Process Definitions: Runtime Limits Tab

Runtime limits ensure that a process runs for a predefined period of time or does not exceed a time limit. Multiple runtime limits are allowed on a single Process Definition, and each can be either a Minimum or a Maximum value. When a runtime limit is reached, an event or alert can be raised to request intervention from an Operator.

Note: Process runtime includes pre-running action time as well as the time the process stays in Running status Running, but excludes post-running action time.

The Runtime Limits tab of the Process Definition editing pop-up window includes the following controls.


Field Description
Name The name of the runtime limit
Type The type of runtime limit: Maximum or Minimum.
Entered Value

The runtime limit. You can specify a runtime limit in the following ways.

  • Fixed Runtime. Use this option to specify a runtime limit in hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • Estimated Runtime with a fixed time offset. Lets you use an estimated runtime based on past runs of the process, plus an additional value in hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • Estimated Runtime with a calculated offset. Lets you use an estimated runtime based on past runs of the process, plus a percentage of that value.

  • Expression: Lets you provide a runtime limit in milliseconds using a REL expression. For example, if you want to kill a job if it runs longer than 16 hours, you could use an expression like this:

    =Time.getUTCMilliseconds(Time.expressionNow('truncate day add 16 hours')) - Time.getUTCMilliseconds(requestedStartTime)

Kill Process Lets you specify whether the process should be killed if it reaches the runtime limit.
Event Definition Lets you specify an event to be raised if the process reaches the runtime limit.
Ad Hoc Alert Source Lets you specify an ad hoc alert to be raised if the process reaches the runtime limit.