
on-site-related topic PL/SQL API jcs.set_current_job_status


Set the end status for the current job.

Normally, a PL/SQL job ends with COMPLETED and return_code NULL, or with ERROR and a non-zero return_code when it raises an error. This procedure allows you to override the status and return_code.

It is normally used from a JCS_POST_RUNNING_ACTION to examine the job results and define different behaviour than normal.

This can be called from:

  • the main code of a PL/SQL job
  • in a JCS_PRE_RUNNING_ACTION procedure
  • in a JCS_POST_RUNNING_ACTION procedure


procedure set_current_job_status(status in varchar2,
return_code in number default null)


  • status - the status or statuscode that the job should get
  • return_code - in case of ERROR, the exact return_code that the job should get