Rescheduling Processes Automatically

There are two ways to have processes resubmit automatically, recurrences and Submit Frames. Recurrences have the advantage to be very easy to configure but the disadvantage to be usable with the recurrence they were created with only. Submit Frames are separate objects that need to be created but that can be reused by many recurrences. Processes are resubmitted as soon as the process has finished.

Repeating processes are in recurrences; processes in a recurrences share the common repetition pattern. A recurrence can have a JobGroupStatus:

Status Status Code Description
Active A The recurrence has processes in a non-final state.
Held H The recurrence was put on hold.
FinishedJobCount C The recurrencw is finished because the maximum number of processes has been reached.
FinishedEndDate D The recurrence is finished because the end date has been reached.
FinishedManually M The recurrence is finished on a user request. For example, a user cancelled the repetition.
FinishedSubmitFrame S The recurrence is finished because the Submit Frame does not have a next submit time.

See Also

  1. Using Recurrences.
  2. Creating Submit Frames.
  3. Using Submit Frames in Processes.