Package jcs_registry Summary

on-site-related topic Package jcs_registry summary

The JCS_REGISTRY package contains procedures and functions used to manipulate the registry settings

jcs_registry.check_key_id This function returns the registry key ID number.
jcs_registry.CURRENT_USER_PRF This function returns '/USER/', the standard prefix for all private registry entries.
jcs_registry.get_raw_key Get a LONG RAW value.
jcs_registry.get_repos_parameter Obtain a repository parameter from the hive RWS/Repository/Parameters. This method first checks the user hive, then the public hive
jcs_registry.get_value Get a value.
jcs_registry.key_path Returns the full path name (in a Unix or HTML like fashion) of the key.
jcs_registry.path_exists Returns registry key data belonging to a path.
jcs_registry.PUBLIC_PRF This function returns '/PUBLIC/' the standard prefix for all public registry entries.
jcs_registry.ROOT_CURRENT_USER This function returns the registry key of the root of all private registry entries.
jcs_registry.ROOT_PUBLIC This function returns the registry key of the root of all public registry entries.
jcs_registry.ROOT_USER This is a 'virtual' registry key that maps to the real key for the current user.