PL/SQL API jcs.setchild
Tells the Process Server that the following request for the execution of the destination script is a special request: it depends on the output of the job with the given job_id. The Process Server delays execution of the destination until the parent job is finished.
The Process Server fills in all special name parameters.
The destination name can be specified as e.g. "<partition>"."<name>"' analogous to how you specify scripts in calls like jcs.submit.
You must have the SETCHILD system privilege, and SELECT privilege on the destination or the USE_ANY_DESTINATION privilege.
procedure setchild(name in varchar2,
job_id in number,
repeat_with_parent in varchar2 default const.jcs_no)
- name - the name of the destination
- job_id - the ID of the job that it should become a child of
- repeat_with_parent - whether to resubmit this destination when the parent job is resubmitted
Transaction keyword
The transaction keyword defines how and/or when the changes are committed to the database. A definition of the various transaction keywords can be found on the jcs package summary page.
See Also
- jcs.submit
- jcs_destinations (not implemented).