
Servlet variables: <param-name>Monitoring.JMXEnabled</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Monitoring/JMXEnabled
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.monitoring.jmx
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.monitoring.jmx

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Interval between publishing JMX information. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoring.JMXTimeout
Environment variable: Monitoring_JMXTimeout
Configuration file: Monitoring.JMXTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>Monitoring.JMXTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Monitoring/JMXTimeout
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.monitoring.jmxtimeout
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.monitoring.jmxtimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 30
  • duration Default: 60


Interval between calculating load. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoring.LoadTimeout
Environment variable: Monitoring_LoadTimeout
Configuration file: Monitoring.LoadTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>Monitoring.LoadTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Monitoring/LoadTimeout
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.monitoring.loadtimeout
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.monitoring.loadtimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 5
  • duration Default: 15


The value to use for the Load when the Process Server can not be contacted or does not return a value. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoring.LoadDefault
Environment variable: Monitoring_LoadDefault
Configuration file: Monitoring.LoadDefault
Servlet variables: <param-name>Monitoring.LoadDefault</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Monitoring/LoadDefault
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.monitoring.loaddefault
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.monitoring.loaddefault

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 100


This is a , separated list of prefixes that will be used to filter out tables from being added to the monitor tree for monitoring. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoring.TablesExcludePrefix
Environment variable: Monitoring_TablesExcludePrefix
Configuration file: Monitoring.TablesExcludePrefix
Servlet variables: <param-name>Monitoring.TablesExcludePrefix</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Monitoring/TablesExcludePrefix
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.monitoring.sap.tables.excludePrefix
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.monitoring.sap.tables.excludePrefix

This entry takes a string.


Defines how entries in the monitor tree should be separated. This setting is optional.

System property: -DMonitoring.RootPathNaming
Environment variable: Monitoring_RootPathNaming
Configuration file: Monitoring.RootPathNaming
Servlet variables: <param-name>Monitoring.RootPathNaming</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Monitoring/RootPathNaming
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.monitoring.MonitorRootPath
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.monitoring.MonitorRootPath

Enum configuration entry:

  • PartitionColonNonGlobal
  • PartitionColonAlways
  • PartitionPathAlways
  • enum Default: PartitionColonNonGlobal


Options for configuring when a warning should be shown because of poor retention configuration.


Amount of rows in a table to trigger a retention warning if retention is not properly configured. This setting is optional.

System property: -DRetentionWarning.Count
Environment variable: RetentionWarning_Count
Configuration file: RetentionWarning.Count
Servlet variables: <param-name>RetentionWarning.Count</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/RetentionWarning/Count
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.retention.warning.count
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.retention.warning.count

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 10000000
  • integer Default: 100000


Amount of rows that can get added per day before a warning is shown if retention is not configured properly. This setting is optional.

System property: -DRetentionWarning.Delta
Environment variable: RetentionWarning_Delta
Configuration file: RetentionWarning.Delta
Servlet variables: <param-name>RetentionWarning.Delta</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/RetentionWarning/Delta
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.retention.warning.delta
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.retention.warning.delta

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 1000000
  • integer Default: 100000


Ration (in percent) of Process Definitions that have retention defined versus not defined before a warning is shown if retention is not configured properly. This setting is optional.

System property: -DRetentionWarning.Ratio
Environment variable: RetentionWarning_Ratio
Configuration file: RetentionWarning.Ratio
Servlet variables: <param-name>RetentionWarning.Ratio</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/RetentionWarning/Ratio
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.retention.warning.ratio
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.retention.warning.ratio

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 80
  • Maximum: 100
  • integer Default: 80


Options for configuring the support servlet.


Configuration for the system jobs.


The maximum size of the zip created by System_CollectJobOutput. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSystemJob.CollectJobOutputMaxSize
Environment variable: SystemJob_CollectJobOutputMaxSize
Configuration file: SystemJob.CollectJobOutputMaxSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>SystemJob.CollectJobOutputMaxSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SystemJob/CollectJobOutputMaxSize

Filesize configuration entry:


  • Default: 1GB


The threshold used in System_MonitorTables to check if the table growth should be taken into account; only tables with more than this number of rows are included in the output. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSystemJob.MonitorTablesThreshold
Environment variable: SystemJob_MonitorTablesThreshold
Configuration file: SystemJob.MonitorTablesThreshold
Servlet variables: <param-name>SystemJob.MonitorTablesThreshold</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SystemJob/MonitorTablesThreshold

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 100
  • Maximum: 1000000
  • integer Default: 10000


Configuration for the schema initialization at start up.


Checks if the system may upgrade at startup. If so, it generates the DDL changes and applies them. If not, it checks that no DDL changes are needed (if changes are needed, startup will fail). This setting is optional.

System property: -DSchemaInitialization.UpgradeOnStartup
Environment variable: SchemaInitialization_UpgradeOnStartup
Configuration file: SchemaInitialization.UpgradeOnStartup
Servlet variables: <param-name>SchemaInitialization.UpgradeOnStartup</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SchemaInitialization/UpgradeOnStartup
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.selfupgrade
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.selfupgrade

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Profiling configuration


Default retention for operator messages, time after they will be deleted by default


Duration amount of operator messages retention This setting is optional.

System property: -DDefaultRetentionForOperatorMessages.RetentionDuration
Environment variable: DefaultRetentionForOperatorMessages_RetentionDuration
Configuration file: DefaultRetentionForOperatorMessages.RetentionDuration
Servlet variables: <param-name>DefaultRetentionForOperatorMessages.RetentionDuration</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DefaultRetentionForOperatorMessages/RetentionDuration

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 91D


Default job retention options, used in process keep clauses to clean up jobs older than a specified value based on a forecast of run frequency


Retention period for ad hoc jobs, which are jobs without a job group This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DDefaultJobRetention.AdHoc
Environment variable: DefaultJobRetention_AdHoc
Configuration file: DefaultJobRetention.AdHoc
Servlet variables: <param-name>DefaultJobRetention.AdHoc</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DefaultJobRetention/AdHoc

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 183D


Default retention periods for job running up to X time per year This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DDefaultJobRetention.Ranges
Environment variable: DefaultJobRetention_Ranges
Configuration file: DefaultJobRetention.Ranges
Servlet variables: <param-name>DefaultJobRetention.Ranges</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DefaultJobRetention/Ranges

Map configuration entry:


Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 99999


Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0


  • Default: { "5": "1096D", "25": "91D", "750": "31D", "3000": "10D" }


Number of jobs to keep that are not part of the jobs in ExceedStatusList This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DDefaultJobRetention.ExceedExecutions
Environment variable: DefaultJobRetention_ExceedExecutions
Configuration file: DefaultJobRetention.ExceedExecutions
Servlet variables: <param-name>DefaultJobRetention.ExceedExecutions</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DefaultJobRetention/ExceedExecutions

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 100


List of status for jobs to keep for a duration specified by ExceedStatusDuration This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DDefaultJobRetention.ExceedStatusList
Environment variable: DefaultJobRetention_ExceedStatusList
Configuration file: DefaultJobRetention.ExceedStatusList
Servlet variables: <param-name>DefaultJobRetention.ExceedStatusList</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DefaultJobRetention/ExceedStatusList

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


  • Default: ["E", "K", "U"]


Duration of how long to keep the jobs that are in this status This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DDefaultJobRetention.ExceedStatusDuration
Environment variable: DefaultJobRetention_ExceedStatusDuration
Configuration file: DefaultJobRetention.ExceedStatusDuration
Servlet variables: <param-name>DefaultJobRetention.ExceedStatusDuration</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DefaultJobRetention/ExceedStatusDuration

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 10D


Options for the external configuration project


The (base) URL of the etcd cluster. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DEtcd.URL
Environment variable: Etcd_URL
Configuration file: Etcd.URL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Etcd.URL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Etcd/URL

This entry takes a string.


The username for fetching the auth token. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DEtcd.Username
Environment variable: Etcd_Username
Configuration file: Etcd.Username
Servlet variables: <param-name>Etcd.Username</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Etcd/Username

This entry takes a string.


The password for fetching the auth token. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DEtcd.Password
Environment variable: Etcd_Password
Configuration file: Etcd.Password
Servlet variables: <param-name>Etcd.Password</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Etcd/Password

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords will cause a warning to be logged


The duration that should be waited before attempting to reconnect after the watch connection to etcd fails. This setting is optional.

System property: -DEtcd.ReconnectBackoffDuration
Environment variable: Etcd_ReconnectBackoffDuration
Configuration file: Etcd.ReconnectBackoffDuration
Servlet variables: <param-name>Etcd.ReconnectBackoffDuration</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Etcd/ReconnectBackoffDuration

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • duration Default: 30s


A map of backends with the key being the backend name and the value a colon seperated pair containing the priority and the namespace. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DEtcd.ConfigurationBackends
Environment variable: Etcd_ConfigurationBackends
Configuration file: Etcd.ConfigurationBackends
Servlet variables: <param-name>Etcd.ConfigurationBackends</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Etcd/ConfigurationBackends

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This entry takes a string.


Options for configuring the Import of objects via CAR files.


When a system is in LockDown, it does not allow arbitrary imports of CAR files, but only from approved servers defined in Remote Systems. This setting is optional.

