Process States

Different process states include different process statuses. There are four basic states:

  1. Initial
  2. Pre-running
  3. Running
  4. Final

Every process goes through all four states, and processes cannot return to a previous state.

The runtime of a process begins when a process starts running (including any pre-running action time) until the process reaches a final status (excluding any post-running action time).

Statuses and States

Initial States

Status Code Description
New - The process has been submitted, but not yet validated.
Chained P A Chain has been requested, and all Chain Processes and Steps in the Chain have been created and are awaiting execution.
Disabled J The Process Server will not execute the Chain Process due to a manual request from the user. If the Chain is restarted, any Chain Processes with Disabled status will not be executed.
Delayed D The start of the process has been delayed.

Pending States

Status Code Description
Scheduled S The process has a valid start time and is waiting for execution.
QueueHeld B The process's Queue has been manually paused.
Held H The execution of the process has been manually paused.
EventWait V The process is waiting for an event to be raised.
LockWait I The process cannot obtain a lock and is waiting for one to be released.
Queued Q The start time is known, but the process cannot yet be executed.
Dispatched q The process has been dispatched to a Service, but the Service has not yet started the process.
Assigned a The process has been accepted by a Service, but it has not been started yet.

Active States

Status Code Description
PreRunning 6 The pre-running code is being executed for the process.
Running R The process is being executed by a Service. Once it has entered this state, the Service that is running this process no longer needs any access to the process' parameters.
PostRunning 8 The post-running code is being executed for the process.
Waiting W The process is waiting for the result of the execution of another process.
Killing G A request was made to kill the process and the Service has honored that request.
Canceling c A request was made to cancel the process and the Service has honored that request.
Console O The process has issued an Operator Message and is waiting for a reply.
Uncertain u The process runner has terminated early, or the process was still running when the Process Server was restarted. There may be an accurate termination message for the process waiting to be processed. If there is, the process will go into the appropriate state. Otherwise it will go into status Unknown after a timeout.

Console States

Status Code Description
Console O The process has issued an Operator Message and is waiting for a reply.
ConsoleRestart o An Operator Message needs to be replied to in order to decide what to do with this Process Definition.

Manual Intervention States

Status Code Description
Console O The process has issued an Operator Message and is waiting for a reply.
Held H The execution of the process has been manually paused.

A process in any final state with an Operator Message.

Final States

Status Code Description
Completed C Process execution finished successfully.
Error E The execution of the process failed.
Killed K The process was terminated while it was running (the process status was Running, Waiting or Console).
Canceled A The process was terminated before execution commenced.
Skipped T The Process Server has not executed the Chain Process due to a precondition or the usage of the "Start at specified Step" scheduling parameter. When the Chain is restarted, the Process Server will re-evaluate Chain Processes with the status Skipped.
Ignored j This process was ignored as a result of being Disabled when the Chain was submitted.
Unknown U The Service was terminated while the process was running (process status was Running, Waiting, or Console).

Special States

Status Code Description
Modified M A resubmit or restart has failed, and the process has been put into status Modified. It will not start without intervention.
Never N Due to conflicting Time Windows, Time Window elements, or a shutdown Process Server, the process will not execute for at least two years. The start time is set to December 31st, 2999.
Overdue F The process did not run in the first Time Window opened after the process start time.

Note: A process may be deleted in the SAP System before the final status has been retrieved by RunMyJobs. In this case, the process will go into status Unknown.

Note: Processes are set to Modified when a resubmit or restart fails, not when the Process Definition is changed.