class |
AccessDeniedGlobalPrivilegeMissingException |
This exception is raised when a global privilege is required to access a resource, but it is not granted.
class |
CallbackException |
An exception was thrown while processing the callback.
class |
CredentialWithoutEndpointException |
There is no Endpoint associated with the Credential
class |
DateFormatException |
The format of the date time zone is incorrect and could not be parsed.
class |
ExportException |
Base class for exceptions relating to exporting objects.
class |
FileParameterInvalidTypeException |
The type specifier is invalid for the file reference.
class |
FileParameterMissingTypeException |
The type of the file reference is missing.
class |
FileParameterSourceUnavailableException |
Error retrieving content for {2}
class |
FileParameterValueNotFoundRuntimeException |
A value that is needed to load the file parameter cannot be found.
class |
FileParameterValueRuntimeException |
The value is invalid.
class |
GeneralJobFileRemoteException |
Search for job file failed.
class |
GeneralListDirectoryRemoteException |
List directory contents failed.
class |
InitialParticipantNotInListException |
Unable to resolve Initial Assignee: Assignee is not in the participants list
class |
InvalidContentTypeException |
An invalid line range has been specified.
class |
InvalidDateFormatUnknownLocale |
The language is not available.
class |
InvalidFormatException |
Invalid format string.
class |
InvalidOperatorMessageReplyException |
The specified reply was invalid.
class |
InvalidSearchException |
An invalid job file search or filter has been specified.
class |
JobFileContentAccessDeniedException |
The user does not have access the requested job file content
class |
JobFileEncryptionException |
Unable to provide a job file as it cannot be supplied over an end-to-end encrypted channel.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.JobFileException |
class |
JobFileNotYetPersistedException |
The user attempts read from a new jobfile that has not been persisted yet
class |
JobFileRemoteException |
Unable to search job file because of a permanent remote exception.
class |
JobFileRemoteTransientException |
Unable to search job file because of a remote exception.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.JobFileTransientException |
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ListDirectoryException |
class |
ListDirectoryRemoteException |
Unable to list directory contents because of a permanent remote exception.
class |
ListDirectoryRemoteTransientException |
Unable to list directory contents because of a remote exception.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ListDirectoryTransientException |
class |
MailAbortRuntimeException |
Base class for exceptions relating to aborting a mail job.
class |
ModelChangeProcessorUpdateException |
A failure of a ModelChangeProcessor to process ModelChangeMessage(s).
class |
ObjectSearchExpiredException |
The Object Search results have expired and cannot be retrieved.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.PerformRFCActionException |
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.PerformRFCActionPasswordExpiredException |
class |
PerformRFCActionRemoteException |
Unable to perform RFC action because of a permanent remote exception.
class |
PerformRFCActionRemotePasswordExpiredException |
Unable to perform RFC action because of password expired exception.
class |
PerformRFCActionRemoteTransientException |
Unable to perform RFC action because of a transient remote exception.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.PerformRFCActionTransientException |
class |
R2WPublishException |
If Report2Web publishing fails.
class |
RemoteLoginFailedException |
Remote login failed.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIException |
class |
SchedulerAPIMissingException |
A communal scheduler session factory has not been published yet.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIUnavailableException |
class |
SchedulerCustomException |
Custom exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.
class |
SchedulerCustomLowLevelException |
Custom low-level exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.
class |
SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException |
Custom low-level runtime exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.
class |
SchedulerCustomRuntimeException |
Custom runtime exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.
class |
TooManyJobGroupsToForecastException |
We do not allow forecasting more than 5000 job groups.
class |
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.UserMessageAttachmentException |
class |
UserMessageAttachmentUnknownException |
If an User Message Attachment action throws an unexpected exception.
class |
UserMessageAttachmentVetoException |
If an On User Operation action throws an exception to veto the changes being performed by the User Message attachment operation.
class |
UserMessageInitialParticipantException |
Unable to resolve Initial Assignee: No valid participants have been found for User Message
class |
UserMessageNotFoundException |
The UserMessage cannot be found from a relative context for the reason specified.
class |
UserMessageOperationException |
If an User Message Operation action throws an exception to veto the changes being performed by the User Message operation.