System property: -DImporting.lockDown
Environment variable: Importing_lockDown
Configuration file: Importing.lockDown
Servlet variables: <param-name>Importing.lockDown</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Importing/lockDown
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.import.LockDown
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.import.LockDown

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Defines that the import of a CAR file should be done as the provided user instead of the user who submits the import job. This setting is optional.

System property: -DImporting.RunAsUser
Environment variable: Importing_RunAsUser
Configuration file: Importing.RunAsUser
Servlet variables: <param-name>Importing.RunAsUser</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Importing/RunAsUser
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.import.RunAsUser
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.import.RunAsUser

This entry takes a string.


Is import allowed from a file that is present on the server. This setting is optional.

System property: -DImporting.DisableFileOnServer
Environment variable: Importing_DisableFileOnServer
Configuration file: Importing.DisableFileOnServer
Servlet variables: <param-name>Importing.DisableFileOnServer</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Importing/DisableFileOnServer
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.import.ImportArchiveSettings.disableFileOnServer
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.import.ImportArchiveSettings.disableFileOnServer

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


By default, catalog cars will be imported only when an older version of the car is already installed. When a newer, or equal version is already installed, the car import is skipped. Note this value can be overridden at import time via the parameter of the import process. This setting is optional.

System property: -DImporting.CatalogObjectImportRule
Environment variable: Importing_CatalogObjectImportRule
Configuration file: Importing.CatalogObjectImportRule
Servlet variables: <param-name>Importing.CatalogObjectImportRule</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Importing/CatalogObjectImportRule

Enum configuration entry:

  • Absent
  • Newer
  • All
  • enum Default: Newer


Options for configuring the Export of objects via CAR files.


The Secure Gateway is a VPN implementation that allows safe operation of networking operations taking place in our cloud servers. It works by forwarding all customer instigated traffic to the customer network.


The Context URL for the secure gateway This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.ContextURL
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_ContextURL
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.ContextURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.ContextURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/ContextURL

This entry takes a string.


If the ContextURL is not defined, then the context path is added to the security.contexturl. This should not contain any leading slash. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.ContextPath
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_ContextPath
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.ContextPath
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.ContextPath</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/ContextPath

String configuration entry:


  • Default: securegateway


The offset to use from the Server Port This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.ListenerPortOffset
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_ListenerPortOffset
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.ListenerPortOffset
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.ListenerPortOffset</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/ListenerPortOffset

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 8


The offset from the ListenerPort to use for the Forward Port This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.ForwardPortOffset
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_ForwardPortOffset
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.ForwardPortOffset
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.ForwardPortOffset</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/ForwardPortOffset

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 1


The duration to wait before restarting proxy processor if there is an error to avoid spinning the startup. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.RestartTimeout
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_RestartTimeout
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.RestartTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.RestartTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/RestartTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 60


The ServerNameIdentifier to enforce use of when connecting to the server. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.ServerNameIdentifier
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_ServerNameIdentifier
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.ServerNameIdentifier
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.ServerNameIdentifier</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/ServerNameIdentifier

This entry takes a string.


The server listener port configurations. The key is the business key of the platform agent. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Servers
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_Servers
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Servers
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Servers</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/Servers
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.gateway.servers
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.gateway.servers

Map configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This entry takes a string.


The Access Control List. The key is always the number for processing order, the value is the rule. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.ACL
Environment variable: Security_Gateway_ACL
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.ACL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.ACL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/Gateway/ACL

Map configuration entry:


Integer configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


Do we need alerting when the Secure Gateway is down. When the Proxy-Processor returns the process in Java a check is done to see if any of the Secure Gateway Candidates are configured. If not the Alert is sent.


The Alert url to send the alert to. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.AlertUrl
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_AlertUrl
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertUrl
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertUrl</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/AlertUrl

This entry takes a string.


The Alert API Token to send with the request in the X-API-TOKEN header. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.AlertAPIToken
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_AlertAPIToken
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertAPIToken
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertAPIToken</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/AlertAPIToken

This entry takes a string.


Do we need to inform the customer when the Secure Gateway is down? This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.InformOnDown
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_InformOnDown
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.InformOnDown
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.InformOnDown</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/InformOnDown

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


The Header that is sent in the alert when the Secure Gateway is down. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.AlertHeaderOnDown
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_AlertHeaderOnDown
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertHeaderOnDown
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertHeaderOnDown</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/AlertHeaderOnDown

String configuration entry:


  • Default: Secure Gateway down


The body that is sent to the customer when the alert is sent when the Secure gateway is down. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.AlertBodyOnDown
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_AlertBodyOnDown
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertBodyOnDown
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertBodyOnDown</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/AlertBodyOnDown

String configuration entry:


  • Default: Secure Gateway down


Do we need to inform the customer when the Secure Gateway is up again? This message will only be send if the Secure Gateway went down unexpected. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.InformOnUp
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_InformOnUp
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.InformOnUp
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.InformOnUp</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/InformOnUp

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


The Header that is sent in the alert when the Secure Gateway is up again. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.AlertHeaderOnUp
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_AlertHeaderOnUp
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertHeaderOnUp
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertHeaderOnUp</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/AlertHeaderOnUp

String configuration entry:


  • Default: Secure Gateway is up again


The body that is sent to the customer when the alert is sent when the Secure Gateway is up again. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DSecurity.Gateway.Alert.AlertBodyOnUp
Environment variable: Security.Gateway_Alert_AlertBodyOnUp
Configuration file: Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertBodyOnUp
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.Gateway.Alert.AlertBodyOnUp</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security.Gateway/Alert/AlertBodyOnUp

String configuration entry:


  • Default: Secure Gateway is up and running again


The server side configuration settings for the PlatformAgent


Get the random value used to authenticate server installations that want to register a process server. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.InstallationKey
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_InstallationKey
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.InstallationKey
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.InstallationKey</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/InstallationKey
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.platformagent.key
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.platformagent.key

This entry takes a string.


The installation process is simplified and automatic values are supplied. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.SimplifiedInstallation
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_SimplifiedInstallation
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.SimplifiedInstallation
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.SimplifiedInstallation</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/SimplifiedInstallation
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.platformagent.simplifiedinstallation
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.platformagent.simplifiedinstallation

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Platform Agent installers are agent initiated. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.AgentInitiated
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_AgentInitiated
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.AgentInitiated
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.AgentInitiated</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/AgentInitiated
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.platformagent.agentinitiatedonly
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.platformagent.agentinitiatedonly

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


The comma separated list of roles that This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.AgentInitiatedRoles
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_AgentInitiatedRoles
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.AgentInitiatedRoles
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.AgentInitiatedRoles</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/AgentInitiatedRoles
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.platformagent.agentinitiatedonly converted from trueOrList
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.platformagent.agentinitiatedonly converted from trueOrList

This entry takes a string.


The default queues to associate a newly register Platform Agent with. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.DefaultQueueList
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_DefaultQueueList
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.DefaultQueueList
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.DefaultQueueList</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/DefaultQueueList
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.PlatformAgentRegistration.QueueList
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.PlatformAgentRegistration.QueueList

String configuration entry:


  • Default: System


The default timezone to use when registering a platform agent if it isn't provided. If this is not set then the system default timezone is used. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.DefaultTimeZone
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_DefaultTimeZone
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.DefaultTimeZone
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.DefaultTimeZone</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/DefaultTimeZone
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.PlatformAgentRegistration.TimeZone
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.PlatformAgentRegistration.TimeZone

This entry takes a string.


Whether the default CMD runs as 32 or as 64 bit process on a 64 bit server. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.WindowsLocalInterpreterBits
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_WindowsLocalInterpreterBits
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.WindowsLocalInterpreterBits
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.WindowsLocalInterpreterBits</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/WindowsLocalInterpreterBits
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.PlatformAgent.Windows.LocalInterpreterBits
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.PlatformAgent.Windows.LocalInterpreterBits

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 32


During registration of ServerInitiated agents or connect of AgentInitiated agents the IP addresses are added to RemoteHostNameWhitelist and used as fallback for connection (SI mode) or as validator for the current allowed list of hosts that can connect (AI mode). Set this to true in an environment where IP addresses are dynamic in nature. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.DynamicIPAddresses
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_DynamicIPAddresses
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.DynamicIPAddresses
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.DynamicIPAddresses</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/DynamicIPAddresses

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


How many times the system attempts auto-update before stopping the process server. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.MaxUpdateAttempts
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_MaxUpdateAttempts
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.MaxUpdateAttempts
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.MaxUpdateAttempts</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/MaxUpdateAttempts

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 5


How many times the system attempts auto-update via retrieval by URL before stopping the process server. Downloading via an URL saves a lot of server side memory so it is more efficient, especially when there are many platform agents. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPlatformAgent.MaxUpdateViaURLAttempts
Environment variable: PlatformAgent_MaxUpdateViaURLAttempts
Configuration file: PlatformAgent.MaxUpdateViaURLAttempts
Servlet variables: <param-name>PlatformAgent.MaxUpdateViaURLAttempts</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PlatformAgent/MaxUpdateViaURLAttempts

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 2


Model Listener is a feature that allows Extension Points to be kept up-to-date (to listen) about changes in the database (the model). These are the option to configure it.


Do or do not keep suitable Extension Points up-to-date about database changes. This setting is optional.

