Default System Process Definitions

System Process Definitions are internal Process Definitions and can be recognized by their prefix (System_) and their Definition Type (System). The following system Process Definitions are available.


Aggregate the history data for processes.


Aggregate the monitor data for MonitorValues.


Raise an ad hoc alert. This definition requires the Alerting module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters alertSource Alert Source

String In

Parameters data Data

String In

Parameters reply Reply

String Out


Installs a signed application, signed applications are distributed by Redwood and add additional functionality to your environment.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters CarUrl Signed application file

File In

Parameters TargetPartition Partition

String In

Parameters ApplicationData Output data

String Out


Uninstall signed/unsigned objects.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters BusinessKeys Objects

String In

Parameters TestRun Test run

String In `Yes`

Parameters CancelRecurrences Cancel recurrences

String In `No`

Parameters DeleteFinalProcesses Delete final processes

String In `No`

Parameters ProcessDiscardedOnly Process discarded objects only

String In `No`


Archives audit entries into an XML file and deletes them from the Audit Trail.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Kind Archive audit objects by

String In

Parameters ObjectType Object Type

String In

Parameters BusinessKeyPattern Business Key Contains

String In

Parameters Partition Partition

String In

Parameters CreationDate Date is before

Date Time Zone In

Parameters AuditAgeUnits Age is greater than

Number In

Parameters AuditAgeUnitType Age Unit Type

String In

Parameters WriteOutput Write selected items to output file

String In `Yes`


This process allows the caller to remove cleared events. It is also possible to record the removed events in the output logfile.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters EventPrefix Restrict search using event name prefix

String In

Parameters Kind Remove cleared events using

String In

Parameters RaisedSequence Remove before raised sequence number

Number In

Parameters ClearedDate Remove Before Date

Date Time Zone In

Parameters EventAgeUnits Remove Before Age

Number In

Parameters EventAgeUnitType Use Age Unit Type

String In

Parameters WriteOutput Write selected items to output file

String In `Yes`


This process allows the caller to send a command to an AS400 system and receive the process/log output in report format. This definition requires the AS/400 module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters AS400Server The name of the AS400 server to connect with

String In

Parameters AS400User The account to establish the connection with

String In

Parameters COMMAND The command to execute on the system

String In


Trace the interface code (java code) that is needed to run a command that runs on a AS400 system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters AS400Server The name of the AS400 server to connect with

String In

Parameters AS400TraceLevel Trace level that needs to be set

String In


Perform a database backup. The results might be inconsistent because this is performed on a running database.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Filename File Name

String In


Change owner of Process Definitions and/or Groups.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters currentUser Current Owner of the Objects

String In

Parameters newUser New Owner of the Objects

String In

Parameters includeJobDefinitions Change Owner of Process Definitions?

String In `No`

Parameters includeRecurrences Change Owner of Recurrences?

String In `No`

Parameters DryRun Do a dry run? (no changes will be persisted)

String In `No`

Parameters ChangeLocked Also change owner of locked objects?

String In `No`


Creates a ZIP file with process overviews for a list of processes, including all job files.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JobIds Process ids Comma separated list of process ids String In

Parameters JobQueryFilter Query filter Business key of the job query filter String In

Parameters JobFileLinkType Type of links Type of links to be used in the process overviews, either relative links or permalinks String In `RelativeLink`

Parameters IgnoreMissingFiles Ignore non-available files Indicates if the job should continue or go to error if a non existing file is encountered String In `Yes`

Parameters ZipEntryPattern Zip entry pattern Pattern for the zip entries, may contain expressions such as ${JobId}, ${Description} and ${ScheduledStartTime} String In

Parameters JtoolOptions Options for jtool Options to be appended to the jtool command String In


This process automatically runs to collect system statistics.


A registry entry is created for each edit screen and all tabs available. This allows for setting of visibility levels per tab.


This process creates a default monitor tree under /System/Queue and /System/ProcessServer.


