Configuration Details for Integrating SAP Monitors

Note: SAP XAL support has been deprecated.

XAL is the interface for retrieving information from the SAP CCMS monitoring infrastructure. The following tabs need to be configured to allow you to integrate SAP Monitors into your Redwood Server Performance Monitor.

First you need to configure connection information to the ABAP stack of the SAP instance.

Setting up Connection Information

See the Connection Details for the ABAP Stack section of the documentation for details on how to set up a connection to the ABAP stack.

Setting up XAL Connection Information

This information is used to retrieve monitoring data from your SAP instance.

Tab Field Description
XAL Client Number SAP client number as a three digit number.
XAL Username The RFC user name. This user needs certain authorizations in the SAP System, as described below in the Reference section under Required Authorizations of the Remote System User. Of course it is possible to use the same user as for XBP and XMW. In this case the user needs all authorizations required by these interfaces.
XAL Password Password of the RFC user.
XAL Check Connection Settings Allows you to check that the RFC Connect String, Client Number, Username and Password are correct.
XAL Enabled Allows you to disable the rule, preserving the settings for future use.
XAL Audit level The XAL audit level (the audit log is visible via SAP transaction RZ15) of the interface, and is an integer with the value range of 0-3, with higher numbers denoting more verbose audit level; only to be used when Redwood Support instructs you to do so.
XAL SAP Language The that the SAP Process Server uses to connect to the SAP System.
XAL Description The description of the rule. If this is not set the description is <Client Number>/<Username>.
XAL Max. of RFC connections Specifies how many RFC connections the SAP Process Server opens for this client. If omitted, the number of connections is not limited. The SAP Process Server internally uses a connection pool, so the open connections are reused, and also closed if they are idle for a certain amount of time. This setting can be left empty as it is only of minor importance, since only one RFC connection per SAP Process Server is opened for the XAL interface.
XAL Interface Version The version of the XAL interface that the SAP Process Server should use. If this field is left on automatic, the highest available interface version is used.

Once configured, monitors of different monitor sets in the SAP CCMS monitoring infrastructure can be retrieved and stored in the Monitor tree. This is done via the standard Process Definitions SAP_ImportCcmsMonitors and SAP_DeleteCcmsMonitors.

See Also