Process Server Tabs

Process Servers have the following set of tabs. For additional tabs common to all objects, see Object Tabs.

Process Server Tab

Field Name Description
Start On Startup If this is checked, the Process Server starts when RunMyJobs starts.
Monitor on Dashboard If this is checked, you can monitor the Process Server on the Monitoring Dashboard (Monitoring > Monitoring Dashboard).

Below the main controls, there is an area where you can add, delete, enable, and disable the Services associated with the Process Server.

Note: When you create or edit a Process Server, the required services are added automatically based on the Definition Type or the SAP interfaces you configured. The only exception is for Process Servers that are used exclusively for file events exclusively. For such Process Servies, you do not need to specify a Definition Type, but you must manually add the PlatformAgentService service.

Queues Tab

The Queues tab lets you associate one or more Queues with a Process Server. The controls for each Queue are as follows.

Field Description
Queue The Queue name.
Held Is this Queue held? (Y or N)
Execution Size The number of concurrent Chains allowed in the Queue.
Include Waiting Processes If this is checked, the Queue's Execution Size includes waiting Chains.
Hold Level Chains below this priority level will not execute. (To set the priority of a Chain Definition, use the Priority and Max Priority fields on the Process Control tab.)
Time Window The Time Window during which the Queue releases the Chains.
Time Zone The time zone for the Time Window (if the Time Window has no time zone).

Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab for Process Servers is different from the Parameters tab for process Definitions For a list list of Process Server parameters, see Process Server Parameters .

Field Name Description
Name The Process Server parameter name. When you choose an option from this dropdown list, a description of the selected parameter displays under Parameter Description.
Value The Process Server parameter value.
Default Value The default value of the Process Server parameter, if any. For reference only.

Resources Tab

Resources are a way of limiting processes to Process Servers that are capable of handling those processes. For example, some processes may require a printer, a particular operating system, or a particular application. You can ensure that those processes run on the proper Process Server by adding Resources to eligible Process Servers. You can also use Resources for load balancing.

Load Factors

Load factors help RunMyJobs to determine whether a given Process Server is overloaded or not. For more information, see Configuring Load Balancing on Platform Agents.

Field Description
Load Threshold The maximum threshold of all load factor products combined. If this threshold is reached, the Process Server goes to status Overloaded and accepts no more processes until the combined load factor drops below this threshold.
Execution Size The maximum number of concurrent processes that the Process Server can execute.
Value The value of the highlighted field in the list below.
Description A description of the load factor.
Multiplier A value by which the Monitor Value is multiplied before being compared to the Threshold and Load Threshold.
Threshold The threshold for the load factor. If this threshold is reached, the Process Server goes to status Overloaded and accepts no more processes until the load factor drops below the threshold.
Monitor Value A dropdown list where you can select a value to be monitored and multiplied with the Multiplier. Valid options include Active Connections, Number of Rows for particular tables, Table Size, and more.