Enables dynamic trace of credential handling for a single process. Submit the process that needs to be traced in Hold status and then submit this process definition and pass the ID of that process in the Hold status. This will release the process and an extra file named 'stdcredential.log' will be created with the desired trace information.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JobId Process ID

Number In


This process is run periodically as part of system maintenance. It deletes files from processes that have been deleted.


This script does nothing, and can be used as a placeholder script while building a chain definition.


Enables dynamic tracing to help with problem solving. Format of the trace string is as follows: <category>=<level>;<category>=<level>;... Valid levels are 'debug', 'warn', 'info', 'error', and 'fatal'.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters TraceString Trace String

String In

Parameters MinutesToRun Minutes to Run

Number In `15`

Parameters Scope Scope

String In


This process is only to be used under the direction of Redwood support.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters fileName File Name

String In


This process explains the conditions that prevent the process from being scheduled to run now. For non-queued processes, this does not provide any useful information.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters jobId ID

Number In


This process exports an application and its descendant objects. They are exported to an archive that is attached to the process as a file. This definition requires the Import/Export module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters applicationPath Path of application to be exported

String In


Archives audit entries into an XML file and leaves the Audit Trail intact.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Kind Export audit objects by

String In

Parameters ObjectType Object Type

String In

Parameters BusinessKeyPattern Business Key Contains

String In

Parameters Partition Partition

String In

Parameters CreationDate Date is before

Date Time Zone In

Parameters AuditAgeUnits Age Greater Than

Number In

Parameters AuditAgeUnitType Age Unit Type

String In


This process exports a set of objects. The set of objects to be exported is defined using an export rule set, and is exported to an archive that is attached to the process as a file. This definition requires the Import/Export module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters exportRuleSetName Name of the export rule set that specifies the objects to be exported

String In


Run command native to the operating system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters COMMAND Command to execute

String InOut

Parameters JCS_USER OS Account this process will run under

String In


Run command (REL evaluated) native to the operating system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REL_COMMAND Command (REL Evaluated) to execute

String InOut

Parameters JCS_USER OS Account this process will run under

String In


This process fetches a part of the monitor tree from a remote system, and applies it to this system's local monitor tree.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters MonitorTreeCredTable Monitor credential table name

String In `System_SoapCredentialMonitorTree`


This process will force running processes to the status "Unknown".


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JobId ID

Number In

Parameters JobIds List of IDs

Number In


Delete a file from remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters RemoteFile Name of remote file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


Get file from remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters RemoteFile Name of remote file

String In

Parameters LocalFile Name of local file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


List directory on remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters ListDirectory Directory to retrieve a listing from

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


Retrieve files matching pattern from remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters Pattern Pattern of files to match

String In

Parameters LocalDirectory Name of local directory

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


Multi-threaded download of files using FTP.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters ProcessServer The name of the process server where this process will run

String In

Parameters Queue The name of the queue in which this process will run

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Host name of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters RemoteFile Source directory and pattern

String In

Parameters LocalFile Destination directory

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Use a secure connection

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Use TLS or SSL

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH The path to your certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH The path to your keyfile

String In


Create directory on remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters RemoteDirectory Name of remote directory

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


Upload files matching pattern to remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters Pattern Pattern of files to match

String In

Parameters RemoteDirectory Name of remote directory

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


Multi-threaded upload of files using FTP.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters ProcessServer The name of the process server that this process will run on

String In

Parameters Queue The name of the queue that this process will run in

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT The hostname of the FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER The name of the account to log in with

String In

Parameters LocalFile Source directory and pattern

String In

Parameters RemoteFile Destination directory

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Use a secure connection

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Use TLS or SSL

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH The path to your certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH The path to your keyfile

String In


Upload file to remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters LocalFile Name of local file

String In

Parameters RemoteFile Name of remote file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


Remove directory on remote server.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_REMOTE_ENDPOINT Hostname of FTP server to connect with

