
on-site-related topic PL/SQL API jcs_event.event_file


This function returns the file name of the file that raised the event.

Note: In the 'common scenario' (jobs submitted by a raised event) it is no longer necessary for the parameters to be runtime. If the functions are called from a job context they will obtain their information from the job wait event. If they are called outside of a job context they will take their information from the event itself. For the mentioned 'common scenario' the results are identical.


An example of how to use the jcs_event functionscreate or replace event "TESTE1"

       alter scheduler sch_db_1
           raise       "TESTE1"
             on file   '/tmp/tmp1*3.txt'
             check     2

       create or replace script "TESTS1"
         ( "FILE"      in varchar2(255) null nodisplay noedit runtime
                       default jcs_event.event_file( 'TESTE1' )
         , "COMMENT"   in varchar2(255) null nodisplay noedit runtime
                       default jcs_event.event_comment( 'TESTE1' )
         , "SCHEDULER" in varchar2(255) null nodisplay noedit runtime
                       default jcs_event.event_scheduler( 'TESTE1' )
         event         "TEST1" with clear
         as            begin
                         dbms_output.put_line('File     : '||FILE);
                         dbms_output.put_line('Comment  : '||COMMENT);
                         dbms_output.put_line('Scheduler: '||SCHEDULER);


         jcs.wait(jcs.last_job_id, 60);
         dbms_output.put_line(jcs.readfile(jcs.last_job_id, 1, 0));
         dbms_output.put_line(jcs.readfile(jcs.last_job_id, 2, 0));
         dbms_output.put_line(jcs.readfile(jcs.last_job_id, 3, 0));

An example of how to use the jcs_event functions


function event_file(event_name in varchar2,
event_partition in varchar2 default null)
    return varchar2


  • event_name - the event name
  • event_partition - the event Partition
  • returns varchar2 -