System property: -DModelListener.Enabled
Environment variable: ModelListener_Enabled
Configuration file: ModelListener.Enabled
Servlet variables: <param-name>ModelListener.Enabled</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/ModelListener/Enabled

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Maximum number of messages that we can hold in memory. If more messages than this are created before being handled, then the system will fall back to a slower mode of operation. It will revert to the faster mode of operation once this backlog is cleared. This setting is optional.

System property: -DModelListener.QueueCapacity
Environment variable: ModelListener_QueueCapacity
Configuration file: ModelListener.QueueCapacity
Servlet variables: <param-name>ModelListener.QueueCapacity</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/ModelListener/QueueCapacity

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • integer Default: 3000


The number of messages that we load in one go from slow storage for processing. This setting is optional.

System property: -DModelListener.BatchSize
Environment variable: ModelListener_BatchSize
Configuration file: ModelListener.BatchSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>ModelListener.BatchSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/ModelListener/BatchSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • integer Default: 1000


The number of retries when the plugin's notification processing results in an error. Value 1 means original call without additional retries This setting is optional.

System property: -DModelListener.RetryIterations
Environment variable: ModelListener_RetryIterations
Configuration file: ModelListener.RetryIterations
Servlet variables: <param-name>ModelListener.RetryIterations</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/ModelListener/RetryIterations

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • integer Default: 10


Delay between notification processing attempts. This setting is optional.

System property: -DModelListener.RetryDelay
Environment variable: ModelListener_RetryDelay
Configuration file: ModelListener.RetryDelay
Servlet variables: <param-name>ModelListener.RetryDelay</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/ModelListener/RetryDelay

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0.05s
  • Maximum: 5s
  • duration Default: 0.5s


HTTP configuration settings The group name and some property names match the historically defined system properties supported by the Java default implementation. These values are used for outgoing HTTP client connections, not the J2EE server that the product runs in.


This can be used to disable specific authentication schemes when authenticating HTTPS requests to a HTTP proxy. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.TunnelingDisabledSchemes
Environment variable: net_HTTP_TunnelingDisabledSchemes
Configuration file: net.HTTP.TunnelingDisabledSchemes
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.TunnelingDisabledSchemes</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/TunnelingDisabledSchemes

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


This can be used to disable specific authentication schemes when authenticating HTTP requests to a HTTP proxy. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.ProxyingDisabledSchemes
Environment variable: net_HTTP_ProxyingDisabledSchemes
Configuration file: net.HTTP.ProxyingDisabledSchemes
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.ProxyingDisabledSchemes</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/ProxyingDisabledSchemes

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


Hostname of HTTP proxy server. If not set, no proxying is done. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.ProxyHost
Environment variable: net_HTTP_ProxyHost
Configuration file: net.HTTP.ProxyHost
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.ProxyHost</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/ProxyHost

This entry takes a string.


Port where the HTTP proxy server listens. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.ProxyPort
Environment variable: net_HTTP_ProxyPort
Configuration file: net.HTTP.ProxyPort
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.ProxyPort</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/ProxyPort

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 65535
  • integer Default: 3128


Username to use in authenticating to the proxy server. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.ProxyUser
Environment variable: net_HTTP_ProxyUser
Configuration file: net.HTTP.ProxyUser
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.ProxyUser</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/ProxyUser

This entry takes a string.


Password to use in authenticating to the proxy server. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.ProxyPassword
Environment variable: net_HTTP_ProxyPassword
Configuration file: net.HTTP.ProxyPassword
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.ProxyPassword</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/ProxyPassword

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords are permitted


List of hosts that should be contacted directly. For historic reasons this may be comma or "vertical bar" separated. This is combined with the list in NonProxyHosts if both are specified. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.SystemNonProxyHosts
Environment variable: net_HTTP_SystemNonProxyHosts
Configuration file: net.HTTP.SystemNonProxyHosts
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.SystemNonProxyHosts</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/SystemNonProxyHosts
Deprecated system property: -Dhttp.NonProxyHosts
Deprecated registry entry: /http.NonProxyHosts

This entry takes a string.


List of hosts that should be contacted directly. For historic reasons this may be comma or "vertical bar" separated. This is combined with the list in SystemNonProxyHosts if both are specified. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.NonProxyHosts
Environment variable: net_HTTP_NonProxyHosts
Configuration file: net.HTTP.NonProxyHosts
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.NonProxyHosts</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/NonProxyHosts

String configuration entry:


  • Default: localhost,127.*,[::1],,[::0]


Verify that HTTPS certificate matches the hostname When set to the default value 'Verify', the system will verify that the hostname used to connect to an HTTPS server matches the certificate presented by the HTTPS server. For example, if you connect to https://www.redwood.com, the certificate must allow 'www.redwood.com'. It can contain a CommonName 'www.redwood.com' or one of the SubjectAlternateNames can contain this or a wildcard '*.redwood.com'. If you connect via an IP address the certificate must explicitly allow this IP address. On upgrades from earlier versions this value will be set to 'Warn', which will only generate operator messages. Check all operator messages and fix the hostnames or the certificates until no warnings are created. Once no operator messages are created the value can be set to 'Verify'. Set this to 'DontVerify' to remove all certificate hostname verifications. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.VerifyHostname
Environment variable: net_HTTP_VerifyHostname
Configuration file: net.HTTP.VerifyHostname
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.VerifyHostname</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/VerifyHostname

Enum configuration entry:

  • Verify
  • Warn
  • DontVerify
  • enum Default: Verify


The maximum time the HTTP connection is waiting for data after establishing the connection. If the time exceeds the maximum time a HttpTimeoutException is thrown. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.ReadTimeout
Environment variable: net_HTTP_ReadTimeout
Configuration file: net.HTTP.ReadTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.ReadTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/ReadTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 2H
  • duration Default: 1H


The time to wait for the HTTP connection to establish the connection with the remote host. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.HTTP.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: net_HTTP_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: net.HTTP.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.HTTP.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net/HTTP/ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 10M
  • duration Default: 2M


TLS client configuration settings used for outgoing (client) connections.


Verify that server certificate is trusted TLS servers present a certificate for their endpoint combined with a chain of certificates that signed the previous certificate in the chain, leading up to a Root Certificate Authority (Root CA). Trust of a certificate is established when the system trusts the Root CA. The Java SDK contains a Java KeyStore that contains a generally accepted list of trusted Root CAs, such as DigiCert, GoDaddy, Google and various country authorities. The Java system administrator can also add extra certificates to this KeyStore. It is also possible to add Credentials of type X509_TrustedCertificate. If your connections are to servers that are issued by one or more private Root CAs, you only need to create a Credential for each Root CA. If your connections are to servers that use self-signed certificates, you create a Credential for every self-signed certificate. When set to the default value 'Verify', the system will verify that certificates presented by TLS servers such as HTTPS or SMTPS servers are trusted. On upgrades from earlier versions this value will be set to 'Warn', which will allow all certificates but generate an operator message for every incorrect certificate. Check all operator messages and fix the hostnames or the certificates until no warnings are created. Once no operator messages are created the value can be set to 'Verify'. Set this to 'DontVerify' to allow all certificates. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dnet.TLS.Client.VerifyServerCertificateTrust
Environment variable: net.TLS_Client_VerifyServerCertificateTrust
Configuration file: net.TLS.Client.VerifyServerCertificateTrust
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.TLS.Client.VerifyServerCertificateTrust</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net.TLS/Client/VerifyServerCertificateTrust

Enum configuration entry:

  • Verify
  • Warn
  • DontVerify
  • enum Default: Verify


List of strings that may not be present in cipher suites. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.TLS.Client.DisabledCipherSuites
Environment variable: net.TLS_Client_DisabledCipherSuites
Configuration file: net.TLS.Client.DisabledCipherSuites
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.TLS.Client.DisabledCipherSuites</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net.TLS/Client/DisabledCipherSuites

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


  • Default: ["_EXPORT_"]


List of protocols that are not allowed. A value can end in * to indicate all protocols starting with that string are disabled. By default SSL and TLSv1 are not allowed as these are unsafe. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dnet.TLS.Client.DisabledProtocols
Environment variable: net.TLS_Client_DisabledProtocols
Configuration file: net.TLS.Client.DisabledProtocols
Servlet variables: <param-name>net.TLS.Client.DisabledProtocols</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/net.TLS/Client/DisabledProtocols

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


  • Default: ["TLSv1","SSL*"]


Oracle EBS configuration settings The default value to retrieve data sets for LOVs.


Sets the maximum number of rows that will be retrieved in an LOV query when the LOV values are retrieved. The default is 256 rows. Note: This sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by the SQL Statement object can contain to the given number. This setting is optional.

System property: -Doraapps.requestData.maxNumberOfDatSetRows
Environment variable: oraapps_requestData_maxNumberOfDatSetRows
Configuration file: oraapps.requestData.maxNumberOfDatSetRows
Servlet variables: <param-name>oraapps.requestData.maxNumberOfDatSetRows</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/oraapps/requestData/maxNumberOfDatSetRows

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 10
  • Maximum: 1024
  • integer Default: 256


All of the options required to configure the schedulersessionfactory


The type of database connection we're going to use. Depending on this field, either the jdbcSession or the DatasourceSession need to be provided. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSchedulerSessionFactory.Type
Environment variable: SchedulerSessionFactory_Type
Configuration file: SchedulerSessionFactory.Type
Servlet variables: <param-name>SchedulerSessionFactory.Type</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SchedulerSessionFactory/Type

Enum configuration entry:

  • auto
  • jdbc
  • jndi
  • enum Default: jdbc


These configuration settings are not validated on startup. Options to configure a JDBC connection.