String In

Parameters JCS_REMOTE_USER Name of account to log in with

String In

Parameters RemoteDirectory Name of remote directory

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_ENABLE Enable SSL

String In `false`

Parameters JCS_SSL_METHOD Secure protocol

String In `tls`

Parameters JCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH Path to the certificate file

String In

Parameters JCS_SSL_KEYPATH Path to the key file

String In


It can be run from a Process Server, a Process or the Product Information Icon.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JobId Get files related to Process with Id

Number In

Parameters ProcessServerId Get files related to Process Server with Id

String In

Parameters Files Internal parameter for available files

String In


This process can be used to grant access to objects that have an owner. It selects objects that have 'fromOwnerSubject' as owner subject and creates 'All' privileges for the 'toSubject'. If the 'toSubject' already has a privilege for a given object, it changes this privilege into an 'All' privilege.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters fromOwnerSubject Owner of the objects

String In

Parameters toSubject Grant privileges to

String In

Parameters includeQueryFilters Create privileges for Query Filters?

String In `No`

Parameters includeNavigationBars Create privileges for Navigation Bars?

String In `No`

Parameters includeDashboards Create privileges for Dashboards?

String In `No`

Parameters includeVisualizationAlerts Create privileges for Visualization Alerts?

String In `No`

Parameters includeVisualizationPSQueues Create privileges for Visualization PS Queues?

String In `No`

Parameters DryRun Do a dry run? (No changes will be persisted)

String In `No`


Send reports for the number of ignored alerts by e-mail to the addresses that have been ignored. An address is ignored if the number of e-mails sent to the address exceeds the alert rate limit within the alert rate window. This definition requires the Alerting module license.


This process imports all definitions from a Cronacle Archive (CAR). The archive is located by URL. This definition requires the ImportExport module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters CarUrl File Name or URL of Archive

String In

Parameters ImportRuleSetName Name of import rule set to be applied to imported objects

String In

Parameters TestMode Test mode activated

String In

Parameters ImportResult Import result as REST objects

String Out

Parameters TargetPartition The target partition of the imported objects

String In

Parameters auditReason Reason for Change

String In

Parameters ImportRuleSetProperties The properties of the import rule set

String In

Parameters ApplicationData Output data

String Out

Parameters InvalidateOnError Invalidate definitions on error

String In

Parameters CatalogObjectImportRule Rule for installing catalog packages

String In



Import an archive, but only when the operator message that gets created is approved.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters CarUrl File Name or URL of Archive

String In

Parameters ImportRuleSetName Name of import rule set to be applied to imported objects

String In

Parameters TestMode Test mode activated

String In

Parameters ImportResult Import result as REST objects

String Out

Parameters TargetPartition The target partition of the imported objects

String In

Parameters ImportRuleSetProperties The properties of the import rule set

String In

Parameters ApplicationData Output data

String Out


This process imports a Java Archive (JAR) into a library. The archive is located by URL. This definition requires the Import/Export module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Jar File name or URL of the archive

File In

Parameters Library Name of the library in which the archive is to be included

String In

Parameters JarFileName The new name of the jar file to be saved in the library

String In

Parameters auditReason Reason for Change

String In


Specify a run-as user to limit access to running imports or set lockdown to true to prohibit imports.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters runAsUser Run-as user

String In

Parameters lockdown Lockdown

String In


This process imports the Cronacle Archive (CAR) definitions that are supplied with Cronacle. Archives can be selected via a drop down list.. This definition requires the Import/Export Module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters CarFile File name of Archive

String In


Import data from third parties into Cronacle.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters CarUrl Car URL

String In

Parameters JobDefinitionPerformingImport Process definition performing import

String In

Parameters DefaultTimeZone Default time zone

String In

Parameters DestinationPartition Destination partition

String In

Parameters OutFileUrl Out file URL

String InOut

Parameters ImportRuleSetName Name of import rule set to be applied to imported objects

String In


Start the import of data from third parties into Cronacle.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Source Source

String In

Parameters JobDefinitionPerformingImport Process definition performing import

String In

Parameters DefaultTimeZone Default time zone

String In

Parameters DestinationPartition Destination partition

String In

Parameters OutFileUrl Out file URL

String Out


This process retrieves all of the available information from the current JVM and place it in the log file for the process.


