You can use the api-tool.jar
tool to run scripts and raise events from systems for which there are no command-line system tools.
Note: Any RedwoodScript script files you want to run must be available to api-tool.jar
Note: Depending on the platform, you may not be able to create the necessary connection file. If so, use the jsecret
command on a supported platform to create the connection file, then copy it to the system where you want to use api-tool.jar
Installing api-tool.jar
To install api-tool.jar
, do this.
Navigate to Configuration > Software.
Expand API downloads.
Right-click api-tool.jar and choose Download from its context menu.
If you want the JavaDocs for
, right-click api-tool-javadoc.jar and choose Download from the context menu.
Setting the Return Code
Use the jcsShell.setReturnCode(int)
method to set the return code of a script. If you want to terminate processing, throw an exception. The last effective call to jcsShell.setReturnCode()
will set the return code.
- Java 1.8 or higher JVM
- Unlimited strength Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) if your server uses TLS and/or SSL.
- You can set TLS options using JVM specific system properties.
java -jar api-tool.jar <command> [command-specific-arguments]
event <connectionFile> <eventName> [raiseComment] - Raise event <eventName> with optional comment [raiseComment]
script <connectionFile> <scriptFile> - Run script in <scriptFile>
import <connectionFile> <file> [-targetpartition <Partition>] [<ImportRuleSet>]
version - Print the version
-noverify Skip server certificate verification
-cipherlist <list> Override the default cipherlist
Example: Simple Program
Usage javac -cp api-tool.jar <class.java>
Example: Print Process Definitions
Here is a sample Java program, in a file named PrintJobDefinitions.java
import com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.*;
public class PrintJobDefinitions
public static void main(String [] args)
throws Exception
ToolConnection tConnection = ToolConnectionFactory.createConnection(args[0], 60000);
ToolResultSet rs = tConnection.executeQuery("select JobDefinition.Name, JobDefinition.UniqueId from JobDefinition", null, null);
while (rs.next())
System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + " = " + rs.getString(2));
To compile and run this program, follow this procedure.
$ javac -cp api-tool.jar PrintJobDefinitions.java
$ java -cp api-tool.jar:. PrintJobDefinitions net/connect.rw
Example: Upload CAR and JAR Files
To upload a CAR or JAR file, use a script like this.
import com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection;
import com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
public class Uploader
public static void main(String [] args)
throws Exception
if (args.length > 1)
ToolConnection tConnection = ToolConnectionFactory.createConnection(args[0], 60000);
if (args[1].toLowerCase().endsWith("car"))
System.out.println("Uploading CAR file");
String importSet = "";
if(args.length == 3)
importSet = args[2];
Map mp = tConnection.uploadCAR(new File(args[1]), importSet);
if (mp.size() > 0)
Collection cl = mp.values();
System.out.println("JobId: "+cl.iterator().next());
else if (args[1].toLowerCase().endsWith("jar")&& args.length == 3)
System.out.println("Uploading JAR file");
Map mp = tConnection.uploadJAR(new File(args[1]), args[2]);
if (mp.size() > 0)
Collection cl = mp.values();
System.out.println("JobId: "+cl.iterator().next());
System.out.println("Invalid Arguments.");
System.out.println("Usage: Main <connection_file> <car_file> [<importRuleSet>]");
System.out.println(" Main <connection_file> <jar_file> <library>");
System.out.println("Invalid Arguments.");
System.out.println("Usage: Main <connection_file> <car_file> [<importRuleSet>]");
System.out.println(" Main <connection_file> <jar_file> <library>");
To compile and run this program, follow this procedure.
$ javac -cp api-tool.jar Uploader.java
$ java -cp api-tool.jar:. Uploader
Invalid Arguments.
Usage: Uploader <connection_file> <car_file> [<importRuleSet>]
Uploader <connection_file> <jar_file> <library>
$ java -cp api-tool.jar:. Uploader net/connect.rw /tmp/JobDefinition_RS_MSLN_DB_Backup.car
$ java -cp api-tool.jar:. Uploader net/connect.rw /tmp/myJar.jar Custom_Example
Examples that Use Connection Files
For the following examples, assume that the connection file created with jsecret -c
is stored in net/connect.rw
, and a script named script.rw
contains the following.
// code to submit a process running System_Sleep
// get the process definition (technical name 'job definition')
JobDefinition aDefinition = jcsSession.getJobDefinitionByName("System_Sleep");
// create the process from the process definition
Job process = aDefinition.prepare();
// submit the process definition and write unsaved data to the database
Running a RedwoodScript
To run a script named script.rw
, do this.
java -jar /opt/tools/api-tool.jar script net/connect.rw script.rw
Raise an Event
To raise an event named ETL_Complete, do this.
java -jar /opt/tools/api-tool.jar event net/connect.rw "ETL_Complete" "ETL completed, please proceed with the next step"
Import a CAR File
To import a CAR file, do this.
java -jar apit-tool.jar import net/connect.rw JobDefinition_Test.car