Which class do we need to instantiate to get this driver working This setting is mandatory and incorrectly setting this will prevent startup.

System property: -DJdbcSession.DriverClass
Environment variable: JdbcSession_DriverClass
Configuration file: JdbcSession.DriverClass
Servlet variables: <param-name>JdbcSession.DriverClass</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JdbcSession/DriverClass

Class configuration entry descends from java.sql.Driver:


The JDBC URL needed to connect to the database This setting is mandatory and incorrectly setting this will prevent startup.

System property: -DJdbcSession.URL
Environment variable: JdbcSession_URL
Configuration file: JdbcSession.URL
Servlet variables: <param-name>JdbcSession.URL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JdbcSession/URL

This entry takes a string.


The username to use when connecting to the database This setting is optional.

System property: -DJdbcSession.Username
Environment variable: JdbcSession_Username
Configuration file: JdbcSession.Username
Servlet variables: <param-name>JdbcSession.Username</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JdbcSession/Username

This entry takes a string.


The password to use when connecting to the database This setting is optional.

System property: -DJdbcSession.Password
Environment variable: JdbcSession_Password
Configuration file: JdbcSession.Password
Servlet variables: <param-name>JdbcSession.Password</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JdbcSession/Password

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords are permitted


These configuration settings are not validated on startup. Options to configure a Datasource connection.


The path of the jndi DataSource that gives out database control connections. This must NOT be XA. This setting is optional.

System property: -DDatasourceSession.ControlDataSource
Environment variable: DatasourceSession_ControlDataSource
Configuration file: DatasourceSession.ControlDataSource
Servlet variables: <param-name>DatasourceSession.ControlDataSource</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DatasourceSession/ControlDataSource

This entry takes a string.


The path of the jndi DataSource that gives out database user connections. Future versions will support XA on this datasource. This setting is optional.

System property: -DDatasourceSession.UserDataSource
Environment variable: DatasourceSession_UserDataSource
Configuration file: DatasourceSession.UserDataSource
Servlet variables: <param-name>DatasourceSession.UserDataSource</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DatasourceSession/UserDataSource

This entry takes a string.


Options for the Scheduler.


The number of sequence keys to buffer. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSessionParameters.SequenceBufferSize
Environment variable: SessionParameters_SequenceBufferSize
Configuration file: SessionParameters.SequenceBufferSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>SessionParameters.SequenceBufferSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SessionParameters/SequenceBufferSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 100
  • integer Default: 50


SQL Query Timeout in Duration. A value of 0 disables the timeout. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSessionParameters.QueryTimeout
Environment variable: SessionParameters_QueryTimeout
Configuration file: SessionParameters.QueryTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>SessionParameters.QueryTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SessionParameters/QueryTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 180s


Options for the Scheduler.


The total size of system SQL queries to cache from HL to LL SQL. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPersistence.HLQueryCache.SystemSize
Environment variable: Persistence_HLQueryCache_SystemSize
Configuration file: Persistence.HLQueryCache.SystemSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>Persistence.HLQueryCache.SystemSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Persistence/HLQueryCache/SystemSize

Filesize configuration entry:


  • Default: 5M


The total size of user SQL queries to cache from HL to LL SQL. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPersistence.HLQueryCache.UserSize
Environment variable: Persistence_HLQueryCache_UserSize
Configuration file: Persistence.HLQueryCache.UserSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>Persistence.HLQueryCache.UserSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Persistence/HLQueryCache/UserSize

Filesize configuration entry:


  • Default: 2M


Options for the Redwood Script executor service


Minimum number of threads to keep available in the ThreadPool. This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.Executor.MinThreads
Environment variable: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript_Executor_MinThreads
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.Executor.MinThreads
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.Executor.MinThreads</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript/Executor/MinThreads

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • integer Default: 5


Duration before threads are cleaned up after being idle. This setting is optional.

System property: -DJavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.Executor.KeepAlive
Environment variable: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript_Executor_KeepAlive
Configuration file: JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.Executor.KeepAlive
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript.Executor.KeepAlive</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaToolkit.RedwoodScript/Executor/KeepAlive

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 30s


Options for the Database Authentication


The sentinel value to disable the UserManagement URL This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.DBAuth.USERMANAGEMENT_URL_DISABLED
Environment variable: Security_DBAuth_USERMANAGEMENT_URL_DISABLED
Configuration file: Security.DBAuth.USERMANAGEMENT_URL_DISABLED
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.DBAuth.USERMANAGEMENT_URL_DISABLED</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/DBAuth/USERMANAGEMENT_URL_DISABLED

String configuration entry:


  • Default: disabled


The URL for the external user management provider. It can be disabled so no URL is displayed by using the constant USERMANAGEMENT_URL_DISABLED as the value. The value can contain the wildcard ${contextpath} which will replace the string with the context path of the host. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.DBAuth.UserManagementURL
Environment variable: Security_DBAuth_UserManagementURL
Configuration file: Security.DBAuth.UserManagementURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.DBAuth.UserManagementURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/DBAuth/UserManagementURL

String configuration entry:


  • Default: ${contextpath}/ui/react/?Page=DatabaseUserAdminPage


If BCrypt is supported for use with the external database authentication provider This setting is optional.

System property: -DSecurity.DBAuth.BCrypt
Environment variable: Security_DBAuth_BCrypt
Configuration file: Security.DBAuth.BCrypt
Servlet variables: <param-name>Security.DBAuth.BCrypt</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Security/DBAuth/BCrypt
Deprecated system property: -Djdbc.bcrypt
Deprecated registry entry: /jdbc.bcrypt

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


The configuration for the Cronacle System files.


The Database Storage implementation configuration


The time to keep files in the cache for from creation. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DStorage.Database.CleanTime
Environment variable: Storage_Database_CleanTime
Configuration file: Storage.Database.CleanTime
Servlet variables: <param-name>Storage.Database.CleanTime</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Storage/Database/CleanTime

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 7D


The Storage FileCache implementation configuration


The directory to store the local cache files This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DStorage.FileCache.CacheDirectory
Environment variable: Storage_FileCache_CacheDirectory
Configuration file: Storage.FileCache.CacheDirectory
Servlet variables: <param-name>Storage.FileCache.CacheDirectory</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Storage/FileCache/CacheDirectory

String configuration entry:

The default is automatically generated.


If the storage cache directory should be cleared on startup. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DStorage.FileCache.ClearCacheOnStartup
Environment variable: Storage_FileCache_ClearCacheOnStartup
Configuration file: Storage.FileCache.ClearCacheOnStartup
Servlet variables: <param-name>Storage.FileCache.ClearCacheOnStartup</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Storage/FileCache/ClearCacheOnStartup

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


The maximum size of the file storage cache. This is a hard limit and will clear the cache while in the process of writing out data. If there is insufficient allocation in the cache then the write will fail. This setting is optional.

System property: -DStorage.FileCache.MaximumSize
Environment variable: Storage_FileCache_MaximumSize
Configuration file: Storage.FileCache.MaximumSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>Storage.FileCache.MaximumSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Storage/FileCache/MaximumSize

Filesize configuration entry:


  • Default: 500MB


Configuration for the background submit process used by the UI.


Expiration time for to determine if a submit form the UI has been "abandoned". This setting is optional.

System property: -DOneSecondSubmit.ExpirationTimeBeforeCleaning
Environment variable: OneSecondSubmit_ExpirationTimeBeforeCleaning
Configuration file: OneSecondSubmit.ExpirationTimeBeforeCleaning
Servlet variables: <param-name>OneSecondSubmit.ExpirationTimeBeforeCleaning</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/OneSecondSubmit/ExpirationTimeBeforeCleaning
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.submit.expirationTimeBeforeCleaning converted from fromMinutes
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.submit.expirationTimeBeforeCleaning converted from fromMinutes

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 5m
  • Maximum: 1d
  • duration Default: 30m


Options for the creation and cleaning up of temporary files


The directory where the temporary files are created. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSystem.TemporaryFiles.Directory
Environment variable: System_TemporaryFiles_Directory
Configuration file: System.TemporaryFiles.Directory
Servlet variables: <param-name>System.TemporaryFiles.Directory</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/System/TemporaryFiles/Directory

String configuration entry:

The default is automatically generated.


Indicates whether the directory is cleaned at startup. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSystem.TemporaryFiles.CleanOnStartup
Environment variable: System_TemporaryFiles_CleanOnStartup
Configuration file: System.TemporaryFiles.CleanOnStartup
Servlet variables: <param-name>System.TemporaryFiles.CleanOnStartup</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/System/TemporaryFiles/CleanOnStartup

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


Configuration for generic UI features.


How often will the UI contact the server to ensure that the connection is kept alive. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.KeepAliveTimeout
Environment variable: UI_KeepAliveTimeout
Configuration file: UI.KeepAliveTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.KeepAliveTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/KeepAliveTimeout
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.keepalivetimeout converted from fromMillis
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.keepalivetimeout converted from fromMillis

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 5s
  • Maximum: 30s
  • duration Default: 30s


The URL to the help server, needs a trailing forward slash. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.HelpUrl
Environment variable: UI_HelpUrl
Configuration file: UI.HelpUrl
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.HelpUrl</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/HelpUrl

String configuration entry:


  • Default: https://documentation.runmyjobs.cloud/


The version of the help to link to. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.HelpVersion
Environment variable: UI_HelpVersion
Configuration file: UI.HelpVersion
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.HelpVersion</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/HelpVersion

This entry takes a string.