This process performs the initialization of the Oracle Job service which allows you to run Oracle Jobs. When the Process Server GLOBAL.System_Oracle already exists, make sure it is shutdown.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters SysPassword Oracle Password of SYS user

String In

Parameters StartProcessServer Start the Process Server

String In


Set a user to be able to read all isolation groups.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters UserName User Name

String In


When run, this process will produce a report detailing all of the process servers and how they contribute to the currently used license totals.


Writes all parameters and their values from the previous job chain step in an RTX table.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Table RTX Table output

Table Out

Parameters ConcatenateTableParameters Table outparameters to concatenate

String In

Parameters IncludeParameters Parameters to include

String In

Parameters DebugJobId JobId for debug purposes

String In

Parameters OutFiles Out files

String Out


Loops over the given table parameter and submit for every row in the table the single process in the next step of the job chain.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Table RTX Table to loop over

Table In

Parameters Filter REL to filter the rows, must return true to process the current row

String In

Parameters JobDescription REL for description of looped jobs

String In


Set the mail server to be used. Enter an e-mail address to detect the mail server to be used, or set the server explicitly. If server is set to 'default', then the default server for your application server is used. If server is set to 'detect' then the process will detect the server to be used from the first e-mail address. Other values for server specify a local SMTP server. This definition requires the Mail Module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters From From

String In

Parameters Server Server

String In


Send an e-mail using SMTP. If the server parameter is not set, the value set by System_Mail_Configure is used. If server is set to 'default', then the default server for your application server is used. If server is set to 'detect' then the process will detect the server to be used from the first e-mail address. Other values for server specify a local SMTP server. This definition requires the Mail Module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters To To

String In

Parameters Subject Subject

String In

Parameters Text Text

String In

Parameters RelativeJob Relative Process

String In

Parameters JobFile File

String In

Parameters Server Server

String In

Parameters From From

String In


Check the tables for changes in the number of rows. Show the changes in the monitor tree.


This process enables the caller to raise an operator message. If the message requires a reply, the process is not completed until the reply is given. The reply is then placed in the 'reply' out parameter.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters message Message

String In

Parameters reply Reply

String Out

Parameters replyExpression Reply Expression

String In


This process can be used to import definitions reading concurrent program definitions out of the Oracle Applications system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraApps_SystemName Applications System name

String In

Parameters SRS Include Non-SRS programs?

String In `N`

Parameters ApplicationShortName Application Short name

String In

Parameters ConcurrentProgramName Concurrent Program name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Upon Completion Options OraApps_AddPrintOptions Add Print Options

String In `Y`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Upon Completion Options OraApps_NumberUserToNotify Number of User(s) to notify

String In `0`

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to import multiple definitions reading concurrent program definitions out of the Oracle Applications system. To use this program fill in the first part of the Concurrent Program(s) short name to import followed by a % sign.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraApps_SystemName Applications System name

String In

Parameters ApplicationShortName Application Short name

String In

Parameters ConcurrentProgramName Concurrent Program name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Parameters SRS Include Non-SRS programs?

String In `N`

Upon Completion Options OraApps_AddPrintOptions Add Print Options

String In `Y`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Upon Completion Options OraApps_NumberUserToNotify Number of User(s) to notify

String In `0`

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to install the intercept functionality in the Oracle Applications database.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraApps_SystemName Applications System name

String In


This process can be used to import definitions reading PL/SQL API definitions out of the Oracle Applications system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraApps_SystemName Applications System name

String In

Parameters ApplicationShortName Application Short name

String In

Parameters PackageName Package API name

String In

Parameters PackageMethodName Package Method name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to create definitions reading request set definitions out of the Oracle Applications system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraApps_SystemName Applications System name

