Using the Oracle Apps Definition Type

The Oracle Apps Definition Type allows you to create Process Definitions that interact with Oracle Applications instances. You can import and submit processes in remote Oracle Applications instances, by specifying the corresponding keyword in the file source. Only one keyword is allowed,

The Definition Type accepts the following keywords in the source:

  • SUBMIT - submits the program name defined in the parameters, for Finance Automation you use SUBMIT_FCA which submits the program without using the name of the definition for retrieving LOV's
    • APPL_SHORT_NAME - short name of the application
    • APPL_PROG_NAME - name of the concurrent program or request set
  • IMPORT - imports the program as a Process Definition into Redwood Server


The parameters defining the Oracle Applications program and its parameters needs to be in the correct order, therefore it is not recommended to create your own Process Definitions unless you really know what you are doing. Import the programs you need with the System_OraApps_ConcurrentProgramImport Process Definition.


Oracle Applications concurrent program and request set Process Definitions that were imported using previous versions containing only the SUBMIT keyword cannot be renamed; the application and program/request set are derived from the name of the Process Definition. New keywords have been introduced to allow the application and program/request set name to be specified in the source.

You can re-import the concurrent program or request set to update the Process Definition with the new syntax.

See Also