Setting-up FPA for Business and IT Users

on-site-related topic

Once you have set up Redwood Server and Report2Web, follow the installation instructions in the specific installation guides, you can configure Report2Web and Redwood Server for FPA.

Configuring Report2Web to use LDAP

Report2Web must use the same LDAP server used by Redwood Server; this can be an OpenLDAP or Active Directory server, for example. A subset of LDAP-v3 compliant LDAP servers are supported.

Configuring Users and Roles

You need to create a user in the LDAP system that will be used to connect Redwood Server to Report2Web, this FPA user should have a strong password and should preferably not be used for anything else.

You have configured the catalog to use the same LDAP server as that used by Redwood Server, create a role for Process Automation and assign it to the user that will make the connection between Redwood Server and Report2Web. Import at least one administrative user as well as any number of users who should access FPA, specifying their respective Report2Web roles, usually either Super Administrator or User.

Different Users, Different User Interfaces

Different users require different user interfaces, you probably do not want board members to get confused by the many groups or of the number processes when all they need is global, coarse, overview of the current status of the process.

There are two roles that can be used two divide the two usage types in Redwood Server:

  • scheduler-business-user - used to display a simplified ui across Report2Web and Redwood Server.
  • scheduler-it-user - used for the default ui in Redwood Server.

LDAP Authentication Parameters

Field Description
LDAP Authentication Checkbox to enable or disable support of LDAP authentication within Report2Web. By default this checkbox is not enabled.
Host URL to the LDAP host. This can be any LDAP v3 compliant directory server. The default value provided is: ldap://
Secondary host URL to a secondary LDAP host. To be used if the primary is not available. This field is optional, and can be left blank.
Base DN Distinguished Name to be used by Report2Web as the top level of the LDAP tree. Default value provided is dc=example,dc=com. Note: Report2Web does not support a value of dc=local.
Bind DN Distinguished Name to be used by Report2Web to establish connections to the LDAP server. Default value provided is cn=username,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com. Note: Report2Web does not support a value of dc=local.
Bind Password Password of the Bind DN for establishing the connection to the LDAP server. Specified password cannot exceed 15 characters.
User Object Class LDAP ObjectClass used to represent individual users. Default value is person.
User Full Name Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve the full name for a user. Default value is name.
User E-mail Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve the e-mail address for a user. Default value is mail.
Group Object Class LDAP ObjectClass used to represent user groups. Default value is group.
Group Name Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve the name for a group. Default value name.
Sign-on Attribute Attribute to be used for validation of sign on credentials. Default value is sAMAccountName. Note: sAMAccountName is the default attribute used by Active Directory.
Group Member Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve group members. Default value is member.


Configuring Report2Web to use LDAP

  1. Log in to the Report2Web catalog with the Super Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Catalog Admin > Configurations.
  3. Choose Next until you see the LDAP configuration page.
  4. Fill in the configuration details for your LDAP server.
  5. Choose Next and Finish.

Adding Users

  1. Log in to the Report2Web catalog with the Super Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Security and choose Add from the context menu of Members.
  3. Fill the first letters of the name of the user you are searching for into the Look up field and choose Look up.
  4. You must at the least add a catalog administrator, the FPA user is added later.
  5. Select the user you wish to add, make sure the correct role is selected below and choose the Add button (illustrated by guillemets >> pointing downwards).
  6. Choose Save.

Creating the Process Automation Role

  1. Log in to the Report2Web catalog with the Super Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Security and choose Add from the context menu of Roles.
  3. Locate and select the Process Automation authorization in the Available Authorizations field and choose the right hand-side gillemets >>.
  4. Make sure the Process Automation authorization appears in the Selected Authorizations field and choose Save.

Assign the Process Automation Role to the FPA User

  1. Log in to the Report2Web catalog with the Super Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Security and choose Add from the context menu of Members.
  3. Fill the first letters of the name of the FPA user into the Look up field and choose Look up.
  4. Select the user you wish to add, make sure the Process Automation role is selected below and choose the Add button (illustrated by guillemets >> pointing downwards).
  5. Choose Save.

Connect Redwood Server to Report2Web

  1. Log in to Redwood Server.
  2. Navigate to "Environment > R2W Catalogs".
  3. Fill in a name for the catalog into the Name field, it should match the actual catalog name in Report2Web.
  4. Fill in the URL to the Report2Web server, for example
  5. Fill in a user name and password for the FPA User defined above.
  6. Choose Test Connection to check if the settings are valid, if the connection can be made, choose Save & Close, otherwise check your settings.

See Also