Submit Form Editor

You can use the submit form editor to design a custom dialog box to be presented to users when they submit a Process Definition or Chain Definition. To display the submit form editor, navigate to Definitions > Processes or Definitions > Chains, then right-click the target Process Definition or Chain Definition and choose Edit Submit form from the context menu.

Note: Controls that are mapped to In parameters are read-only. Controls that are mapped to In/Out or Out parameters can be edited by the user.

Positioning and Configuring Form Elements

The submit form editor includes a work area in the middle where you design the submit form. To add a control to the form, click and drag it from the Components list on the left. Available target positions on the form are highlighted in green.

To configure the active control, use the Properties pane on the right.

To delete the active control, click Delete under Properties.

To preview the form, click Preview in Properties.

Note: To create a submit form for a definition, the definition must have a default Queue set.

Default Form Values

By default, the form contains a title bar, a vertical panel, and a button bar, and the following control configurations.

  • Title set to the Description of the Process Definition.
  • Additional controls and labels for each parameter that does not have the UserMessage_ prefix. The control type depends on the parameter type. The label will either be the Description of the parameter if set, or its Name.
  • Additional toolbar buttons for each Response.


The following controls can be added to a submit form. The parameters for each control are explained after the following table.

Control Description
Button Buttons are mapped to responses. Once a button is clicked, the definition is persisted and no further action on the definition is allowed.
Image Lets you upload an image to be displayed on the form.
Spacer Lets you insert a space between controls.
Text Lets you label adjacent controls. This creates a non-editable, non-expandable text box.
Grid Lets you align child controls horizontally and vertically in a grid.
Panel Lets you align child controls either horizontally (Row) or vertically (Column)
Calendar Lets the user select a date.
DateTime & TimeZone Input Lets the user specify a date time with time zone. This can be mapped to a parameter on the definition. The value selected will be set on the parameter.
DateTime Input Lets the user specify a date time with time zone. This can be mapped to a parameter on the definition. The value selected will be set on the parameter.
File Upload Lets the user upload a file.
Number Input Lets the user specify a number. This can be mapped to a parameter on the definition.
Password Input Lets the user enter a password.
Text Area Lets the user enter text. Expandable text box; can be mapped to a parameter.
Text Input Lets the user enter text. Non-expandable text box; can be mapped to a parameter.
Time Input Lets the user specify a time.
Array Input Fields Like the other input fields, except they let the user enter an array of values.
IFrame Lets you insert an iFrame.
RTXTable Lets you insert an RTX table.
Spreadsheet Lets you insert a spreadsheet interface.



Property Description
Response The response to map to the button. The only option is Submit.
Text The text to be displayed on the button. This text defaults to Button.

The style of the button.

  • Normal: For non-toolbar buttons.

  • Toolbar Normal: For non-cancel buttons.

  • Toolbar Cancel: For cancel toolbar buttons.

Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.


Property Description
Image Lets you select an image to upload to the form. The image will be displayed inline.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.


Property Description
Width The width in points of the spacer.
Height The height in points of the spacer.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.


Property Description
Text Read-only text to display.
URL The URL associated with the text.
Font size (pt) Font size to use for the text, in points.
Bold Applies a bold font.
Italic Applies an italic font.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.



For a Grid control, child controls can be aligned vertically and horizontally. There is always a target position before, after, above, and below a control in a Grid.

Property Description
Stretch Stretches the grid to occupy all free space.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.


For a Panel control, target positions are located either above and below or before and after, depending on the Direction setting.

Property Description
Direction Orientation of the panel, horizontal (Row) or vertical (Column).

Lets you specify the vertical (column direction) or horizontal (row direction) alignment of child controls. The alignment is dependent on the Direction property.

  • Start: Aligns child controls to the left/top.

  • Center: Centers child controls.

  • End: Aligns child controls to the right/bottom.

  • Stretch: Stretches child controls to occupy available space.


