Parameter Formats

When you define a parameter in the Parameters tab of the Process Definition editing pop-up window, there is a Process Format field in the detail view. You can use this field to control how the parameter's values are displayed. Note that this does NOT affect the values themselves; only how they are displayed.

There are different formats available for different types of parameters.


Dates use an extended implementation of DateTimeFormatter. You can specify a locale in curly braces. For example, "{de} dd. mmm, yyyy", displays the date in the German (de) locale. You can specify the Olson timezone using i.

For example, these formats display the date in the Spanish and German locales.

"{es}dd MM yyyy"     // 06 04 2013
"{de}dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS i"  // 06 05 2013 16:53:38:200 Europe/London

See Simple Date Format for syntax and examples.

Note: Date formatting can also be used with RedwoodScript as long as the type is DateTimeZone.


  • #: Single whole number digit. If there is no digit at this position in a number, nothing is displayed at this position.
  • 0: Single whole number digit. If there is no digit at this position in a number, a zero is displayed at this position.
  • d: Single decimal digit. If there is no digit at this position in a number, nothing is displayed at this position.
  • D: Single decimal digit. If there is no digit at this position in a number, a zero is displayed at this position.
  • ,: Decimal or group separator.
  • .: Decimal or group separator.
  • ``: Group separator
  • *: Preserve the value range, and do not limit to the number of specified digits.

Valid Examples

    [[format, value, output]
    "#", null, null
    "#", "1234", "4"
    "*#", "1234", "1234"
    "#*", "1234", "1234"
    "####", "1234", "1234"
    "#,###", "1234", "1,234"
    "#,###.DD", "1234", "1,234.00"
    "#,###.DD", "1234.56", "1,234.56"
    "#,###.DD", "1234.56", "1,234.56"
    "*#,###.DD", "123456.78", "123,456.78"
    "###.###,DD", "123456.78", "123.456,78"
    "0000", "1", "0001"
    "000#", "1", "001"
    "0,000.DDD", "1", "0,001.000" // No optional position
    "#.##.##.##,dd", "1234", "12.34" // No default group size
    "#,##.dd", "1234.56", "234.56"
    "####", "1", "1"
    "##.dd", "12", "12"
    "##.dd", "12.34", "12.34"
    "# ###", "1234", "1 234"
    "#", "-1", "-1"
    "#.Dd", "1", "1.0"
    "*000", "1", "001"
    "#.D*", "123.456", "3.456"
    "*#.D", "123.456", "123.4"
    "*#.D*", "123.456", "123.456"

Invalid Examples

    "any invalid string"
    "#,D###.DD" // decimal position
    "###,## ###" // distinct group separator
    "#,##,###.DD" // distinct group size
    "#*#" // preserve range must be first and/or last
    "#0" // leading zero must be first
    "#.dD" // optional decimal must be last
    "#D" // no decimal separator


  • U: Single character, upper-case.
  • L: Single character, lower-case.
  • *: Repeat last format character until value ends.

Valid Examples

   [[formatmask, value, output]
    "U*", null, null
    "UU", "Aap", "AA");
    "U*", "Aap", "AAP");
    "L", "Aap", "a");
    "UL*", "aap", "Aap");
    "L*", "AAP", "aap");
    "U*", "aap", "AAP");

Invalid Examples

 "U*L" // repeat must be last
