REL Functions and Implicit Objects
Redwood Expression Language (or REL) is a simple expression language that supports basic arithmetic and comparison operators, and some predefined functions. Different scripting contexts have different predefined objects, the functions on this page are available in all contexts.
You can create your own functions for use in REL and RedwoodScript using a library with REL entry points, see Libraries for more information.
The REL can be used to specify:
- Job definition parameter default values
- Job definition return code mappings
- Step preconditions
- Chain job preconditions
- Chain job parameter mappings
- Chain job scheduling parameters
- Event raiser comments
- ...
See the scripting contexts topic for more information.
Expressions in REL are designed to be very similar to expressions in RedwoodScript, and the predefined functions are the same. REL expressions start with an equals sign (=
) such as:'Europe/Paris')
You can build sentences by concatenating elements with the plus character (+
='The time in Paris is ' +'Europe/Paris') + ', in New York it is ' +'America/New York')
Redwood Expression Language provides support for the basic arithmetic operators:
- addition and string concatenation-
- subtraction*
- multiplication/
- division%
- integer modulus&&
- logical AND||
- logical OR!
It also supports comparison:
- equal to!==
- not equal to>
- greater than>=
- greater than or equal<
- less than<=
- less than or equal
Escape Character
- escape character, and thus must be escaped if the literal is meant to be used. This means that a UNC path would be specified as follows:
Builtin Constants
- true value of the boolean type.false
- false value of the boolean type.
Built in function classes
- BaseCast - Prefix: None.
- BaseString - Prefix: None.
- BaseArray - Prefix: Array
- BaseCast - Prefix: Casts
- BaseMath - Prefix: Math
- BaseRange - Prefix: Range
- BaseStringPrefix - Prefix: String
- BaseTime - Prefix: Time
- ExtendedRange - Prefix: Range
- ExtendedRepository - Prefix: Repository
- ExtendedTime - Prefix: Time
- ModuleScriptingConstraint - Prefix: Constraint
- ModuleScriptingCredential - Prefix: Credential
- ModuleScriptingEvent - Prefix: Event
- ModuleScriptingJDBC - Prefix: JDBC
- ModuleScriptingJobChainParameters - Prefix: JobChainParameters
- ModuleScriptingLogic - Prefix: Logic
- ModuleScriptingLoop - Prefix: Loop
- ModuleScriptingPLSQL - Prefix: PLSQL
- ModuleScriptingQuery - Prefix: Query
- ModuleScriptingSap - Prefix: SAP
- ModuleScriptingTable - Prefix: Table
- ModuleScriptingUserMessage - Prefix: UserMessage
- ModuleScriptingVariable - Prefix: Variable
Note: The current<data_type> object designates the object you want to use with the function.
Built in functions
Prefix: Array
Create an array from several elements.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
toStringArray | RelObject Array.toStringArray(final Object[] values)
Change a group of Strings to a String array. |
toNumberArray | RelObject Array.toNumberArray(final Object[] values)
Create an array of BigDecimals from a group of numbers. |
toDateTimeZoneArray | RelObject Array.toDateTimeZoneArray(final Object[] values)
Create an array of DateTimeZones. |
toTimeArray | RelObject Array.toTimeArray(final Object[] values)
Create an array of BigDecimal from DateTime elements (elements evaluated as epoch time). |
toString | String Array.toString(Object[] values, String delimiter)
Create a String with all elements of the array, separated by delimiter. |
toStringAffix | String Array.toStringAffix(Object[] values, String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix)
Create a String with all elements of the array, separated by delimiter and surrounded by prefix and suffix. |
get | Object Array.get(Object[] array, int index)
Retrieve the element from the array at the specified index. This will throw an exception if array is null or the index is out of bounds (index < 0 or index >= array.length). |
Example: Array.toStringArray()
=Array.toStringArray('Apples', 'Oranges', 'Bananas', 'Lemons')
Returns an array with 4 fruity elements.
Example: Array.toNumberArray()
=Array.toNumberArray(1, 2, 3, 4)
Returns an array with 4 numbers.
Example: Array.toDateTimeZoneArray()
Returns an array with 2 date/times elements.
Example: Array.toTimeArray()
Returns an array with 3 epoch time elements.
Example: Array.toString()
=Array.toString(['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Bananas', 'Lemons'], ',')
Returns "Apples,Oranges,Bananas,Lemons".
Example: Array.toStringAffix()
=Array.toStringAffix(['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Bananas', 'Lemons'], ',', '[', ']',)
Returns "[Apples,Oranges,Bananas,Lemons]".
