Configuring a Windows Process Server
The Platform Agent installer automatically creates a Process Server for you in RunMyJobs. You can then customize the Process Server to fit your needs.
Process Server Tab
Name | Value |
Name | the name of the Process Server, Alphanumerical characters and underscores _ are allowed |
Default Time Zone | Olson time zone |
Definition Types Tab
Field | Value |
Definition Type: | CMD |
Parameters Tab
The repository needs to know the host name (or IP address) and port number of the Platform Agent. The default port is 1555 and should be kept that way, unless another installed program is already using the default port.
Name | Value |
RemoteHostName | The host name or IP address of system running a Platform Agent. |
SharedSecret | The shared secret generated during the installation. |
Note: On Windows systems, the shared secret is generated during installation and is written to the following file on the remote Platform Agent: ${InstallDir}\net\instance\<instance>\private\secret
. The default instance is default
All other parameters are optional. You may specify them, but they have usable defaults. See Process Server parameters for a list of parameters. If you do not know the value of the SharedSecret, see the Configuring Remote Agents section.
To be in compliance with Microsoft guidelines, you should define the DataRootDirectory Process Server parameter and set it to a location outside of the Program Files
Queues Tab
Field | Value |
Queue | System (or your own defined Queue) |
Resources Tab
Resources link processes to two or more Process Servers to spread the load. Process Servers which share a same resource are the only ones that can run processes which have that resource. You may choose any name for a resource. Processes that require a specific resource are spread across all Process Servers that have that resource and serve the Queue the process was submitted in.
Services Tab
The correct services will be added for you automatically. You only need to fill out this tab manually if you want to create a Process Server for file events only.