String In

Parameters ApplicationShortName Application Short name

String In

Parameters RequestSetName Request set name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Upon Completion Options OraApps_AddPrintOptions Add Print Options

String In `Y`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Upon Completion Options OraApps_NumberUserToNotify Number of User(s) to notify

String In `0`

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to create multiple definitions reading request set definitions out of the Oracle Applications system. To use this program fill in the first part of the Request Set(s) short name to import followed by a % sign.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraApps_SystemName Applications System name

String In

Parameters ApplicationShortName Application Short name

String In

Parameters RequestSetName Request set name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Upon Completion Options OraApps_AddPrintOptions Add Print Options

String In `Y`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Upon Completion Options OraApps_NumberUserToNotify Number of User(s) to notify

String In `0`

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to uninstall the intercept functionality in the Oracle Applications database.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraApps_SystemName Applications System name

String In


This process can be used to import all definitions reading script definitions out of the Oracle Health Insurance system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraOhi_SystemName OraOhi_SystemName

String In

Parameters OraOhi_ScriptName OHI Script name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to import one single definition reading script definition out of the Oracle Health Insurance system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraOhi_SystemName OHI System name

String In

Parameters OraOhi_ScriptName OHI Script name

String In

Parameters OraOhi_TestRun Test run?

String In `N`

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process is used to monitor a child of an OHI job.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters OraOhi_SystemName OraOhi_SystemName

String In


This process outputs a part of the monitor tree into a File (binary), the process is used by System_FetchRemoteMonitorTree.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters MonitorTreePath Monitor tree path

String In


This process can be used to import definitions reading PeopleSoft program definitions out of the PeopleSoft system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters PeopleSoft_SystemName PeopleSoft System name

String In

Parameters ProcessType Process Type

String In

Parameters ProcessName Process Name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to import one or more definitions reading PeopleSoft program definitions out of the PeopleSoft system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters PeopleSoft_SystemName PeopleSoft System name

String In

Parameters ProcessType Process Type

String In

Parameters ProcessName Process Name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


Create a process definition from an imported definition reading PeopleSoft query definitions out of the PeopleSoft system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters PeopleSoft_SystemName PeopleSoft System name

String In

Parameters SearchString Report Name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This process can be used to import one or more process definition from an imported query definition reading PeopleSoft query definitions out of the PeopleSoft system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters PeopleSoft_SystemName PeopleSoft System name

String In

Parameters SearchString Report Name

String In

Generation Settings OVERWRITE Overwrite Existing Process Definitions?

String In `N`

Generation Settings PARTITION Partition

String In

Generation Settings APPLICATION Application

String In


This standard definition can be used to run PeopleSoft run controls already defined in the PeopleSoft system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters PeopleSoft_SystemName PeopleSoft System name

String In

Parameters PeopleSoft_UserName Run User Name

String In

Parameters RunControlId Run Control Id

String In

Parameters ServerName Server Name

String In

Parameters OutputDestinationFormat Output Destination Format

String In

Parameters OutputDestinationString Output Destination String

String In

Parameters ReportFolderName Report Folder Name

String In

Parameters ProcessFileName Process File Name

String In

PrcsDistributionOption PrcsDistributionIdType Distribution Id Type

String In

PrcsDistributionOption PrcsDistributionId Distribution Id

String In

PrcsOutputOption PrcsOutputDestinationType Output Destination Type

String In

PrcsOutputOption PrcsOutputDestinationFormat Output Destination Format

String In

PrcsOutputOption PrcsOutputDestinationString Output Destination String

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailSubject Email Subject

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailText Email Text

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailAddresses Email Addresses

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailAttachLog Email Attach Log

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailWebReport Email Web Report

String In


This standard definition can be used to run PeopleSoft jobs already defined in the PeopleSoft system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters PeopleSoft_SystemName PeopleSoft System name