Example: Array.get()
=Array.get(['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Bananas', 'Lemons'], 0)
Returns "Apples".
Change a data type to another.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
ToBoolean | Object ToBoolean(Object arg)
Convert arg to a boolean (true/false) if possible. |
ToNumber | Object ToNumber(Object arg)
Convert arg to a number if possible. |
ToInteger | Object ToInteger(Object arg)
Convert arg to an integer if possible. |
ToString | Object ToString(Object arg)
Convert arg to a string. |
ToYN | Object ToYN(Object arg)
Convert arg to Y for true and N for any other value. |
Example: ToBoolean()
Returns true.
Example: ToNumber()
Returns 123.
Example: ToInteger()
Returns 123.
Example: ToString()
Returns true.
Example: ToYN()
Returns Y.
Prefix: Math
Mathematical functions for use with Numbers.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
abs | BigDecimal Math.abs(BigDecimal x)
Calculate the absolute value of x. |
floor | BigDecimal Math.floor(BigDecimal x)
Calculate the floor (greatest integer less than) of x. |
ceil | BigDecimal Math.ceil(BigDecimal x)
Calculate the ceiling (least integer greater than) of x. |
round | BigDecimal Math.round(BigDecimal x)
Round x. If x ends in .5, it will be rounded up. |
getInstance | BaseMath Math.getInstance()
Example: Math.abs()
Returns 12.12.
Example: Math.floor()
Returns -13.
Example: Math.ceil()
Returns -12.
Example: Math.round()
Returns 12.
Example: Math.getInstance()
Prefix: Range
Functions for working with sets and ranges.
Set is written as "XXXXXXX" where X is either '' or a letter and the first X represents 0 (or Sunday for days of the week, or January for months). Any letter is in the set, and '' is not in the set.
Example sets:
Set | X's | English |
First month of the quarter | X__X__X__X__
Last month of the quarter | __X__X__X__X
Not last month of the quarter | XX_XX_XX_XX_
Monday, Wednesday, Friday | _X_X_X_
Saturday, Sunday | X_____X
Ranges are made up of comma separated sections, each of which is a number (eg. 1) or a range of numbers (eg. 4-7). All numbers specified are in the range, other numbers are not.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
inRange | boolean Range.inRange(int candidate, String trueRange)
Return true if candidate is in the range specified by trueRange. |
inSet | boolean Range.inSet(int candidate, String trueSet)
Return true if candidate is in the set specified by trueRange. |
Example: Range.inRange()
The following example uses the Time.format function. This boolean function checks if the current day of the month is between 1 and 7.
=Range.inRange(Time.format('Europe/Berlin'), 'd'), '1-7')
Example: Range.inSet()
The following example uses the Time.format function. This boolean function checks if the current month is the first month of a quarter.
=Range.inSet(Time.format('Europe/Berlin'), 'M'), ' X__X__X__X__')
. Note the leading space in trueRange to convert from the 1-based month to the 0-based trueRange.
Functions for working with Strings.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
currentString.concat | String currentString.concat(String s1, ...)
Concatenate strings to currentString. Any number of other objects may be passed as arguments. |
currentString.toString | String currentString.toString()
Convert currentString to a string. |
currentString.charAt | String currentString.charAt(int pos)
Get character at pos in currentString. Note that the position is 0-based, the first character is at position 0. |
currentString.indexOf | int currentString.indexOf(String searchFor, [int startIndex])
Get the first index of the string searchFor in currentString, optionally starting at startIndex (default=0). |
currentString.lastIndexOf | int currentString.lastIndexOf(String searchFor, [int endIndex])
Get the last index of the string searchFor in the currentString, optionally ending at endIndex, defaults to end of string. |
currentString.split | String[] currentString.split(String separator, int limit)
Split currentString into an array using the specified separator. Limit the length of the array to limit elements. |
currentString.substring | String currentString.substring([int startIndex] [, int endIndex])
Get a substring of currentString, starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex - 1, thus returning a string of length endIndex - startIndex. If endIndex is not set, then the rest of the string will be returned. |
currentString.toLowerCase | String currentString.toLowerCase()
Convert currentString to lower case. |
currentString.toUpperCase | String currentString.toUpperCase()
Convert currentString to upper case |
currentString.length | int currentString.length()
Get the length of currentString |
getSystemId | String getSystemId()
Get the current system ID. |
currentString.contains | boolean currentString.contains(Object[] args)
Return if the string searchFor is contained in currentString. |
currentString.startsWith | boolean currentString.startsWith(Object[] args)
Return if currentString starts with the string searchFor. |
currentString.trim | String currentString.trim(Object[] args)
Return the currentString with all leading and trailing space removed. |
Example: currentString.concat()
='Hello'.concat(' World', '!')
