Configuring Time Windows

The following sections describe the available settings for Time Windows.

Time Window

  • Name - The name of the Time Window.
  • Application - The name of the Application used to group this object.
  • Description - The description of the Time Window.
  • Time Zone - The time zone for the Time Window.
  • Enabled During Time Window - The Time Window during which this Time Window is enabled.
  • Disabled During Time Window - The Time Window during which this Time Window is disabled.
  • isCalendar - Shifting is used in the time widow.
  • If an open day is closed during - The Time Window used to compare with the Calendar Time Window. (Needs to be a Calendar Time Window)
  • then shift this day - The direction of the shift.
  • to the - The number of units to shift (has to be a positive integer)
  • open day in - The Time Window that defines the units to shift.(Needs to be a Calendar Time Window)


  • Documentation A comment about a Time Window.


Each section of the Time Window dialog box restricts the time the Time Window is open. The Time Window is only open when all the restrictions allow it to be open. For example, a Time Window that is open from 1 July to 1 August in the first section, and from the 1st Monday to the 1st Monday, then the window is open only for the first Monday in July.

Each restriction requires a 'from' and an 'until'. If these are set to the same value then the range is open for that time. In the previous example the weekdays were set as 'from the 1st Monday to the 1st Monday'.

The restrictions can be:

  • A range of dates
  • A range of months
  • A range of days of the month (with an offset)
  • A range of weekdays (with an offset)
  • A range of times of day (with an offset allowing to cross midnight)

Offsets are specified in hours, wrap at 24, and allow you to shift the start of the day from midnight to some other time during the day; for example 6:00AM or 8:00AM. Negative offsets or offsets with a value higher than 24 are not allowed. Offsets replace the time wrapping available in Version 7.

It is also possible to specify a period function. A period function is a function defined by Redwood that allows more complicated date cycles (Easter, for example) to be calculated. Period functions can also take parameters, the interpretation of which is specific to the period function.

Time Windows have an optional time zone. If this is specified then all references to the Time Window will use this time zone. If a time zone is not specified then a contextual time zone is used (for example the time zone of the process or Queue that the Time Window is attached to).

Time Windows can also be combined using inclusion and exclusion:

  • Enabled During Time Window - The Time Window during which this Time Window element is enabled.
  • Disabled During Time Window - The Time Window during which this Time Window element is disabled.

See Also

Using Time Windows