PL/SQL API jcs.clear_parameters
- procedure clear_parameters()
- procedure clear_parameters(name in varchar2)
- procedure clear_parameters(job_id in number, defaults_from_context in varchar2)
- procedure clear_parameters(name in varchar2, defaults_from_context in varchar2)
Clears the submit buffer and prepares for submitting a new job.
This call is made in preparation of submitting a job. It resets all internal buffers, such as the parameters, that were still filled from any previous parameter or submit calls.
you must have EXECUTE privilege on the script or EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE system privilege
procedure clear_parameters()
Clears the submit buffer.
Using jcs.clear_parameters
jcs.parameter('Script 1', 'Parameter 1', 'Value');
jcs.submit('Script 1');
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.
procedure clear_parameters(name in varchar2)
Clears the submit buffer and calculates the default values for the script.
- name - object name (script_name or owner.script_name), possibly with double quotes to specify lower case identifiers
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.
procedure clear_parameters(job_id in number,
defaults_from_context in varchar2 default const.jcs_no)
Clears the submit buffer and starts a new submit for the same script as that submitted in the given job_id.
If the default_from_context parameter is set to const.jcs_yes or default_from_context is null but the script property Use Context is set to Y, the default values for the parameter are copied from the given job_id, or when the job_id is null, from the job with the highest job_id for this script that is found in the current directory.
If default_from_context is set to const.jcs_no or null and the script property Use Context is set to N, the default values are calculated from the script definition.
- job_id - job that the default values can be copied from
- defaults_from_context - copy default values from the given job_id?
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.
procedure clear_parameters(name in varchar2,
defaults_from_context in varchar2)
Clears the submit buffer and calculates the default values for the script.
If the default_from_context parameter is set to const.jcs_yes or default_from_context is null but the script property Use Contextis set to Y, the default values for the parameter are copied from job with the highest job_id for this script that is found in the current directory, or from the highest job_id for this script if there is no current directory set.
If default_from_context is set to const.jcs_no or null and the script property Use Context is set to N, the default values are calculated from the script definition.
- name - object name (script_name or owner.script_name), possibly with double quotes to specify lower case identifiers
- defaults_from_context - copy default values from the context?
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.