The document to display in the product information menu; you specify the full path to a document with format HTMLFragment. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.ProductInfoDoc
Environment variable: UI_ProductInfoDoc
Configuration file: UI.ProductInfoDoc
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.ProductInfoDoc</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/ProductInfoDoc

This entry takes a string.


A message for display on the login page. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.LoginMessage
Environment variable: UI_LoginMessage
Configuration file: UI.LoginMessage
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.LoginMessage</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/LoginMessage
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.security.title
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.security.title

This entry takes a string.


Configuration for RoundTripTime analysis.


Threshold value at which an end user will be informed that their connection to the server is slow. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.RoundTripTime.Threshold
Environment variable: UI_RoundTripTime_Threshold
Configuration file: UI.RoundTripTime.Threshold
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.RoundTripTime.Threshold</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/RoundTripTime/Threshold
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.logging.roundTripTime.threshold converted from fromMillis
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.logging.roundTripTime.threshold converted from fromMillis

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 0.2


How often will the UI check how fast the clients connection to the server is. This setting is optional.

System property: -DUI.RoundTripTime.Interval
Environment variable: UI_RoundTripTime_Interval
Configuration file: UI.RoundTripTime.Interval
Servlet variables: <param-name>UI.RoundTripTime.Interval</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/UI/RoundTripTime/Interval
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.logging.roundTripTime.interval converted from fromMinutes
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.logging.roundTripTime.interval converted from fromMinutes

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 10m


SAP global options


Is the spool host field visible and if so mandatory This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.SpoolHostMandatory
Environment variable: SAP_SpoolHostMandatory
Configuration file: SAP.SpoolHostMandatory
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.SpoolHostMandatory</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/SpoolHostMandatory
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.SAP.output.ProcessServerUI
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.SAP.output.ProcessServerUI

Enum configuration entry:

  • mandatory
  • optional
  • none
  • enum Default: none


Is self monitoring active? This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.SelfMonitoring
Environment variable: SAP_SelfMonitoring
Configuration file: SAP.SelfMonitoring
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.SelfMonitoring</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/SelfMonitoring
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.SAP.SelfMonitoring
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.SAP.SelfMonitoring

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


Define whether BI batch jobs should be created. Process Server parameter SAP_ShowBIBatchJobs overrides this setting. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.ShowBIBatchJobs
Environment variable: SAP_ShowBIBatchJobs
Configuration file: SAP.ShowBIBatchJobs
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.ShowBIBatchJobs</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/ShowBIBatchJobs

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


SAP output options


Default output retrieval Process Server. Can either be name in current partition or business key. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.Output.DefaultOutputProcessServer
Environment variable: SAP_Output_DefaultOutputProcessServer
Configuration file: SAP.Output.DefaultOutputProcessServer
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.Output.DefaultOutputProcessServer</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/Output/DefaultOutputProcessServer
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.SAP.output.DefaultProcessServer
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.SAP.output.DefaultProcessServer

This entry takes a string.


Failover output retrieval Process Server. Can either be name in current partition or business key. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.Output.FailOverOutputProcessServer
Environment variable: SAP_Output_FailOverOutputProcessServer
Configuration file: SAP.Output.FailOverOutputProcessServer
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.Output.FailOverOutputProcessServer</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/Output/FailOverOutputProcessServer
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.SAP.output.FailOverProcessServer
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.SAP.output.FailOverProcessServer

This entry takes a string.


Spool block size. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.Output.SpoolBlockSize
Environment variable: SAP_Output_SpoolBlockSize
Configuration file: SAP.Output.SpoolBlockSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.Output.SpoolBlockSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/Output/SpoolBlockSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 100
  • Maximum: 1000
  • integer Default: 250


BIN Spool block size in bytes. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.Output.BinSpoolBlockSize
Environment variable: SAP_Output_BinSpoolBlockSize
Configuration file: SAP.Output.BinSpoolBlockSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.Output.BinSpoolBlockSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/Output/BinSpoolBlockSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 4194304
  • Maximum: 104857600
  • integer Default: 4194304


If the spool host is not set, this parameter is ignored and the output is retrieved by the server. If the spool host is set the output will be retrieved by the indicated platform agent. When RetrieveOutputViaAgent is 'true' the agent will use Java and JCo to access the SAP system. If the value is 'false' it will be retrieved by a program 'jrfc'. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.Output.RetrieveOutputViaAgent
Environment variable: SAP_Output_RetrieveOutputViaAgent
Configuration file: SAP.Output.RetrieveOutputViaAgent
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.Output.RetrieveOutputViaAgent</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/Output/RetrieveOutputViaAgent

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false




Application Interface Key (AIR Key) to all SAP applications. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Environment variable: SAP_PartnerOptions_ApplicationInterfaceKey
Configuration file: SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/PartnerOptions/ApplicationInterfaceKey

This entry takes a string.


Options for the adaptive card project


The (base) URL of the Redwood Bot Service. This setting is optional.

System property: -DRedwoodBot.URL
Environment variable: RedwoodBot_URL
Configuration file: RedwoodBot.URL
Servlet variables: <param-name>RedwoodBot.URL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/RedwoodBot/URL

This entry takes a string.


Options for the Native Java platform agent


A platform specific separator list of values to add to the classpath. This setting is optional.

System property: -DNativeJava.Classpath
Environment variable: NativeJava_Classpath
Configuration file: NativeJava.Classpath
Servlet variables: <param-name>NativeJava.Classpath</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/NativeJava/Classpath

This entry takes a string.


Options for the Native Java Job executor


Job id (from Cronacle) This setting is mandatory and incorrectly setting this will prevent startup.

System property: -DJavaJob.JobID
Environment variable: JavaJob_JobID
Configuration file: JavaJob.JobID
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaJob.JobID</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaJob/JobID

Integer configuration entry:


Path to file for parameters (without extension) This setting is mandatory and incorrectly setting this will prevent startup.

System property: -DJavaJob.ParameterFile
Environment variable: JavaJob_ParameterFile
Configuration file: JavaJob.ParameterFile
Servlet variables: <param-name>JavaJob.ParameterFile</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JavaJob/ParameterFile

This entry takes a string.


Options to configure AWS S3 Transfer Manager


Enables automatic conversion of put and copy method to their equivalent multipart operation. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.AWSS3.EnableMultipart
Environment variable: apps_AWSS3_EnableMultipart
Configuration file: apps.AWSS3.EnableMultipart
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.AWSS3.EnableMultipart </param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/AWSS3/EnableMultipart

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


Configures the maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, the SDK will use to buffer content of requests in memory. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.AWSS3.ApiCallBufferSize
Environment variable: apps_AWSS3_ApiCallBufferSize
Configuration file: apps.AWSS3.ApiCallBufferSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.AWSS3.ApiCallBufferSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/AWSS3/ApiCallBufferSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 4
  • Maximum: 64
  • integer Default: 8


Uploads/copies over this size, in megabytes, will automatically use a multipart upload strategy. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.AWSS3.Threshold
Environment variable: apps_AWSS3_Threshold
Configuration file: apps.AWSS3.Threshold
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.AWSS3.Threshold</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/AWSS3/Threshold

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 256
  • integer Default: 4


Timeout for each read to the underlying socket for the non-blocking HTTP client. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.AWSS3.AsyncReadTimeout
Environment variable: apps_AWSS3_AsyncReadTimeout
Configuration file: apps.AWSS3.AsyncReadTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.AWSS3.AsyncReadTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/AWSS3/AsyncReadTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • duration Default: 120s


Timeout for each write to the underlying socket for the non-blocking HTTP client. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.AWSS3.AsyncWriteTimeout
Environment variable: apps_AWSS3_AsyncWriteTimeout
Configuration file: apps.AWSS3.AsyncWriteTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.AWSS3.AsyncWriteTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/AWSS3/AsyncWriteTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • duration Default: 120s


Timeout for establishing a connection to a remote service for the non-blocking HTTP client. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.AWSS3.AsyncConnectionTimeout
Environment variable: apps_AWSS3_AsyncConnectionTimeout
Configuration file: apps.AWSS3.AsyncConnectionTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.AWSS3.AsyncConnectionTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/AWSS3/AsyncConnectionTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • duration Default: 2s


Options to configure Azure Connections


Duration to wait for a connection to be established This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Azure.Connections.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: apps.Azure_Connections_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: apps.Azure.Connections.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Azure.Connections.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.Azure/Connections/ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 10s


Duration to wait for reads to be completed. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Azure.Connections.SocketTimeout
Environment variable: apps.Azure_Connections_SocketTimeout
Configuration file: apps.Azure.Connections.SocketTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Azure.Connections.SocketTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.Azure/Connections/SocketTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 15s


Maximum number of login attempts to try before failing This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Azure.Connections.MaxLoginAttempts
Environment variable: apps.Azure_Connections_MaxLoginAttempts
Configuration file: apps.Azure.Connections.MaxLoginAttempts
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Azure.Connections.MaxLoginAttempts</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.Azure/Connections/MaxLoginAttempts

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 100
  • integer Default: 20


Options for configuring ProcessStudio


Defines catalog-server URL This setting is optional.

