Controlling Queues with RedwoodScript

When you have a lot of repetitive tasks to perform, it is often easier to use script. RedwoodScript allows you to control Queues, and you can hold all Queues, regardless of the total number, with a few lines of code. The following examples illustrate how you can use RedwoodScript to control Queues. Redwood Software does not warrant that this is the most effective way to solve your problem. For more information on RedwoodScript, see the API documentation.


Holding a Queue

  // get the queue GLOBAL.TR2_Queue
  queue = jcsSession.getQueueByName("TR2_Queue");
  // check to see if the queue is open
  if (queue.isOpen())
    //hold the queue

Changing the State of a Queue

This is an example of how you can retrieve the status of a Queue.

  //get the queue RW_DEMO.TR2_Queue
  Partition part = jcsSession.getPartitionByName("RW_DEMO");
  Queue queue = jcsSession.getQueueByName(part, "TR2_Queue");

  //check if the queue is open
  if (queue.isOpen())
    //queue is open
    //queue is held

Holding all Queues

You can hold all Queues, except system Queue. Retrieve the Queues using executeObjectQuery.

  String query = "select Queue.* from Queue where Name <> 'System'";
  for (Queue queue : jcsSession.executeObjectQuery(Queue.TYPE, query))
      jcsOut.println("Holding queue " + queue.getName() + ", which has the status " + queue.getStatus() + ".");

Adding a Process Server to a Queue

  Queue queue = jcsSession.getQueueByName("TR1_Queue");

  ProcessServer proc = jcsSession.getProcessServerByName("TR2_ProcessServer");



List all Process Servers Serving a Queue

A Queue provider is the link between a Process Server and a Queue, to find all the Process Servers serving a Queue, we need to list the Queue providers.

  Partition p = jcsSession.getPartitionByName("MyPart");
  Queue queue = jcsSession.getQueueByName(p, "My_Queue");
  for (QueueProvider provider : queue.getQueueProviders())

See Also