String In

Parameters PeopleSoft_UserName Run User Name

String In

Parameters RunControlId Run Control Id

String In

Parameters ProcessType Process Type

String In `PSJob`

Parameters JobName Job Name

String In

Parameters ServerName Server Name

String In

Parameters OutputDestinationFormat Output Destination Format

String In

Parameters OutputDestinationString Output Destination String

String In

Parameters ReportFolderName Report Folder Name

String In

Parameters ProcessFileName Process File Name

String In


This standard definition can be used to run PeopleSoft jobs already defined in the PeopleSoft system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters PeopleSoft_SystemName PeopleSoft System name

String In

Parameters PeopleSoft_UserName Run User Name

String In

Parameters RunControlId Run Control Id

String In

Parameters ProcessType Process Type

String In `Application Engine`

Parameters ProcessName Process Name

String In

Parameters ServerName Server Name

String In

Parameters OutputDestinationFormat Output Destination Format

String In

Parameters OutputDestinationString Output Destination String

String In

Parameters ReportFolderName Report Folder Name

String In

Parameters ProcessFileName Process File Name

String In

PrcsDistributionOption PrcsDistributionIdType Distribution Id Type

String In

PrcsDistributionOption PrcsDistributionId Distribution Id

String In

PrcsOutputOption PrcsOutputDestinationType Output Destination Type

String In

PrcsOutputOption PrcsOutputDestinationFormat Output Destination Format

String In

PrcsOutputOption PrcsOutputDestinationString Output Destination String

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailSubject Email Subject

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailText Email Text

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailAddresses Email Addresses

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailAttachLog Email Attach Log

String In

PrcsEmailOption PrcsEmailWebReport Email Web Report

String In


This process is run periodically to perform system maintenance. It automatically deletes old processes that have expired according to the definition's keep clause.


This process takes care of car file promotion.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters exportRuleSetBusinessKey Export Rule Set

String In

Parameters remoteSystemBusinessKey Remote System

String In

Parameters sendToRemoteSystem Promote to System

String In

Parameters promotionComment Comment

String In


Promote an imported CAR file from an Import Process to the next Remote System.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters SourceObject Name of the Remote System

String In

Parameters SourceObjectUniqueId Unique ID of the Remote System

Number In

Parameters SourceObjectType Object type of the Remote System, this will always be RemoteSystem

String In

Parameters Address URL of where the car file needs to be send to

String In

Parameters Message Message associated with the Promote Further

String In

Parameters Data Location of the CAR file that needs to be promoted

String In

Parameters CARFile Location of the CAR file that needs to be promoted

File In

Parameters OriginalJobId ID of the process that is used as the source of the CAR file

String In


Publishes Files to a Report2Web Catalog for approval. This is a standard definition equivalent to the PublishItem Definition Type.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Publish_Catalog Report2Web Catalog

String In

Parameters Publish_ReportName Report Name

String In

Parameters Publish_Source File(s)

String In

Parameters Publish_Comment Approval Comment

String Out

Parameters Publish_Status Approval Status

String Out


Sends a connection setup request to the remote R2W server specifying the callback URL for the tab API.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters ServerUrl R2W Server URL

String In

Parameters Catalog Catalog

String In

Parameters Username Username

String In

Parameters Password Password

String In


Publishes Files to a Report2Web Catalog. This is a standard definition equivalent to the PublishItem Definition Type.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Publish_Catalog Report2Web Catalog

String In

Parameters Publish_ReportName Report Name

String In

Parameters Publish_Source File(s)

String In


Allows you to choose an event definition and perform a clear or raise on it.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Action Action

String In

Parameters EventDefinition Event Definition

String In

Parameters Comment Documentation

String In


Allows an event to be raised on a remote V8 system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Connection Host The hostname or IP address

String In

Connection Port The port number

String In

Connection Username The username to log in with

String In

Connection Password The password to log in with

String In

Event EventPartition The partition of the event

String In `GLOBAL`

Event EventName The event name

String In

Event RaiseComment The comment added to the raised event

String In `='Raised by job ' + jobId + ' on ' + String.getSystemId()`

Event RaiseId The raised event for the remote event definition

String Out

Advanced URL The HTTP URL (Overrides Host:Port settings)

