SAP CPI for Data Services Connector

The SAP CPI for Data Services connector allows you to run tasks in SAP BTP.

New Features in



Object Type Name Description
Application GLOBAL.Redwood.REDWOOD.CIDS SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services Connector (
Constraint Definition REDWOOD.Redwood_SAPCIDSConnectionConstraint Constraint for SAP CI DS Connection fields
Extension Point REDWOOD.Redwood_SAP_CIDS SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services
Extension Point REDWOOD.Redwood_SAP_CIDS_Connection SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services Connection
Process Definition REDWOOD.Redwood_CIDS_ImportTasks Imports existing tasks from SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services as Job Definitions
Process Definition REDWOOD.Redwood_CIDS_RunTask Execute a task in SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services
Process Definition REDWOOD.Redwood_CIDS_ShowTasks List all existing tasks in SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services
Process Definition REDWOOD.Redwood_CIDS_Template Template for SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services task definitions
Process Definition Type REDWOOD.Redwood_SAP_CIDS SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services Process Definition
Library REDWOOD.Redwood_SAP_CIDS Library containing all dependencies


To install the SAP CPI for Data Services Connector, click its tile in the Catalog, select the version you want, and then click Install <version number>.

Creating a Connection

To create a SAP CPI for Data Services Connection:

  1. Navigate to Custom > Connections.
  2. Click .
  3. Under Select a Connection Type, click SAP CI DS.
  4. Click Next or Basic Properties and create a Queue and Job Server for the Connection. All required settings will be configured automatically.
  5. Click Next or Security and click to specify which roles can access the connection information.
  6. Click Next or SAP CI DS Properties and supply values for the Endpoint, Organization, Username, and Password fields.
  7. Click Save & Close.
  8. Navigate to Environment > Process Servers and locate the CI DS Process Server. If it is not in status Running, right-click it and choose Start, then make sure it reaches status Running.

Process Definitions


Imports existing tasks from SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services as Process Definitions.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters connection Connection The Connection object that defines the connection to the desired CI DS environment String In

Parameters taskGuid Task ID If specified, the task with the given ID will be looked up directly and imported. This Parameter is mutually exclusive with the Task Name Filter and Project Name Parameters. String In

Parameters filter Task Name Filter If a specific task id is not specified, this filter can be used to import all tasks whose name matches the filter. Valid regex expressions are supported in this field. String In

Parameters projectName Project Name The project to search for tasks in if Task Name Filter is specified. If filter is specified and project is left blank, a global search will be performed. String In

Parameters agentName Agent Name The name of the CI DS Agent to submit the task on. String In

Parameters agentGroup Agent Group The name of the CI DS Agent Group to run the task on. String In

Parameters overwrite Overwrite Existing Definition If set to N, if a Process Definition already exists with the same name as the name generated for the imported object, it will be overwritten with the new import. If set to N, the import for that template will be skipped. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Parameters importGlobalVariables Import Global Variables If set to Y, global variables from the CI DS task will be imported as parameters on the generated Process Definition. If set to N, a single Parameter named Global Variables is created where a comma separated list of name=value pairs can be provided at submit time if needed. String In Y Y=Yes, N=No
Job Output traceLog Show Trace Log Sets the value of the TraceLog Parameter on the imported Process Definition to the value specified here. Set to Y if the Trace Log contents should be written to a Process file when the Process runs. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Job Output monitorLog Show Monitor Log Sets the value of the MonitorLog parameter on the imported Process Definition to the value specified here. Set to Y if the Monitor Log contents should be written to a Process file when the Process runs. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Job Output errorLog Show Error Log Sets the value of the ErrorLog Parameter on the imported Process Definition to the value specified here. Set to Y if the Error Log contents should be written to a Process file when the Process runs. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Generation Settings targetPartition Partition The Partition to create the new Process Definitions in. String In

QueryFilter:User.Redwood System.Partition.Partition%2e;all
Generation Settings targetApplication Application The Application to create the new Process Definitions in. String In

QueryFilter:User.Redwood System.Application.Application%2e;all
Generation Settings targetQueue Default Queue The default Queue to assign to the generated definitions. String In

QueryFilter:User.Redwood System.Queue.Queue%2e;all
Generation Settings targetPrefix Definition Name Prefix The prefix to add onto the name of the imported CI DS task when creating the Process Definition name. String In


Execute a task in SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters connection Connection The Connection object that defines the connection to the desired CI DS environment. String In

Parameters taskName Task Name The name of the CI DS task to run. String In

Parameters description Task Description The description to pass to the CI DS task. String In

