PL/SQL API jcs.read
- function read(fhandle in number, linenr in number) return varchar2
- function read(fhandle in number, pattern in varchar2, beginline in number, flags in number) return varchar2
Returns a line of text from the indicated filehandle.
Filehandles are created with jcs.open
Lines longer than 2000 characters are silently truncated if the readmode is not binary.
function read(fhandle in number,
linenr in number)
return varchar2
- fhandle - the filehandle
- linenr - line to read
- returns varchar2 -
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.
function read(fhandle in number,
pattern in varchar2,
beginline in number default 1,
flags in number default 0)
return varchar2
Returns a line of text from the indicated filehandle.
The line to be returned can either is the first line matching the pattern.
- fhandle - the filehandle
- pattern - search pattern
- beginline - line to start the search for the pattern on
- flags - modification flags on how to perform the search; sum of zero or more of the following values:
- jcs.search_ignorecase: ignore upper/lowercase differences
- jcs.search_entireword: search string must be separated by spaces or tabs
- jcs.search_reversedir: search up, not down
- jcs.search_nowildcard: switches off the LIKE scanning, removing special meaning from % (procent) and _ (underscore)
- returns varchar2 -
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.