String In

Advanced IsolationGroup The Isolation Group of the user

String In `GLOBAL`

Advanced Timeout The timeout for establishing a connection

String In `15000`

Advanced MaxRetries The max number of retries to establish a connection

String In `15`

Advanced Delay The delay between retries

String In `1000`


Allows an event to be raised on a remote V6 or V7 system.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Connection Host The hostname or IP address

String In

Connection Port The port number

String In

Connection Database The database name

String In

Connection Username The username to log in with

String In

Connection Password The password to log in with

String In

Event EventPartition The partition of the event

String In `SYSJCS`

Event EventName The event name

String In

Event RaiseComment The comment added to the raised event

String In `='Raised by job ' + jobId + ' on ' + String.getSystemId()`

Advanced JDBCURL The JDBC URL (Overrides Host/Port/Database settings)

String In


This process removes deleted files from the internal list.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters ProcessServer Process Server

String In

Parameters Code Code

String In


This process lets you specify which outdated processes to remove in a bulk operation.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters IsolationGroup Visible from Isolation Group

String In `GLOBAL`

Parameters JobDefinitionPrefix Filter by Definition Name

String In

Parameters JobDefinition Process Definition

Number In

Parameters Kind Remove Processes by

String In

Parameters JobId ID is before

Number In

Parameters JobDate Date is before

Date Time Zone In

Parameters JobAgeUnits Age is greater than

Number In

Parameters JobAgeUnitType Age Unit Type

String In

Parameters Statuses Restrict to statuses (comma separated codes)

String In `C,E,U,A,K`


Remove the operator messages that have either been replied to or do not need a reply. This can be done by age or date. If the auto-reply option is selected, the process will try to reply to any operator messages that need a reply and have a previous reply matching one in the reply list. If an auto reply is provided, the operator message will not be deleted in this run.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters AutoReply Automatically reply to messages?

String In `No`

Parameters ReplyList Comma separated list of valid replies If the operator message reply options match any of the provided items in the list, this will be set as the operator message response. Operator messages that are auto replied will not be deleted in this run. String In

Parameters Kind Age or Date

String In `A`

Parameters OperatorMessageDate Date

Date Time Zone In

Parameters OperatorMessageAgeUnits Age

Number In

Parameters OperatorMessageAgeUnitType Age Units

String In


Remove the operator messages that have either been replied to or do not need a reply. This can be done by age or date. If the auto-reply option is selected, the process will try to reply to any operator messages that need a reply and have a previous reply matching one in the reply list. If an auto reply is provided, the operator message will not be deleted in this run.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters AutoReply Automatically reply to messages?

String In `No`

Parameters ReplyList Comma separated list of valid replies If the operator message reply options match any of the provided items in the list, this will be set as the operator message response. Operator messages that are auto replied will not be deleted in this run. String In

Parameters Kind Age or Date

String In `A`

Parameters OperatorMessageDate Date

Date Time Zone In

Parameters OperatorMessageAgeUnits Age

Number In

Parameters OperatorMessageAgeUnitType Age Units

String In


Generates a report using a report object applying the appropriate formatting to the output.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Report Report

String In

Parameters OutputFormat Report format

String In

Parameters RecordCount Record count

Number Out


Object restored from auditing record for object at that point in time. Note that this may result in dependency issues if a dependent object has been deleted.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters ObjectType Object Type

String In

Parameters BusinessKey Business Key

String In

Parameters DateTimeToRestore Restoration Time

Date Time Zone In


This prepares the processes to restore the system to a point in time. To continue with the restoration, run the held processes (in the order required to meet dependency requirements).