System property: -DProcessStudio.CatalogURL
Environment variable: ProcessStudio_CatalogURL
Configuration file: ProcessStudio.CatalogURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>ProcessStudio.CatalogURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/ProcessStudio/CatalogURL
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.apps.ProcessStudio.CatalogURL
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.apps.ProcessStudio.CatalogURL

String configuration entry:


  • Default: https://catalog.runmyjobs.cloud/catalog/product


Options to configure ChatGPT Connections


Duration to wait for a connection to be established This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.ChatGPT.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: apps_ChatGPT_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: apps.ChatGPT.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.ChatGPT.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/ChatGPT/ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 20s


Duration to wait for reads to be completed. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.ChatGPT.SocketTimeout
Environment variable: apps_ChatGPT_SocketTimeout
Configuration file: apps.ChatGPT.SocketTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.ChatGPT.SocketTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/ChatGPT/SocketTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 60s


The configuration options for Connections.


The OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.Connections.OAuth2RedirectUrl
Environment variable: apps_Connections_OAuth2RedirectUrl
Configuration file: apps.Connections.OAuth2RedirectUrl
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Connections.OAuth2RedirectUrl</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Connections/OAuth2RedirectUrl

String configuration entry:


  • Default: https://oauth2.cs.redwood.com


Configuration options for Data Transformer


Certain operations in Data Transformer require large amounts of data to be manipulated in memory. As a consequence, in the user interface, this consumption can run into the limits of the total available memory available to the application. This option can be used to tune the total number of rows taken from each input source to transformer and consequently worked with when using the user interface. Note: when running a Data Transformer job this option is ignored. It is purely for user interface performance purposes. This setting is optional.

System property: -DDataTransformer.UIRowLimit
Environment variable: DataTransformer_UIRowLimit
Configuration file: DataTransformer.UIRowLimit
Servlet variables: <param-name>DataTransformer.UIRowLimit</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DataTransformer/UIRowLimit

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 5000
  • integer Default: 1000


Data Transformer supports running jobs on platform agents and/or the Cronacle instance. A parameter on the job dictates this - runOnPlatformAgent. When set to true the transform job will be run on a platform agent. When set to false, the transformer job will be run on the cronacle instance. Valid values, and their effects as as follows: AGENT - transformer jobs will be run on an available platform agent LOCAL - transformer jobs will be run on the cronacle instance USER_DEFINED - isJDTJob job parameter will be created and will default to true if the transformer was initially created using Process Studio, false otherwise. The isJDTJob job parameter will not be created if AGENT or LOCAL are specified This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DDataTransformer.ExecutionEnvironment
Environment variable: DataTransformer_ExecutionEnvironment
Configuration file: DataTransformer.ExecutionEnvironment
Servlet variables: <param-name>DataTransformer.ExecutionEnvironment</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DataTransformer/ExecutionEnvironment

Enum configuration entry:

  • enum Default: USER_DEFINED


The InputSourceOrdering serves as a system-wide flag that enables/disables the Input Source Ordering feature. The feature orders input sources (files/tables) based on an algorithm that compares them with the example data used when the transformer robot was created. Should files arrive out of order the best effort is made to correct this based on the metadata for the input. The flag can be overridden on the Transformer level via the "Manage Input Source" dialog. By default this flag is set to the system-wide setting. This setting is optional.

System property: -DDataTransformer.InputSourceOrdering
Environment variable: DataTransformer_InputSourceOrdering
Configuration file: DataTransformer.InputSourceOrdering
Servlet variables: <param-name>DataTransformer.InputSourceOrdering</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/DataTransformer/InputSourceOrdering

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


Options for API Key Authentication


The period after their last used time when API keys are expired. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.ApiKey.NotAccessedExpirationPeriod
Environment variable: apps_ApiKey_NotAccessedExpirationPeriod
Configuration file: apps.ApiKey.NotAccessedExpirationPeriod
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.ApiKey.NotAccessedExpirationPeriod</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/ApiKey/NotAccessedExpirationPeriod

Period onfiguration entry:

  • Minimum: p0d
  • period Default: p3m


The period after their creation time when API keys are expired. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.ApiKey.MaxExpirationPeriod
Environment variable: apps_ApiKey_MaxExpirationPeriod
Configuration file: apps.ApiKey.MaxExpirationPeriod
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.ApiKey.MaxExpirationPeriod</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/ApiKey/MaxExpirationPeriod

Period onfiguration entry:

  • Minimum: p0d
  • period Default: p6m


Configuration options for the JSCAPE connector


Disable session reuse when multiple JSCAPE triggers are running in parallel This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.jscape.DisableSessionReuse
Environment variable: apps_jscape_DisableSessionReuse
Configuration file: apps.jscape.DisableSessionReuse
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.jscape.DisableSessionReuse</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/jscape/DisableSessionReuse

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: false


Options for the Home Extension point


List of additional Roles (on top of redwood-administrator and scheduler-administrator) that get the Control Center button in the Home screen. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Home.AdditionalControlCenterAccessRoles
Environment variable: apps_Home_AdditionalControlCenterAccessRoles
Configuration file: apps.Home.AdditionalControlCenterAccessRoles
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Home.AdditionalControlCenterAccessRoles</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Home/AdditionalControlCenterAccessRoles

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


  • Default: ["scheduler-it-user"]


The configuration options for Insights.


Applied when retrieving report data from the source database during data initialisation. This value will limit number of records that will be returned in each batch. If 0 is specified, no limit will be applied and configured initialisation queries must not expect offset or limit parameters. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.Insights.QueryRecordLimit
Environment variable: api_Insights_QueryRecordLimit
Configuration file: api.Insights.QueryRecordLimit
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.Insights.QueryRecordLimit</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/Insights/QueryRecordLimit

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 10000
  • integer Default: 2000


The period of time between polling the source database for updates to data. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.Insights.IncrementalUpdatePeriod
Environment variable: api_Insights_IncrementalUpdatePeriod
Configuration file: api.Insights.IncrementalUpdatePeriod
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.Insights.IncrementalUpdatePeriod</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/Insights/IncrementalUpdatePeriod

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 10m
  • duration Default: 10s


The configuration options required to create JDBC connections to the reporting Scheduler source database. If disabled will connect to the Scheduler database using the standard Scheduler connection pool.


The name given to the Scheduler database definition for the Reporting source database. It is used to locate that definition and look up credentials at run time. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.InsightsSourceDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Environment variable: api_InsightsSourceDatabase_DatabaseDefinitionName
Configuration file: api.InsightsSourceDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.InsightsSourceDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/InsightsSourceDatabase/DatabaseDefinitionName

String configuration entry:


  • Default: InsightsSourceDatabase


The configuration options required to create JDBC connections to the Insights Target database. If disabled will connect to the Scheduler database using the standard Scheduler connection pool.


The name given to the database definition for the Insights Target database. It is used to locate that definition and look up credentials at run time. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.InsightsTargetDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Environment variable: api_InsightsTargetDatabase_DatabaseDefinitionName
Configuration file: api.InsightsTargetDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.InsightsTargetDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/InsightsTargetDatabase/DatabaseDefinitionName

String configuration entry:


  • Default: InsightsTargetDatabase


The virtual user to connect to the Insights Target database.


The virtual user to connect to the Insights Target database. It is used to locate credentials at run time. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.InsightsTargetUser.VirtualUserName
Environment variable: api_InsightsTargetUser_VirtualUserName
Configuration file: api.InsightsTargetUser.VirtualUserName
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.InsightsTargetUser.VirtualUserName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/InsightsTargetUser/VirtualUserName

String configuration entry:


  • Default: InsightsTargetUser


Options to control the recording of changes to persisted objects.


The list of object types for which listener event notifications should come through. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.ObjectsChangedProcessing.ObjectsToRegister
Environment variable: api_ObjectsChangedProcessing_ObjectsToRegister
Configuration file: api.ObjectsChangedProcessing.ObjectsToRegister
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.ObjectsChangedProcessing.ObjectsToRegister</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/ObjectsChangedProcessing/ObjectsToRegister

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


  • Default: [ "Job" ]


Options for the Automation Insights Extension point.


Insights Target database JDBC Driver to be used. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Insights.targetdb_driver
Environment variable: apps_Insights_targetdb_driver
Configuration file: apps.Insights.targetdb_driver
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Insights.targetdb_driver</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Insights/targetdb_driver

String configuration entry:


  • Default: postgresql


Insights Target database JDBC Database Username to be used. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Insights.targetdb_username
Environment variable: apps_Insights_targetdb_username
Configuration file: apps.Insights.targetdb_username
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Insights.targetdb_username</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Insights/targetdb_username

String configuration entry:


  • Default: InsightsDBUserName


Insights Target database JDBC Database Name to be used. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Insights.targetdb_name
Environment variable: apps_Insights_targetdb_name
Configuration file: apps.Insights.targetdb_name
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Insights.targetdb_name</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Insights/targetdb_name

String configuration entry:


  • Default: InsightsDBName


Insights Target database JDBC Database Port to be used. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Insights.targetdb_port
Environment variable: apps_Insights_targetdb_port
Configuration file: apps.Insights.targetdb_port
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Insights.targetdb_port</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Insights/targetdb_port

String configuration entry:


  • Default: 5432


Insights Target database JDBC Database Host to be used. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Insights.targetdb_host
Environment variable: apps_Insights_targetdb_host
Configuration file: apps.Insights.targetdb_host
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Insights.targetdb_host</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Insights/targetdb_host

String configuration entry:


  • Default: InsightsDBHostName


Insights Target Database key for JDBC connection to be used. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Insights.targetdb_key
Environment variable: apps_Insights_targetdb_key
Configuration file: apps.Insights.targetdb_key
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Insights.targetdb_key</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Insights/targetdb_key

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords are permitted


Insights Application URL for rendering a dashboard in RMJ. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Insights.target_url
Environment variable: apps_Insights_target_url
Configuration file: apps.Insights.target_url
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Insights.target_url</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Insights/target_url

String configuration entry:


  • Default: http://insights-app:5000


ExtensionPoint Plugin postponemode state.