Returns Hello World!.
Example: currentString.toString()
Returns 123, it can be used as a string.
Example: currentString.charAt()
='Hello World!'.charAt(4)
Returns o.
Example: currentString.indexOf()
='Hello World!'.indexOf('o')
Returns 4.
='Hello World!'.indexOf('o', 5)
Returns 7.
Example: currentString.lastIndexOf()
='Hello World!'.lastIndexOf('o')
Returns 7.
='Hello World!'.lastIndexOf('o', 5)
Returns 4.
Example: currentString.split()
='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10'.split(' ', 5)
Returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Example: currentString.substring()
='Hello World!'.substring(0)
Returns Hello World!.
='Hello World!'.substring(6)
Returns World!.
='Hello World!'.substring(1, 3)
Returns el.
Example: currentString.toLowerCase()
='HeLLo WorLd!'.toLowerCase()
Returns hello world!.
Example: currentString.toUpperCase()
='HeLLo WorLd!'.toUpperCase()
Example: currentString.length()
='HeLLo WorLd!'.length()
Returns 12.
Example: getSystemId()
Returns SAP:C51_30 in this system.
Example: currentString.contains()
Returns true.
Returns false.
Example: currentString.startsWith()
Returns true.
Returns false.
Example: currentString.trim()
='Hello '.trim()
Returns 'Hello'.
=' Hello'.trim()
Returns 'Hello'.
=' Hello '.trim()
Returns 'Hello'.
='Hel lo'.trim()
Returns 'Hel lo'.
Prefix: String
Functions for use with Strings.
Functions in the String package for working with Strings.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
concat | String String.concat(String instance, [String s1,] ...)
Concatenate strings to instance. Any number of other objects may be passed as arguments. |
toString | String String.toString(String instance)
Convert instance to a string. |
charAt | String String.charAt(String instance, int pos)
Get character at pos in instance. |
indexOf | int String.indexOf(String instance, String searchFor, [int startIndex])
Get the first index of the string searchFor in instance, optionally starting at startIndex (default=0). |
lastIndexOf | int String.lastIndexOf(String instance, String searchFor, [int startIndex])
Get the last index of the string searchFor in the instance, optionally starting at startIndex (default=0). |
split | String[] String.split(String instance, String separator, int limit)
Split instance into an array using the specified separator. Limit the length of the array to limit elements. |
substring | String String.substring(String instance, [int startIndex] [, int endIndex])
Get a substring of instance, starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex - 1, thus returning a string of length endIndex - startIndex. If endIndex is not set, then the rest of the string will be returned. |
toLowerCase | String String.toLowerCase(String instance)
Convert instance to lower case. |
toUpperCase | String String.toUpperCase(String instance)
Convert instance to upper case |
length | int String.length(String instance)
Get the length of instance |
getSystemId | String String.getSystemId()
Get the current system ID. |
contains | boolean String.contains(String instance, String searchFor)
Return if the string searchFor is contained in instance. |
startsWith | boolean String.startsWith(String instance, String searchFor)
Return if the instance starts with the string searchFor. |
trim | String String.trim(String instance)
Return the instance with all leading and trailing space removed. |
Example: String.concat()
=String.concat('Europe/Paris'), ', Rue Toulouse-Lautrec')
Returns 2023/07/27 15:32:33,946 Europe/Paris, Rue Toulouse-Lautrec.
Example: String.toString()
Returns 123 as a String.
Example: String.charAt()
=String.charAt('Hello John', 4)
Returns o.
Example: String.indexOf()
=String.indexOf('Hello', 'l', '3')
Returns 3.
Example: String.lastIndexOf()
=String.lastIndexOf('Hello', 'l', '3')
Returns 3.
Example: String.split()
=String.split('Some people like', ' ', '3')
Returns [Some, people, like].
Example: String.substring()
=String.substring('like it on ice', 8, 14)
Returns on ice.
Example: String.toLowerCase()
=String.toLowerCase('but I like it dry.')
Returns but i like it dry..
Example: String.toUpperCase()
=String.toUpperCase('I like it dry.')
Returns I LIKE IT DRY..
Example: String.length()
=String.length('but I like it dry.')
Returns 18.
Example: String.getSystemId()
Returns SAP:C51_30 on this system.
Example: String.contains()
=String.contains('Hello', 'l')
Returns true.
=String.contains('Hello', 'lol')
Returns false.
