Restart Behavior

Restart behavior is used to react to the final status of a process. You can control restart behavior on individual Process Definitions and Chain Definitions, at the Partition level, and at the system level.

The priority for the different levels of restart behavior are evaluated in the following order. The first (most specific) restart behavior found is the one honored.

  1. Process Definition or Chain Definition restart behavior
  2. Partition-level restart behavior
  3. System-level restart behavior
  4. Built-in default restart behavior

Restart Behavior for Process and Chain Definitions

You can configure restart behavior on the Process Status tab of a Process Definition or Chain Definition.

Partition-Level and System-Level Restart Behaviors

You can configure restart behavior on a system-wide basis and on a partition-wide basis by manually creating special Process Definitions.

  • You can create a Process Definition for system-wide default settings named System_Defaults_System in the GLOBAL Partition.

  • You can create a Process Definition for Partition-level settings named System_Defaults_Partition in the Partition of the Queue of any processes you want to specify restart behavior for.

The only properties that can be set on these special Process Definitions are:

  • Process Definition > Description field: You can only set this when you create such a Process Definition.
  • Process Status tab: This is where you configure restart behavior.
  • Retention tab.
  • Security tab.

Note: You cannot submit these Process Definitions or modify any other properties. Their sole purpose is to let you specify restart behavior settings.

System Level Restart Behavior

To create system-wide default restart behavior settings:

  1. Navigate to Definitions > Retention.
  2. Right-click an existing object in the list and choose Create System_Defaults_System definition from the context menu.
  3. On the Process Definition tab, enter a description. Note that you can only do this when creating this object.
  4. On the Process Status tab, set up your desired restart settings.
  5. Click Save & Close.

Partition Level Restart Behavior

To create Partition-level default restart behavior settings:

  1. Navigate to Definitions > Processes.
  2. Right-click an existing object in the list and choose Create System_Defaults_Partition definition from the context menu.
  3. On the Process Definition tab, follow this procedure:
    • Choose the Partition you want to set default restart behavior for.
    • Enter a Description. Note that you can only do this when creating this object.
  4. On the Process Status tab, select your desired restart settings.
  5. Click Save & Close.


Assume you want killed processes in the Finance Partition to be restartable on request. To accomplish this, create or edit the partition-level Process Definition, then go to the Process Status tab and select Request Restart for the On Killed property.

Changing Process Definition Descriptions

If you want to change the Description of the System_Defaults_System Process Definition, navigate to Scripting > Shell and use code like the following.

  //Get the process definition
  JobDefinition jDefinition = jcsSession.getJobDefinitionByName("System_Defaults_System");
  //Set the description
  jDefinition.setDescription("System-wide Restart Behavior");

You can do the same with the System_Defaults_Partition Process Definition.