Lets you specify the vertical (column direction) or horizontal (row direction) alignment of child controls. The alignment is dependent on the Direction property.

  • Start: Aligns child controls to the top/left.

  • Center. Centers child controls.

  • End: Aligns child controls to the bottom/right.

  • Space Between: Adds spacing between child controls.

  • Space Around: Adds spacing before the first and after the last child control.

Stretch Stretches the panel to occupy all free space.
Scrollable Allows the control to have scroll controls, if required.

Style of the control.

  • Transparent: No styling.

  • Panel: Uses the default panel styling of the current theme.

  • Background: Uses the background color of the current theme.

  • Title bar: Uses the title bar styling of the current theme.

  • Button bar: Uses the button bar styling of the current theme.

Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

Input Fields


Property Description
Parameter The The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type Date, Date Time, and Date Time Zone can be mapped to calendar controls.
Clock Lets you choose between 24-hour and 12-hour time.
TimeZone The Olson time zone.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

DateTime & TimeZone Input

Property Description
Parameter The The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type Date, Date Time, and Date Time Zone can be mapped to calendar controls.
Format The Java Date Format to use to display the date, time, and time zone. If you do not specify a format, no date, time, or time zone elements are displayed.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

DateTime Input

Property Description
Parameter The The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type Date and Date Time can be mapped to this control.
Format The Java Date Format to use to display the date, time, and time zone. If you do not specify a format, no date, time, or time zone elements are displayed.
TimeZone The Olson time zone.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

File Upload

Property Description
Parameter The The parameter to be mapped to this control.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

Number Input

Property Description
Parameter The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type Number can be mapped to this control.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

Password Input

Property Description
Parameter The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type String can be mapped to this control.
Retype to confirm Lets you require the user to retype the password.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

Text Area

A text area can be resized by the user.

Property Description
Parameter The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type String can be mapped to this control.
Columns Width in characters of the text area.
Rows Number of lines of text.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

Text Input

Property Description
Parameter The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type String can be mapped to this control.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

Time Edit

Property Description
Parameter The parameter to be mapped to this control. Only parameters of type Time can be mapped to this control.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

Array Input Fields

The controls in the Array Input Fields area let the user input an array of values. Otherwise, they work the same way as the other input fields.



Property Description
Source The URL of the page to be displayed in the iFrame.
Stretch Lets you stretch the iFrame to fill the available space.
Width The default width of the iFrame, in points.
Height The default height of the iFrame, in points.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.


Property Description
Parameter The parameter to be mapped to this control.
Number Fraction Digits Lets you specify how many decimal digits to display.
Date Format Lets you specify how Dates are displayed.
DateTime Format Lets you specify how DateTimes are displayed.
DateTimeZone Format Lets you specify how DateTimeZones are displayed.
Stretch Lets you stretch the RTXTable to fill the available space.
Width The default width of the RTXTable, in points.
Height The default height of the RTXTable, in points.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.


Property Description
Parameter The parameter to be mapped to this control.
Date Format Lets you specify how Dates are displayed.
Stretch Lets you stretch the RTXTable to fill the available space.
Width The default width of the RTXTable, in points.
Height The default height of the RTXTable, in points.
Tooltip The text to be displayed when a pointing device hovers over the control.

User Message Integration

The dialog boxes you create in the submit form editor are separate user interface elements you can access with a ${UserMessage_Link} link in user message notification emails.

The user message uses the System_UserMessage_Notification definition in the Partition of the user message as the email source. If this definition does not exist, it uses the GLOBAL.System_UserMessage_Notification definition. Note that the source of GLOBAL.System_UserMessage_Notification cannot be edited and contains no link to the form, so you must duplicate it and place it in the same Partition as your user message.

Note: When you duplicate GLOBAL.System_UserMessage_Notification, the system automatically removes the System_ prefix from the name. You must restore it, because thee user message will use System_UserMessage_Notification, but it will not use UserMessage_Notification.