Importing Variants

You import variants to be able to select the correct variant when you submit Redwood Server Process Definitions.

The following Process Definition allows you to import variants:


  • SAP System - The SAP system you want to import the variants from
  • SAP Client - The SAP client to use to retrieve the variant
  • ABAP Program - The ABAP program the variant belongs to
  • ABAP Variant - The variant name or pattern
  • Max. Count - the maximum amount of variants to retrieve
  • Import Variant Definition? - Allows you to import the variant definition as well, this can also be done separately later
  • Drop old selection? - Allows you to delete previously imported variants


  • The ABAP program the variant belongs must have already been imported.


Importing variants

  1. Navigate to Definitions > Processes.
  2. Choose Submit from the context menu of the Process Definition SAP_ImportVariants.
  3. Select a target SAP system, an SAP Client and select an ABAP program in the ABAP Program field.
  4. Choose Submit.


  1. Navigate to Definitions > Processes.
  2. Choose Submit from the context menu of the Process Definition SAP_ImportVariants.
  3. Select the SAP SystemPR1 and ABAP ProgramRSUSR007, leave the other parameters at the default value.
  4. Choose Submit.

See Also