Parameters agentName Agent Name The name of the CI DS Agent to submit the task on. String In

Parameters agentGroup Agent Group The name of the CI DS Agent Group to run the task on. String In

Parameters profileName Profile Name The system configuration that should be used when the task is executed. String In

Parameters globalVariables Global Variables A list of global variables to pass to the task. Variables should be specified as a comma-separated list of name-value pairs, e.g. “Var1=Value1,Var2=Value2” String In

Job Output traceLog Show Trace Log If set to Y, the contents of the task’s Trace Log will be written to a Process file named TraceLog.log. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Job Output monitorLog Show Monitor Log If set to Y, the contents of the task’s Monitor Log will be written to a Process file named MonitorLog.log. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Job Output errorLog Show Error Log If set to Y, the contents of the task’s Error Log will be written to a Process file named ErrorLog.log. String In N Y=Yes, N=No


List all existing tasks in SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters connection Connection The Connection object that defines the connection to the desired CI DS environment. String In

Parameters filter Task Name Filter If a specific task id is not specified, this filter can be used to import all tasks whose name matches the filter. Valid regex expressions are supported in this field. String In

Parameters projectName Project Name The project to search for tasks in. If this field is left blank, all projects will be searched. String In


Template for SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services task definitions.


Tab Name Description Documentation Data Type Direction Default Expression Values
Parameters connection Connection The Connection object that defines the connection to the desired CI DS environment. String In

Parameters taskName Task Name The name of the CI DS task to run. String In

Parameters description Task Description The description to pass to the CI DS task. String In

Parameters agentName Agent Name The name of the CI DS Agent to submit the task on. String In

Parameters agentGroup Agent Group The name of the CI DS Agent Group to run the task on. String In

Parameters profileName Profile Name The system configuration that should be used when the task is executed. String In

Job Output traceLog Show Trace Log If set to Y, the contents of the task’s Trace Log will be written to a Process file named TraceLog.log. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Job Output monitorLog Show Monitor Log If set to Y, the contents of the task’s Monitor Log will be written to a Process file named MonitorLog.log. String In N Y=Yes, N=No
Job Output errorLog Show Error Log If set to Y, the contents of the task’s Error Log will be written to a Process file named ErrorLog.log. String In N Y=Yes, N=No


Finding CI DS tasks

To retrieve the list of job templates available for scheduling got to the Redwood_CIDS Application, click on Applications > Redwood_CIDS > CIDS_ShowTasks and submit it.

CIDS Application overview

You can filter the list by adding a task filter or a Project Name filter.

Submit Show Tasks

Once the process has finished, click on the stderr.log, and you will see the output as follows:

List output

Here you can find the value later used as template name - it's the value before either TASK or PROCESS.

Scheduling a CI DS job

To schedule a CI DS job, run the CIDS_RunTask Process Definition.

Submit a Run Task

Here you can choose some configuration options on the CI DS job as well as whether you want to retrieve some of the different types of output from the task once it is finished.

The Global Variables parameter takes parameters as a comma separated list of parameter=value pairs. The parameter names need to omit the leading $.

Importing Tasks as Process Definitions

To import CI DS tasks as Process Definitions, run the CIDS_ImportJobTemplate Process Definition.

Submit Import Template

Here the task ID, or a filter on task name or project name can be used to only import a selection of tasks. Also the Overwrite flag can be set to specify that existing definitions can be overwritten. Also defaults can be set for the Job Output parameters on the generated definitions.

Using the Import Tasks Dialog Box

To use the Import Tasks dialog box:

  1. Navigate to Custom > SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services. The overview will list all imported tasks.

  2. Click and log in.

  3. Locate the tasks to import and select them. Select any options you want for each. For more information, see Import Options.

  4. Once the import has succeeded, the Import Results button displays. Click this button to troubleshoot any import issues.

Import Options

Field Description
Connection The SAP CI DS Connection.
Target Partition The target Partition for the imported tasks.
Target Application The target Application for the imported tasks.
Default Queue The default Queue for the imported tasks.
Definition Name Prefix The prefix to prepend to the name of imported tasks.
Agent The SAP CI DS Platform Agent to use.
Overwrite If this is checked, any existing Process Definitions will be overwritten. If this box is unchecked and Process Definitions with the same names and Partition exist, an import error will occur for this task.
Import Global Variables If this is checked, global SAP CI DS variables will be imported along with the task.
Show Trace Log If this is checked, the trace log will be retrieved for troubleshooting.
Show Monitor Log If this is checked, the monitor log will be retrieved for troubleshooting.
Show Error Log If this is checked, the error log will be retrieved for troubleshooting.