Process Definitions for Archiving

Redwood provides the following Process Definitions for archiving, they are to be used to archive Chains and processes which have reached a final state. The Process Definitions are written in RedwoodScript; you can create your own based on these to combine one or more of the archiving phases.

Note: Active Archiving Server requires a specific license key.


You use this Process Definition to set up a connection between Redwood Server and the Active Archive.


Parameter Description Purpose Direction Data Type Default Value
pServer Server Name An optional name for the Active Archive for use within Redwood Server In String

pServerURL Server URL The URL to the Active Archive, for example|In|String|

pCatalog Catalog The catalog you intend to use for archiving Chains and processes, the default value is default when you install the Active Archive In String

pRootDirectory Folder The Folder to store the Chains and processes inside the Active Archive catalog In String

pUsername Username A username with sufficient privileges to publish in Active Archive In String

pPassword Password The password to the above user, it will be saved in encrypted form in a credential inside Redwood Server In String

pArchivedJobName The default name for an archived job. The length of the evaluated string is limited to 255 characters and will be truncated to 255 characters if necessary. In String ${JobDefinition} (${JobId})

pArchivedJobFileName The default name for an archived job file. In String ${JobDefinition} (${JobId}) ${JobFile.Name}

pAllowDeleteUnarchived Allow unarchived Chains and processes to be deleted? If you set this to No, you will not be able to delete Chains and processes that have not been archived, yet. In String False


You use this Process Definition to remove archived Chains and processes, which have been verified as been archived, from Redwood Server.


Parameter Description Purpose Direction Data Type Default Value
pServer Server Name An optional name for the Active Archive for use within Redwood Server In String False
pTestMode Test Mode? Do you want to perform a test run before actually deleting Chains and processes? In String False
pStartDate Starting Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or after this date In Date Time Zone False
pEndDate Ending Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or before this date In Date Time Zone False


This Process Definition is used by Archive_Feeder_Process to do the actual archiving. The parameters are filled by Archive_Feeder_Process, you should not submit this job.


This Process Definition allows you to mark Chains and processes based on the deletion date and final status.


Parameter Description Purpose Direction Data Type Default Value
pServer Server Name An optional name for the Active Archive for use within Redwood Server In String False
pOverwrite Overwrite? Do you wish to overwrite the archive status of the Chains and processes? In String False
pRecursive Recursive Do you want to include child Chains and processes in the archive process? In String False
pDeletionDate Deletion Date The deletion date of the Chains and processes to mark In Date Time Zone False
pStartDate Starting Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or after this date In Date Time Zone False
pEndDate Ending Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or before this date In Date Time Zone False
pStatus Status Include Chains and processes of this status In String False


This Process Definition allows you to mark Chains and processes for archiving based on a Chain filter; only Chains and processes in a final state can be marked for archiving.

This Process Definition has a number of parameters that are identical the corresponding parameters of Archive_Feeder_Mark_DateStatus.


Parameter Description Purpose Direction Data Type Default Value
pJobFilter Filter The Chain filter to use for marking the Chains and processes; note that only Chains and processes in a final state can be marked In String False


This Process Definition allows you to specify an SQL query to select all Chains and processes that you wish mark for archiving.

This Process Definition has a number of parameters that are identical the corresponding parameters of Archive_Feeder_Mark_DateStatus.


Parameter Description Purpose Direction Data Type Default Value
pSQL SQL In String False


This Process Definition is used to perform the archival of Chains and processes. It calls Archive_Feeder_JobList to perform the actual archiving.

Parameter Description Purpose Direction Data Type Default Value
pArchiveTemp Archive Temporary Directory on Redwood Server In String False

pBatchSize Batch Size How many Chains and processes do you want to archive in one batch? When you want to archive a great number of Chains and processes, you might wish to split them up in batches. The optimal number of Chains and processes per batch is very system-dependent and it depends on the performance of the central Redwood Server, the network, and the Active Archive. In Number False
pQueue Fallback Queue The fallback Queue to use if no Queue has been specified In String False
pUpdateInterval Update Interval How often to update the JobList's status, default is every 10 Chains and processes. In Number False
pSucceeded Succeeded The number of successfully archived Chains and processes Out Number False
pFailed Failed the number of Chains and processes that could not be archived Out Number False
pIgnored Ignored The number of Chains and processes that were ignored, for example, because they did not have a final status Out Number False


This Process Definition verifies whether the Chains and processes have been archived successfully.

See Also