Configuring the Active Archive

Once the database(s) have been created, you can start Active Archive and configure it to use the databases for each catalog. Note that you can add a catalog at any time.

LDAP Authentication Parameters

Field Description Required
LDAP Authentication Checkbox to enable or disable support of LDAP authentication within Active Archive. By default this checkbox is not enabled. N
Host URL to the LDAP host. This can be any LDAP v3 compliant directory server. The default value provided is: ldap://

Secondary host URL to a secondary LDAP host. To be used if the primary is not available. This field is optional, and can be left blank. Y
Base DN Distinguished Name to be used by Active Archive as the top level of the LDAP tree. Default value provided is dc=example,dc=com. Note: Active Archive does not support a value of dc=local. N
Bind DN Distinguished Name to be used by Active Archive to establish connections to the LDAP server. Default value provided is cn=username,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com. Note: Active Archive does not support a value of dc=local. Y
Bind Password Password of the Bind DN for establishing the connection to the LDAP server. Specified password cannot exceed 15 characters. Y
User Object Class LDAP ObjectClass used to represent individual users. Default value is person. Y
User Full Name Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve the full name for a user. Default value is name. Y
User E-mail Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve the e-mail address for a user. Default value is mail. Y
Group Object Class LDAP ObjectClass used to represent user groups. Default value is group. Y
Group Name Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve the name for a group. Default value is name. Y
Sign-on Attribute Attribute to be used for validation of sign on credentials. Default value is sAMAccountName. Note: sAMAccountName is the default attribute used by Active Directory. Y
Group Member Attribute Attribute to be used to retrieve group members. Default value is member. N

Process Flow

  1. Start the Application Server.
  2. Run the configuration routine.
  3. Log in and license the Active Archive.
  4. Log in and configure LDAP Authentication.


Active Archive requires a specific license key

  • Active Archive software


Start the Application Server

  1. Navigate to <install_dir>/j2ee/cluster/archiveserver1/bin.
  2. Copy setvars.{sh|bat}.example to setvars.{sh|bat}.
  3. Edit setvars.{sh|bat}, fill in your preferred JAVA_HOME as well as any other options you would like to override.
  4. Start start.{sh|cmd}.

Configure Active Archive

  1. Create a home directory for the Active Archive, this directory must be read and writable by the user that will start the application server and its path should not contain spaces.
  2. Navigate to http[s]://<machine_name>:<port>/<context>/, http://localhost:10181/archive-server/ by default.
  3. On the first screen of the installer, you must fill in the URL to the application using the hostname of the server. Choose Next.
  4. The hostnamemust match the output of the hostname command on the command line.
  5. On the Control Database Configuration screen, you specify the Active Archive home directory and the connection details to the control database.
  6. Specify the previously created home directory.
  7. Select the database type, specify the connection details of the database.
  8. For example the URL could be jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// for Microsoft SQL Server or jdbc:oracle:thin:// for Oracle.
  9. Specify the username and password for the control database, leave the other values at their defaults, choose Next.
  10. On the Default Catalog Configuration - General screen, specify the name of the default catalog. Note that name may not exceed 50 characters and may not include any of the following characters: /\:*&#8221;<>|. Note also, that the full path to the catalog is printed for information purposes only, this value should not be edited. Choose Next.
  11. Read and accept or decline the License Agreement, if you decline it you should contact your account representative. Choose Next if you accept the License Agreement.
  12. On the Default Catalog Configuration - Database screen, the connection details to the catalog database.
  13. For example the URL could be jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// for Microsoft SQL Server and jdbc:oracle:thin:// for Oracle.
  14. Specify the username and password for the catalog database, leave the other values at their defaults, choose Next.
  15. On the Additional Settings screen, disable E-mail Settings if enabled and choose Next.
  16. These settings are not used by Active Archive, by default.
  17. On the Web Service Configuration screen, these settings are for informational purposes only, choose Finish.

License the Active Archive

  • Request a license for Active Archive from Redwood and unzip the license from the zip archive.
  • Navigate to http[s]://<machine_name>:<port>/<context>, for example http://localhost:10181/archive-server and log in as systemsuperadmin, the default password is password and must be changed at first login.
  • Navigate http[s]://<machine_name>:<port>/<context>/, for example http://localhost:10181/archive-server/, log in and choose Browse to point to the unzipped license file. Choose Submit.
  • Restart Active Archive by running <install_dir>/j2ee/cluster/archiveserver1/bin/stop.{sh|cmd} followed by <install_dir>/j2ee/cluster/archiveserver1/bin/start.{sh|cmd}.
  • LDAP Configuration

    1. Navigate to http[s]://<machine_name>:<port>/<context>, for example http://localhost:10181/archive-server and log in as systemsuperadmin.
    2. Navigate to Catalog Admin and choose your catalog.
    3. Navigate to the LDAP Configuration tab and fill in the values, note that the table above lists the different fields and their defaults.


    1. Navigate to Security > Members.
    2. Choose Add from the context menu of Members.
    3. Enter the full name of the LDAP user (or the value of the Sign-on Attribute ) you want to use for archival and choose Look up.
    4. Select the user, select a role (at least the Catalog Manager role), and choose Add.
    5. Choose Save.