PL/SQL API jcs_odf.alter_queue_scheduler
Alter a Queue-scheduler combination.
procedure alter_queue_scheduler(queue_name in varchar2,
scheduler_name in varchar2,
execution_size in number default const.def_num,
hold in varchar2 default const.def_str,
hold_level in number default const.def_num,
hold_above_cpu_load in number default const.def_num,
hold_above_page_rate in number default const.def_num,
time_window_name in varchar2 default const.def_str,
inclusive in varchar2 default const.def_str,
queue_partition in varchar2 default const.def_str,
scheduler_partition in varchar2 default const.def_str,
time_window_partition in varchar2 default const.def_str,
timezone_name in varchar2 default const.def_str)
- queue_name - the name of the Queue
- scheduler_name - the name of the scheduler
- execution_size - the maximum number of concurrent jobs in the Queue (with status RUNNING, WAITING or CONSOLE)
- hold - 'Y' or 'N': the status on Queue-scheduler record creation
- hold_level - hold jobs with a priority lower than the specified number
- hold_above_cpu_load - hold jobs when the system CPU load exceeds the specified number
- hold_above_page_rate - hold jobs when the memory paging rate exceeds the specified number
- time_window_name - the name of the Time Window during which the Queue will release jobs
- inclusive - 'Y' or 'N': execution_size includes jobs with status WAITING
- queue_partition - the Partition of the Queue
- scheduler_partition - the Partition of the scheduler
- time_window_partition - the Partition of the Time Window during which the Queue will release jobs
- timezone_name - the timezone this Queue scheduler should be interpreted in if it is not defined the Queue's timezone is used