PL/SQL API jcs_odf.alter_submit_frame
Alter a Submit Frame.
procedure alter_submit_frame(name in varchar2,
description in varchar2 default const.def_str,
version in number default null,
comment_text in varchar2 default const.def_str,
application_name in varchar2 default const.def_str,
partition in varchar2 default const.def_str,
application_partition in varchar2 default const.def_str)
- name - the name of the Submit Frame
- description - a description for the Submit Frame
- version - the version number of the Submit Frame
- comment_text - a text with comments on the Submit Frame
- application_name - the name of the application the Submit Frame belongs to
- partition - the Partition of the Submit Frame
- application_partition - the Partition of the application the Submit Frame belongs to