PL/SQL API jcs.add_job_lock
Make a job synchronize on an additional lock.
Adding a lock to a script will not influence jobs that are already submitted.
The caller must be able to see the job. If the job is owned by the user, the user must have the ADD_JOB_LOCK system privilege. If the job is owned by someone else, the user must have the ADD_ANY_JOB_LOCK system privilege and UPDATE privilege on the job's Queue.
procedure add_job_lock(job_id in number,
lock_name in varchar2,
can_commit in varchar2 default const.jcs_no,
lock_partition in varchar2 default null)
- job_id - the ID of the job
- lock_name - the name of the lock
- can_commit - should this be committed immediately?
- lock_partition - the Partition of the lock If it is not filled in the default Partition is assumed
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.