
jtool is a Redwood command-line tool that lets you run various useful processes referred to as "modes." You can list the modes with the command jtool -h, as shown below.

>jtool -h
Usage: jtool [-h|-?|-help] [-l <loglevel>] [-f <logfile>] <mode> [parameters]
       jtool -d|-b|-v|--commit-id

 cat             (Concatenate and print files)
 description     (Set the description of the current job)
 echo            (Message to standard output with variable and parameter expansion)
 event           (Raise an event)
 ftp             (Transfer files via the FTP protocol)
 getcredential   (Get password from the server)
 getfile         (Retrieve a job file from the server)
 getpar          (Get configuration parameter data)
 install         (Create executables for jtool options)
 join            (Join files back together after split)
 log             (Log in common logging format)
 link            (Link files to a job)
 mail            (Send mail via the SMTP protocol)
 message         (Send a job-related Operator Message)
 monitor         (Send monitoring data values)
 putfile         (Upload file to the server)
 register        (Register a Process Server)
 scp             (Transfer files via the SSH SCP protocol)
 script          (Run a script)
 secret          (Generate user or network-processor secret)
 setreturncode   (Set the return code of the current job)
 sleep           (Sleep a number of seconds)
 split           (Split a file)

Installing jtool

To install jtool, follow this procedure.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Software.

  2. Expand Download Client Tools.

  3. Right-click client-tools.zip and choose Download from the context menu.

  4. Expand the client-tools.zip file and locate the directory for your platform.

  5. Display a command-line window, navigate to that directory, and issue the desired command.

To learn how to use these individual modes, issue a command like jtool <mode> -h. For example:

>jtool monitor -h

Usage: monitor  [-h|-?|-help] [-l <loglevel>] [-f <logfile>] -j|-job-context <path>=<value> ...

  Option              Default                Purpose
  ------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------------------
  -h|-?|-help                                Show this help and exit
  -l <loglevel>       ${JCS_LOGLEVEL:-info}  Set the logging level
  -f <logfile>        ${JCS_LOGFILE:-stderr} Log to file instead of stdout/stderr
  -j|-job-context                            Obtain environment from job-context
  <path>=<value> ...                         One or more path/value pairs to set monitor values for

Note: jtool uses TLS and SSH. To inspect the version of OpenSSL jtool uses, run jtool -v.

If you run jtool install, jtool will install the following command-line tools in the current directory.

Installing jtool Tools Separately

Tool Purpose Connection File Job Context Platform Availability
jcat Output the contents of a file to stdout. - -

jdescription Sets the description of the current process. - Mandatory All
jecho Prints messages to stdout and decrypts credential passwords. - -

jevent Raises an event. Yes Yes All
jftp Transfers files via FTP. - -

jgetcredential Retrieves a credential. - Mandatory

jgetfile Gets an output file. Yes Yes

jgetpar Gets configuration parameter data. - Mandatory

jjoin Joins files previously split with jsplit. - -

jlink Links files to processes. - Mandatory

jlog Logs in a common logging format. - -

jmail Sends an email message. - -

jmessage Sends an Operator Message. - Mandatory

jmonitor Sends monitoring data values. - Mandatory

jputfile Uploads files to a server. Yes Yes

jregister Registers a Process Server. - -

jrfc Retrieves output on spool hosts. - - Linux 64-bit and Windows 64-bit
jscp Aliveness and network testing. - -

jscript Runs a script. Yes Yes All
jsecret Generates a user or network-processor secret. Yes - All
jsleep Sleeps for a number of seconds. - - All
jsplit Splits a file. - -