Current value of the ExtensionPoint Plugin postponemode state. This setting is optional.

System property: -DInsights.apps.Postponed.State
Environment variable: Insights.apps_Postponed_State
Configuration file: Insights.apps.Postponed.State
Servlet variables: <param-name>Insights.apps.Postponed.State</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Insights.apps/Postponed/State

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


The configuration options for Automation Insights.


Insights Dashboard Application URL for rendering a dashboard in RMJ. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DInsights.URL
Environment variable: Insights_URL
Configuration file: Insights.URL
Servlet variables: <param-name>Insights.URL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Insights/URL

String configuration entry:


  • Default: http://insights-app:5000


Read timeout for reverse proxy http client in duration units depicting period of time. This setting is optional.

System property: -DInsights.ReadTimeout
Environment variable: Insights_ReadTimeout
Configuration file: Insights.ReadTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>Insights.ReadTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Insights/ReadTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 10m
  • duration Default: 3m


Connection timeout for reverse proxy http client in duration units depicting period of time. This setting is optional.

System property: -DInsights.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: Insights_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: Insights.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>Insights.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Insights/ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 10m
  • duration Default: 90s


Silent Switch to determine if reverse proxy implementation is enabled. This setting is optional.

System property: -DInsights.ReverseProxyEnabled
Environment variable: Insights_ReverseProxyEnabled
Configuration file: Insights.ReverseProxyEnabled
Servlet variables: <param-name>Insights.ReverseProxyEnabled</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Insights/ReverseProxyEnabled

Boolean configuration entry:


  • Default: true


Options to configure EnterpriseOne Connections


Duration to wait for a connection to be established This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.EnterpriseOne.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: apps_EnterpriseOne_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: apps.EnterpriseOne.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.EnterpriseOne.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/EnterpriseOne/ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 20s


Duration to wait for reads to be completed. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.EnterpriseOne.SocketTimeout
Environment variable: apps_EnterpriseOne_SocketTimeout
Configuration file: apps.EnterpriseOne.SocketTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.EnterpriseOne.SocketTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/EnterpriseOne/SocketTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 60s


Configuration options for Journal Entry Journal Entry supports the submission of a custom JobDefinition to handle the processing of Journal Entry submissions. This configuration option should be set to the name of the JobDefinition to start. The JobDefinition referenced MUST have at least one parameter with the following specification: Name: request Direction: In Type: File This is used to provide data for the processing of the Journal Entry submission and will contain data that can be used to retrieve and update data held in the Journal Entry database.


The Partition of the JobChain to execute to submit a Journal Entry This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DJournalEntry.SubmissionJobChainPartition
Environment variable: JournalEntry_SubmissionJobChainPartition
Configuration file: JournalEntry.SubmissionJobChainPartition
Servlet variables: <param-name>JournalEntry.SubmissionJobChainPartition</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JournalEntry/SubmissionJobChainPartition

This entry takes a string.


The name of the JobChain to execute to submit a Journal Entry This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DJournalEntry.SubmissionJobChainName
Environment variable: JournalEntry_SubmissionJobChainName
Configuration file: JournalEntry.SubmissionJobChainName
Servlet variables: <param-name>JournalEntry.SubmissionJobChainName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JournalEntry/SubmissionJobChainName

This entry takes a string.


The full path to a Cronacle document containing the default Excel template. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DJournalEntry.DefaultTemplate
Environment variable: JournalEntry_DefaultTemplate
Configuration file: JournalEntry.DefaultTemplate
Servlet variables: <param-name>JournalEntry.DefaultTemplate</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/JournalEntry/DefaultTemplate

String configuration entry:


  • Default: doc:REDWOOD:/REDWOOD.Redwood_JournalEntry/FCA_JournalEntry_Excel_Template.xlsx


Options to configure Kubernetes Connections


Duration to wait for a connection to be established This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Kubernetes.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: apps_Kubernetes_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: apps.Kubernetes.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Kubernetes.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Kubernetes/ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 20s


Duration to wait for reads to be completed. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.Kubernetes.SocketTimeout
Environment variable: apps_Kubernetes_SocketTimeout
Configuration file: apps.Kubernetes.SocketTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.Kubernetes.SocketTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/Kubernetes/SocketTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 1s
  • Maximum: 600s
  • duration Default: 30s


Options for the Oracle DataIntegrator Connector


The StopLevel that Load Plans need to be stopped with (IMMEDIATE or NORMAL, default NORMAL). This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.DataIntegrator.LoadPlanStopLevel
Environment variable: apps_DataIntegrator_LoadPlanStopLevel
Configuration file: apps.DataIntegrator.LoadPlanStopLevel
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.DataIntegrator.LoadPlanStopLevel</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/DataIntegrator/LoadPlanStopLevel

Enum configuration entry:

  • enum Default: NORMAL


Configuration for Orchestrator.


Should the Gantt chart be shown, hidden, or configurable per process list? Defaults to SHOWN_BY_DEFAULT (shown by default, but configurable per process list). This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DOrchestrator.GanttChartVisibility
Environment variable: Orchestrator_GanttChartVisibility
Configuration file: Orchestrator.GanttChartVisibility
Servlet variables: <param-name>Orchestrator.GanttChartVisibility</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Orchestrator/GanttChartVisibility

Enum configuration entry:

  • enum Default: SHOWN_BY_DEFAULT


The configuration options for the PowerBI Reports.


The root URL where PowerBI api calls are made. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DPowerBI.APIURL
Environment variable: PowerBI_APIURL
Configuration file: PowerBI.APIURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.APIURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/APIURL

String configuration entry:


  • Default: https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg


The [common] authority URL where a User Principal is authenticated. Note that 'common' is automatically replaced with the tenant name (configuration option) when authenticating a Service Principal. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DPowerBI.AuthorityURL
Environment variable: PowerBI_AuthorityURL
Configuration file: PowerBI.AuthorityURL
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.AuthorityURL</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/AuthorityURL

String configuration entry:


  • Default: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/


Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DPowerBI.ResourceUrl
Environment variable: PowerBI_ResourceUrl
Configuration file: PowerBI.ResourceUrl
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.ResourceUrl</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/ResourceUrl

String configuration entry:


  • Default: https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api


Identifier of the Application, registered in Azure AD, against which authentication will take place. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPowerBI.ApplicationID
Environment variable: PowerBI_ApplicationID
Configuration file: PowerBI.ApplicationID
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.ApplicationID</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/ApplicationID

This entry takes a string.


Identifier of the Power BI Workspace where reports are published. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPowerBI.ReportWorkspaceId
Environment variable: PowerBI_ReportWorkspaceId
Configuration file: PowerBI.ReportWorkspaceId
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.ReportWorkspaceId</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/ReportWorkspaceId

This entry takes a string.


Identifier of the Power BI Workspace where bind datasets are pushed. This setting is optional.

System property: -DPowerBI.BindDatasetWorkspaceId
Environment variable: PowerBI_BindDatasetWorkspaceId
Configuration file: PowerBI.BindDatasetWorkspaceId
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.BindDatasetWorkspaceId</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/BindDatasetWorkspaceId

This entry takes a string.


The name of the Azure AD Tenant where the reports and datasets are hosted. This value is used to identify the PowerBIServicePrincipal Credential (if the configured authentication mode is ServicePrincipal). This setting is optional.

System property: -DPowerBI.TenantName
Environment variable: PowerBI_TenantName
Configuration file: PowerBI.TenantName
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.TenantName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/TenantName

This entry takes a string.


A named Power BI user account (requires minimum license of Power BI Pro). This value is used to identify the PowerBIUserPrincipal Credential (if the configured authentication mode is UserPrincipal). This setting is optional.

System property: -DPowerBI.UserName
Environment variable: PowerBI_UserName
Configuration file: PowerBI.UserName
Servlet variables: <param-name>PowerBI.UserName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/PowerBI/UserName

This entry takes a string.


The configuration options for reporting ETL.


Applied when retrieving report data from the source database during data initialisation. This value will limit number of records that will be returned in each batch. If 0 is specified, no limit will be applied and configured initialisation queries must not expect offset or limit parameters. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.Reporting.QueryRecordLimit
Environment variable: api_Reporting_QueryRecordLimit
Configuration file: api.Reporting.QueryRecordLimit
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.Reporting.QueryRecordLimit</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/Reporting/QueryRecordLimit

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 10000
  • integer Default: 2000


The configuration options required to create JDBC connections to the reporting Scheduler source database. If disabled will connect to the Scheduler database using the standard Scheduler connection pool.


