Intercepting Oracle Applications Jobs

Often jobs need to follow complex rules prior to execution. Job interception allows Redwood Server to take control of the job and to let it run based on previously defined criteria.


Redwood Server intercepts the job before Oracle Applications has a chance to execute it.

Job Handling Field

The job handling field on an Oracle Applications system allows you to apply the job control rules to jobs intercepted by Oracle Applications, all jobs or none (disabled). When job handling is disabled, your job control rules will be ignored and no jobs will be picked up on the Oracle Applications side.


  • Oracle triggers and a package need to be installed in the Oracle Applications database


To monitor jobs in an Oracle Applications System:

  1. Choose "Environment > Oracle Applications" in the Navigation bar.
  2. Choose the Oracle Applications System name in the overview table.
  3. Choose Edit from the context menu.
  4. On the Oracle Applications System tab, enter a Connect String, a Time zone, and set Job Handling to All.
  5. On the Oracle Applications Job Control Rules tab, choose Monitor for Action, fill in a valid client mask and username.
  6. Click Save & Close to save the changes and close the edit window.

To intercept jobs in an Oracle Applications System:

  1. Choose "Environment > Oracle Applications" in the Navigation bar.
  2. Choose the Oracle Applications System name in the overview table.
  3. Choose Edit from the context menu.
  4. On the Oracle Applications System tab, enter a Connect String, a Time zone, and set Job Handling to All.
  5. On the Job Control Rules tab, choose Hold for Action, fill in a valid job name pattern and username.
  6. Click Save & Close to save the changes and close the edit window.


Configuration information is available in the Job Interception Configuration section of the documentation.


You need to edit an Oracle Applications System running against Oracle Applications 11i to intercept jobs.

You have the following information:

  • The Oracle Applications connect string is:
  • The username is example and password is example
  1. Choose "Environment > Oracle Applications" in the Navigation bar.
  2. Choose the Edit button and enter the information below.
  3. Choose "Environment > Process Servers".
  4. From the context menu of the Process Server that belongs to the edited Oracle Applications System connection, choose Stop, then Start.
Tab Field Example
Oracle Applications System Partition GLOBAL
Oracle Applications System Name orapps_prd
Oracle Applications System Description Production Oracle Applications system in Paris
Oracle Applications System Application OracleEBS
Oracle Applications System Database Database object connecting to
Oracle Applications System Process Handling All
Oracle Applications System Default Process Time zone Europe/Paris
Oracle Applications Job Control Rules Processing order 0
Oracle Applications Job Control Rules Action Hold
Oracle Applications Job Control Rules Job Name Mask ORA_*
Oracle Applications Job Control Rules Username Mask *
Oracle Applications Job Control Rules Description Hold jobs starting with ORA_ in their name
Oracle Applications Job Control Rules Default Queue

Oracle Applications Job Control Rules Priority 50

See Also

The Oracle Applications Connector