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters DateTimeToRestore The point to be restored to

Date Time Zone In


Change configuration options of SecureStorage.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Encrypt Storage encryption (activate only)

String In `N`


Set default language. This is used during upgrade process to set the description of old processes for old releases of the software.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Language Language

String In


Set the DataRootDirectory of the System process server. This will affect all processes running on the System process server after this process completes. There is no need for a restart.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Directory Directory

String In


Sleep as long as parameter indicates.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters MilliSeconds Time to sleep (in milliseconds)

Number In `1000`


Set the default Email to SMS server address to be used to send email to. Enter the e-mail address of the SMS server to be used. This definition requires the Mail module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Email2SMSServer Server E-mail Address

String In


Send an email to SMS using SMS server provider. The SMS will be sent using the default Mail server. This definition requires the Mail module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters MobileNumber Device Id

String In

Parameters Text Message

String In


Configure SNMP trap defaults. This definition requires the SNMP module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters host Host

String In

Parameters port Port

Number In

Parameters community Community

String In

Parameters id ID

Number In

Parameters data Data

String In


Send a trap using SNMP. This definition requires the SNMP module license.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters host Host

String In

Parameters port Port

Number In

Parameters community Community

String In

Parameters id ID

Number In

Parameters data Data

String In


Perform a query using SQLPLUS.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_USER The account that will connect to the database

String In

Parameters JCS_ENDPOINT The database to connect to

String In

Parameters COMMAND The query to perform

String In


Ensure there is only one instance of each maintenance process running.


This process is run periodically to perform system maintenance. It updates the runtime statistics for the definition of processes that have been completed.


Perform any long-running actions after the upgrade.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Mode Mode

String In


This is a standard UserMessage process that requires the user to select the Accept or Reject response before continuing.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters UserMessage_SelectedAction Selected action

String Out

Parameters UserMessage_Participants Participant Users A comma separated list of the users allowed to reply to the user message. String In

Parameters UserMessage_Comment Provided comment

String Out

Parameters UserMessage_Roles Participant Roles A comma separated list of the roles allowed to reply to the user message. String In

Parameters UserMessage_Attach Attach notification? Attach the notification process to this user message? String In `N` Y,N
Parameters UserMessage_InitialAssignee Initial Assignee

String In

Parameters UserMessage_FileList User Message File List

String InOut

Parameters UserMessage_History Workflow History

Table Out

Parameters UserMessage_NotifyMethod Notify Method

String In

Parameters UserMessage_ActionResponder Action Responder Responder of the user message action String Out


This is a template process for the user message notification e-mails that are sent when a user message is created, or changed.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters Mail_To The email address of the person who will receive this notification.

String In

Parameters UserMessage_Operator The name of the operator who raised the notification

String In

Parameters UserMessage_Action The action performed to the user message, e.g. delegated, forwarded, responded.

String In

Parameters UserMessage_Text The user message text.

String In

Parameters UserMessage_NewAssignee The person who is now responsible for the user message.

String In

Parameters UserMessage_OldAssignee The person who was previously responsible for the user message.

String In

Parameters UserMessage_FileLinks A list of direct URLs to user message attachments.

String In

Parameters Subject_Name The full name or username of the mail recipient

String In

Parameters Mail_Attachments A semi-colon delimited list of Job File references to attach to the mail job.

String In

Parameters UserMessage_Link The direct link to the user message.

String In

Parameters UserMessage_UniqueId The Unique ID of the User Message

Number In

Parameters UserMessage_Reply The current User Message reply

String In

Parameters UserMessage_OldAssignee_Email The email of the person who was previously responsible for the user message

String In


This process retrieves all information required to show an overview of version info and a basic layout of the system.


Closes a session created earlier via System_Windows_Session_Create.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_SESSION Opaque session handle

String In


Creates a session that will last until timeout expires, System_Windows_Session_Close is run or is closed by some other means on the server. This definition can only be used with a queue that has exactly one (Windows) Process server attached.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters JCS_SESSION Opaque session handle

String Out

Parameters JCS_SESSION_ACCOUNTS List of accounts The first account from this list that is not logged on is used. Accounts are tried in order, SQL style wildcards are allowed. String In

Parameters JCS_SESSION_TIMEOUT Session expires after (minutes) If the session is still running this many minutes after it started it will be forcefully logged off Number In