Boomi Connector
The Boomi component allows you to list, import, and automate Boomi processes.
- Version 9.2.9 or later
- Connection component or later. Note that the Connections component will be installed or updated automatically if necessary when you install this extension.
- Privileges Required to Use Connections
- Privileges Required to Use Boomi
- Connection information for the Boomi connection (Account ID, username, and either the password or API key)
Contents of the Component
Object Type | Name | Description |
Application | GLOBAL.Redwood.REDWOOD.Boomi | Dell Boomi Connector |
Constraint Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_BoomiAtomsForEnvironmentConstraint | Constraint for available Atoms for a Boomi Environment |
Constraint Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_BoomiAtomsForProcessConstraint | Constraint for available Atoms for a Boomi Process |
Constraint Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_BoomiConnectionConstraint | Constraint for Boomi Connection fields |
Constraint Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_BoomiEnvironmentConstraint | Constraint for Boomi Environments |
Extension Point | REDWOOD.Redwood_BoomiConnection | Boomi Connection |
Job Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_Boomi_ImportProcesses | Import processes from a Boomi environment |
Job Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_Boomi_ListProcesses | List processes in the Boomi instance that are deployed to at least 1 environment |
Job Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_Boomi_RunProcess | Run a Boomi Process and monitor it until completion |
Job Definition | REDWOOD.Redwood_Boomi_RunProcess_Template | Template definition to run a Boomi Process and monitor it until completion |
Job Definition Type | REDWOOD.Redwood_Boomi | Boomi Definition Type |
Library | REDWOOD.Redwood_Boomi | Library for Boomi Connector |
Process Definitions
Import one or more Boomi Processes as RunMyJobs Process Definitions. Specify a Name Filter to control what Processes are imported, and Generation Settings to control the attributes of the imported definitions.
Tab | Name | Description | Documentation | Data Type | Direction | Default Expression | Values |
Parameters | connection | Connection | The Connection object that defines the connection to the Boomi instance. | String | In |
Parameters | environmentId | Environment | Import processes deployed to the specified Environment. | String | In |
Parameters | processNameFilter | Process Name Filter | Only return Processes where the name matches this filter. Wildcards * and ? are supported. If omitted, all processes that are deployed to the selected Environment will be imported. |
String | In |
Generation Settings | atomId | Atom | The ID of the Atom that the generated processes should run on. | String | In |
Generation Settings | overwrite | Overwrite Existing Definition |
String | In | N
Y =Yes,N =No |
Generation Settings | downloadLog | Download Logs | The vale to set for the Download Process Logs parameter on the generated definitions | String | In | N
Y =Yes,N =No |
Generation Settings | targetPartition | Partition | The Partition to create the new definitions in. | String | In |
Generation Settings | targetApplication | Application | The Application to create the new definitions in. | String | In |
Generation Settings | targetQueue | Default Queue | The default Queue to assign to the generated definitions. | String | In |
Generation Settings | targetPrefix | Definition Name Prefix | The prefix to add onto the name of the imported Boomi process to create the definition name. | String | In |
Fetch information about the available Boomi Processes. Processes will only be returned if they are deployed to at least 1 environment. If a process is deployed to multiple environments, the output will contain a separate entry for each deployment of the process.
Name | Description | Documentation | Data Type | Direction | Default Expression | Values |
connection | Connection | The Connection object that defines the connection to the Boomi Instance. | String | In |
processNameFilter | Process Name Filter | Only return Processes where the name matches this filter. Wildcards * and ? are supported. If omitted, all processes that match the other filters will be returned. |
String | In |
environmentFilter | EnvironmentFilter | Only return Processes that are deployed to the specified environment. If omitted, processes from any environment that match the other filters will be returned. | String | In |
tasks | listing | List of Boomi Processes that match the filters | Table | Out |
Run a Boomi Process and monitor it until completion. Provide the ID of the desired process to run, then select the Atom to run it on. The Atoms list will display available Atoms from the environments that the selected process is deployed to.
After submitting, the RunMyJobs Process will remain in a Running state until the Boomi process completes. If the Boomi Process succeeds, the RunMyJobs process will complete successfully. If the Boomi Process fails, the RunMyJobs process will complete in Error, and any available error information is written to the stdout.log
Name | Description | Documentation | Data Type | Direction | Default Expression | Values |
connection | Connection | The Connection object that defines the connection to the Boomi Instance. | String | In |
atomId | Atom | The Atom to run the process on. Only atoms from the environments where the selected process is deployed are displayed. | String | In |
downloadProcessLogs | Download Process Logs | Download the Process Logs when the process completes | String | In | N
Y =Yes,N =No |
processId | Process ID | The unique ID of the process to run | String | In |
executionId | Execution ID | The Execution ID of the process run | String | Out |
Template definition to run a Boomi Process and monitor it until completion.
Name | Description | Documentation | Data Type | Direction | Default Expression | Values |
connection | Connection | The Connection object that defines the connection to the Boomi Instance. | String | In |
processId | Process ID | The unique ID of the process to run | String | In |
atomId | Atom | The Atom to run the process on. Only atoms from the environments where the selected process is deployed are displayed. | String | In |
downloadProcessLogs | Download Process Logs | Download the Process Logs when the process completes | String | In | N
Y =Yes,N =No |
executionId | Execution ID | The Execution ID of the process run | String | Out |
Create a Connection To Boomi
Navigate to Custom > Connections.
- Choose Boomi under Select a Connection Type.
- Choose Next or Basic Properties, this is a screen for all components, you create a Queue and Process Server for your Boomi connection, all required settings will be set automatically.
- Choose Next or Security.
- Click
to specify which roles can access the connection information.
- Choose NextBoomi Properties, this is specific for Boomi-based components, for Boomi, you choose between Basic and API Key authentication:
- For Basic authentication, you specify AccountId, Username, and your Password.
- For API Key authentication, you specify AccountId, Username, and your API Key.
- For Basic authentication, you specify AccountId, Username, and your Password.
- Navigate to Environment > Process Server, locate your Boomi Process Server and start it, ensure it reaches status Running.
Listing Boomi Processes
- Navigate to Definitions > Processes.
- Choose Submit from the context menu of Redwood_Boomi_ListProcesses.
- Select the connection in the Connection field and choose Submit to list all available Boomi processes.
Locating Connection Settings
- Navigate to Custom > Connections.
- The first line is used for filtering connections; you filter on Connection Type, Name, or Description by simply starting to type.