The name given to the Scheduler database definition for the Reporting source database. It is used to locate that definition and look up credentials at run time. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.ReportingSourceDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Environment variable: api_ReportingSourceDatabase_DatabaseDefinitionName
Configuration file: api.ReportingSourceDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.ReportingSourceDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/ReportingSourceDatabase/DatabaseDefinitionName

String configuration entry:


  • Default: ReportingSourceDatabase


The configuration options required to create JDBC connections to the reporting target database. If disabled will connect to the Scheduler database using the standard Scheduler connection pool.


The name given to the Scheduler database definition for the Reporting target database. It is used to locate that definition and look up credentials at run time. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.ReportingTargetDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Environment variable: api_ReportingTargetDatabase_DatabaseDefinitionName
Configuration file: api.ReportingTargetDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.ReportingTargetDatabase.DatabaseDefinitionName</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/ReportingTargetDatabase/DatabaseDefinitionName

String configuration entry:


  • Default: ReportingTargetDatabase


Options to control which persisted object types the ETL processor will receive change notifications.


The list of object types for which listener event notifications should come through. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapi.ReportingObjectsChangedProcessing.ObjectsToRegister
Environment variable: api_ReportingObjectsChangedProcessing_ObjectsToRegister
Configuration file: api.ReportingObjectsChangedProcessing.ObjectsToRegister
Servlet variables: <param-name>api.ReportingObjectsChangedProcessing.ObjectsToRegister</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/api/ReportingObjectsChangedProcessing/ObjectsToRegister

List configuration entry:


This entry takes a string.


  • Default: [ "Job", "AuditSubjectLogin", "Event" ]


Configuration for robo-library.


The threshold of supported query bindings. This setting is optional.

System property: -DRoboLib.InThresholdOperator
Environment variable: RoboLib_InThresholdOperator
Configuration file: RoboLib.InThresholdOperator
Servlet variables: <param-name>RoboLib.InThresholdOperator</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/RoboLib/InThresholdOperator

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 2048


Configuration for the Runner.


How should the Runner query for JobParameters for jobs/tasks when loading the jobs/tasks overview. Do one query per job/task (better streaming behavior, low memory footprint, potentially slow if database access is slow)? Do queries for a larger batch (see OverviewParameterFetchBatchSize option) of jobs/tasks (slower streaming, more memory use, faster when database access is slow)? Or don't query for JobParameters at all (best performance, but means that parameter columns will not be shown in the Runner overview)? This setting is optional.

System property: -DRunner.OverviewParameterFetchMode
Environment variable: Runner_OverviewParameterFetchMode
Configuration file: Runner.OverviewParameterFetchMode
Servlet variables: <param-name>Runner.OverviewParameterFetchMode</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Runner/OverviewParameterFetchMode

Enum configuration entry:

  • NONE
  • enum Default: PER_JOB


Only relevant when OverviewParameterFetchMode=IN_BATCH. How big should the batches of jobs/tasks that we query parameters for be? Minimum 2, maximum 256, default 256. This setting is optional.

System property: -DRunner.OverviewParameterFetchBatchSize
Environment variable: Runner_OverviewParameterFetchBatchSize
Configuration file: Runner.OverviewParameterFetchBatchSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>Runner.OverviewParameterFetchBatchSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Runner/OverviewParameterFetchBatchSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 256
  • integer Default: 256




Application Interface Key (AIR Key) to all SAP applications. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Environment variable: SAP_PartnerOptions_ApplicationInterfaceKey
Configuration file: SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/PartnerOptions/ApplicationInterfaceKey

This entry takes a string.


Options to configure SAP CI DS extension


If set, the value of this entry will override the default prefix that is added to the name of definitions created by the Import job. Any value set on the Import job’s prefix parameter will override this registry value. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.CIDS.ImportPrefix
Environment variable: apps.SAP_CIDS_ImportPrefix
Configuration file: apps.SAP.CIDS.ImportPrefix
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.CIDS.ImportPrefix</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/CIDS/ImportPrefix
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.sap.HCIDS.ImportPrefix
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.sap.HCIDS.ImportPrefix

This entry takes a string.




Application Interface Key (AIR Key) to all SAP applications. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Environment variable: SAP_PartnerOptions_ApplicationInterfaceKey
Configuration file: SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/PartnerOptions/ApplicationInterfaceKey

This entry takes a string.


Options to configure SAP IBP connection


If set, the value of this entry will override the default prefix that is added to the name of definitions created by the Import job. Any value set on the Import job’s prefix parameter will override this registry value. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.IBP.ImportPrefix
Environment variable: apps.SAP_IBP_ImportPrefix
Configuration file: apps.SAP.IBP.ImportPrefix
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.IBP.ImportPrefix</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/IBP/ImportPrefix
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.sap.IBP.ImportPrefix
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.sap.IBP.ImportPrefix

This entry takes a string.


If set, the value of this entry will be appended as an additional parameter on the url for all calls made to the IBP system. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.IBP.ExtraUrlParameters
Environment variable: apps.SAP_IBP_ExtraUrlParameters
Configuration file: apps.SAP.IBP.ExtraUrlParameters
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.IBP.ExtraUrlParameters</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/IBP/ExtraUrlParameters
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.sap.IBP.ExtraUrlParameters
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.sap.IBP.ExtraUrlParameters

This entry takes a string.


Duration before threads are cleaned up after being idle. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.IBP.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: apps.SAP_IBP_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: apps.SAP.IBP.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.IBP.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/IBP/ConnectTimeout
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.sap.IBP.ConnectTimeout
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.sap.IBP.ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 10s


Duration before threads are cleaned up after being idle. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.IBP.SocketTimeout
Environment variable: apps.SAP_IBP_SocketTimeout
Configuration file: apps.SAP.IBP.SocketTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.IBP.SocketTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/IBP/SocketTimeout
Deprecated system property: -Dconfiguration.sap.IBP.SocketTimeout
Deprecated registry entry: /configuration.sap.IBP.SocketTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 15s




Application Interface Key (AIR Key) to all SAP applications. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Environment variable: SAP_PartnerOptions_ApplicationInterfaceKey
Configuration file: SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/PartnerOptions/ApplicationInterfaceKey

This entry takes a string.


Options to configure SAP Application Job connection


If set, the value of this entry will override the default prefix that is added to the name of definitions created by the Import job. Any value set on the Import job’s prefix parameter will override this registry value. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.ApplicationJob.ImportPrefix
Environment variable: apps.SAP_ApplicationJob_ImportPrefix
Configuration file: apps.SAP.ApplicationJob.ImportPrefix
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.ApplicationJob.ImportPrefix</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/ApplicationJob/ImportPrefix

This entry takes a string.


Duration before threads are cleaned up after being idle. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.ApplicationJob.ConnectTimeout
Environment variable: apps.SAP_ApplicationJob_ConnectTimeout
Configuration file: apps.SAP.ApplicationJob.ConnectTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.ApplicationJob.ConnectTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/ApplicationJob/ConnectTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 10s


Duration before threads are cleaned up after being idle. This setting is optional.

System property: -Dapps.SAP.ApplicationJob.SocketTimeout
Environment variable: apps.SAP_ApplicationJob_SocketTimeout
Configuration file: apps.SAP.ApplicationJob.SocketTimeout
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.SAP.ApplicationJob.SocketTimeout</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps.SAP/ApplicationJob/SocketTimeout

Duration configuration entry:

  • Minimum: 0
  • duration Default: 15s




Application Interface Key (AIR Key) to all SAP applications. This setting is optional.

System property: -DSAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Environment variable: SAP_PartnerOptions_ApplicationInterfaceKey
Configuration file: SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey
Servlet variables: <param-name>SAP.PartnerOptions.ApplicationInterfaceKey</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/SAP/PartnerOptions/ApplicationInterfaceKey

This entry takes a string.


Heap configuration options


AppId identifier for heap This setting is optional.

System property: -DHeap.HeapAppId
Environment variable: Heap_HeapAppId
Configuration file: Heap.HeapAppId
Servlet variables: <param-name>Heap.HeapAppId</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Heap/HeapAppId

String configuration entry:


  • Default: 2955929780


Options for the User Administration Extension point


ID that the incoming request must must use. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.UserAdmin.api_id
Environment variable: apps_UserAdmin_api_id
Configuration file: apps.UserAdmin.api_id
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.UserAdmin.api_id</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/UserAdmin/api_id

This entry takes a string.


The secret that the incoming request must use. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -Dapps.UserAdmin.api_secret
Environment variable: apps_UserAdmin_api_secret
Configuration file: apps.UserAdmin.api_secret
Servlet variables: <param-name>apps.UserAdmin.api_secret</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/apps/UserAdmin/api_secret

Password configuration entry, plain-text passwords are permitted


The configuration options for Workbench.


The number of items that are loaded by a single fetch in Workbench can be configured here. This setting is mandatory.

System property: -DWorkbench.BatchSize
Environment variable: Workbench_BatchSize
Configuration file: Workbench.BatchSize
Servlet variables: <param-name>Workbench.BatchSize</param-name>
Registry entry: /configuration/jcs/Workbench/BatchSize

Integer configuration entry:

  • integer Default: 5000