Process Definitions for Archiving
Redwood provides the following Process Definitions for archiving, they are to be used to archive Chains and processes which have reached a final state. The Process Definitions are written in RedwoodScript; you can create your own based on these to combine one or more of the archiving phases.
Note: Active Archiving Server requires a specific license key.
You use this Process Definition to set up a connection between Redwood Server and the Active Archive.
Parameter | Description | Purpose | Direction | Data Type | Default Value |
pServer | Server Name | An optional name for the Active Archive for use within Redwood Server | In | String |
pServerURL | Server URL | The URL to the Active Archive, for example|In|String|
pCatalog | Catalog | The catalog you intend to use for archiving Chains and processes, the default value is default when you install the Active Archive | In | String |
pRootDirectory | Folder | The Folder to store the Chains and processes inside the Active Archive catalog | In | String |
pUsername | Username | A username with sufficient privileges to publish in Active Archive | In | String |
pPassword | Password | The password to the above user, it will be saved in encrypted form in a credential inside Redwood Server | In | String |
pArchivedJobName | The default name for an archived job. The length of the evaluated string is limited to 255 characters and will be truncated to 255 characters if necessary. | In | String | ${JobDefinition} (${JobId} ) |
pArchivedJobFileName | The default name for an archived job file. | In | String | ${JobDefinition} (${JobId} ) ${JobFile.Name} |
pAllowDeleteUnarchived | Allow unarchived Chains and processes to be deleted? | If you set this to No, you will not be able to delete Chains and processes that have not been archived, yet. | In | String | False |
You use this Process Definition to remove archived Chains and processes, which have been verified as been archived, from Redwood Server.
Parameter | Description | Purpose | Direction | Data Type | Default Value |
pServer | Server Name | An optional name for the Active Archive for use within Redwood Server | In | String | False |
pTestMode | Test Mode? | Do you want to perform a test run before actually deleting Chains and processes? | In | String | False |
pStartDate | Starting | Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or after this date | In | Date Time Zone | False |
pEndDate | Ending | Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or before this date | In | Date Time Zone | False |
This Process Definition is used by Archive_Feeder_Process to do the actual archiving. The parameters are filled by Archive_Feeder_Process, you should not submit this job.
This Process Definition allows you to mark Chains and processes based on the deletion date and final status.
Parameter | Description | Purpose | Direction | Data Type | Default Value |
pServer | Server Name | An optional name for the Active Archive for use within Redwood Server | In | String | False |
pOverwrite | Overwrite? | Do you wish to overwrite the archive status of the Chains and processes? | In | String | False |
pRecursive | Recursive | Do you want to include child Chains and processes in the archive process? | In | String | False |
pDeletionDate | Deletion Date | The deletion date of the Chains and processes to mark | In | Date Time Zone | False |
pStartDate | Starting | Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or after this date | In | Date Time Zone | False |
pEndDate | Ending | Restrict the list of Chains and processes to ones for which the deletion date is on or before this date | In | Date Time Zone | False |
pStatus | Status | Include Chains and processes of this status | In | String | False |
This Process Definition allows you to mark Chains and processes for archiving based on a Chain filter; only Chains and processes in a final state can be marked for archiving.
This Process Definition has a number of parameters that are identical the corresponding parameters of Archive_Feeder_Mark_DateStatus.
Parameter | Description | Purpose | Direction | Data Type | Default Value |
pJobFilter | Filter | The Chain filter to use for marking the Chains and processes; note that only Chains and processes in a final state can be marked | In | String | False |
This Process Definition allows you to specify an SQL query to select all Chains and processes that you wish mark for archiving.
This Process Definition has a number of parameters that are identical the corresponding parameters of Archive_Feeder_Mark_DateStatus.
Parameter | Description | Purpose | Direction | Data Type | Default Value |
pSQL | SQL | In | String | False |
This Process Definition is used to perform the archival of Chains and processes. It calls Archive_Feeder_JobList to perform the actual archiving.
Parameter | Description | Purpose | Direction | Data Type | Default Value |
pArchiveTemp | Archive Temporary Directory on Redwood Server | In | String | False |
pBatchSize | Batch Size | How many Chains and processes do you want to archive in one batch? When you want to archive a great number of Chains and processes, you might wish to split them up in batches. The optimal number of Chains and processes per batch is very system-dependent and it depends on the performance of the central Redwood Server, the network, and the Active Archive. | In | Number | False |
pQueue | Fallback Queue | The fallback Queue to use if no Queue has been specified | In | String | False |
pUpdateInterval | Update Interval | How often to update the JobList's status, default is every 10 Chains and processes. | In | Number | False |
pSucceeded | Succeeded | The number of successfully archived Chains and processes | Out | Number | False |
pFailed | Failed | the number of Chains and processes that could not be archived | Out | Number | False |
pIgnored | Ignored | The number of Chains and processes that were ignored, for example, because they did not have a final status | Out | Number | False |
This Process Definition verifies whether the Chains and processes have been archived successfully.