Operation Variable Reference

The Variables screen for an Operation lets you create Operation Variables that can be specified at runtime when the user submits the Operation's generated Process Definition.

The options for an Operation Variable are as follows.

  • Type: Valid values are File, Number, and String. If you choose File, the Submit Wizard will allow the user to specify a file manually. You will also be able to supply a file via an input parameter within a Chain.

  • Name: Enter the name that should display in the Submit Wizard's Parameters tab.

  • Description: Optionally enter a string to be displayed instead of the Name.

  • Documentation: Optionally enter some documentation text for the Operation Variable. The value you enter here (if any) displays as a tool tip in the Submit Wizard and in the Test screen. It also displays in the Documentation field for the Operation's generated Process Definition.

  • Default Value: Optionally set a default value.

  • Secure: Check this box if you want the value to be obscured. When this box is checked, the corresponding value will be masked in the following places:

    • In the Submit Wizard.

    • In the logs, if the Operation Variable is used for something that should be secret, such as an API key. Note however that if you check this box and then use the variable in something public like the URL string, it will NOT always be obscured in the logs.