Example: String.startsWith()
=String.startsWith('Hello', 'He')
Returns true.
=String.startsWith('Hello', 'llo')
Returns false.
Example: String.trim()
=String.trim('Hello ')
Returns 'Hello'.
=String.trim(' Hello')
Returns 'Hello'.
=String.trim(' Hello ')
Returns 'Hello'.
=String.trim('Hel lo')
Returns 'Hel lo'.
Prefix: Time
Time expressions are a sequence of operations, applied in order to a time (generally now, but may be a specified date). They may be:
set <specifier> <value>
- set<specifier>
add <value> <specifier>
- add<value>
(This may propagate)subtract <value> <specifier>
- subtract<value>
(This may propagate)truncate <specifier>
- truncate at<specifier>
(This will zero everything below<specifier>
The <value>
is always a number:
- The days of the week start at 1 for Sunday.
- The days of the year start at 1 for 1 January.
The <specifier>
is one of:
- add/subtract:
second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year
- truncate:
second, minute, hour, day, month
- set:
second, minute, hour, day, day_of_week, day_of_year, week_of_month, month
Plurals with an additional 's' are accepted (eg. days, weeks, ...). The day is always the day of the month. English names are accepted for day of week (day_of_week) and month; for example set day_of_week Monday
or set month January
, three letter abbreviations are accepted as well.
Example time expressions:
- add 1 minute
- add 3 seconds
- set hour 1
- set day_of_week Mon
- truncate day
- subtract 2 days
The time zone used by default is the JVM time zone. The examples use the Europe/Amsterdam time zone by default.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
now | DateTimeZone[String timeZoneName])
Return the time in the context time zone (generally the time zone of the job). This can be optionally overridden by specifying the Olson name of a time zone as timeZoneName. |
expression | DateTimeZone Time.expression(Object date, String expression)
Apply time expression expression to the date specified. |
expressionNow | DateTimeZone Time.expressionNow(String expression)
Apply time expression expression to the current time. |
isTimeWindowOpenNow | boolean Time.isTimeWindowOpenNow(String timeWindow)
Return true if the Time Window timeWindow is open now, false otherwise. |
isTimeWindowOpen | boolean Time.isTimeWindowOpen(Object date, String timeWindow)
Return true if the Time Window timeWindow is open on the specified date, false otherwise. In a JobDefinition or JobChain, you can specify `$` as a partition in your REL expression; this will be replaced by the partition of the JobDefinition or JobChain. This is especially helpful in combination with the Promotion module, as long as you keep the objects referencing themselves in one partition. Ensure the Time Window exists in the partition before you use the job definition or Chain. |
Returns the current time with time zone.
Example: Time.expression()
=Time.expression('Europe/Amsterdam'), 'add 1 day')
Returns tomorrow, Europe/Amsterdam time.
Example: Time.expressionNow()
=Time.expressionNow('truncate day')
Returns 2023/07/27 00:00:00,000 Europe/Amsterdam.
Example: Time.isTimeWindowOpenNow()
- boolean functions which returns true if today is Monday.
Example: Time.isTimeWindowOpen()
=Time.isTimeWindowOpen(Time.expressionNow('subtract 1 day'), 'GLOBAL.System_Week_Monday')
- boolean function which returns true if today is Tuesday .
=Time.isTimeWindowOpen(Time.expressionNow('truncate day add 3 hours add 25 minutes'), '$.SomeTimeWindow')
- this example illustrates the use of the
identifier for the partition.
Range - Extended
Prefix: Range
Extended Range function with notification.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
inRangeWarning | boolean Range.inRangeWarning(int candidate, String trueRange, String warningRange, int severity, String message)
Return true if candidate is in the range specified by trueRange. Return true, but log a warning Operator Message if candidate is in the range warningRange. The Operator Message is specified by the message and severity parameters. |
Example: Range.inRangeWarning()
=Range.inRangeWarning(52, '10-50', '51-100', 50, 'Warning: range exceeded')
Returns true and creates an Operator Message.
Repository - Extended
Prefix: Repository
Functions for accessing the data model.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
getSystemId | String Repository.getSystemId()
Get the current system ID. |
getParentJobId | String Repository.getParentJobId(String jobId)
Get the parent job ID of the specified job ID, or null if the job ID is null or its parent is null. |
queryHTMLTable | int Repository.queryHTMLTable(String query [, Object [] bindVariables])
Produce HTML output on stdout for the query query with optional bind variables bindVariables. Bind variable place holders are specified as ? in the query. |
queryCSV | int Repository.queryCSV(String query [, Object [] bindVariables])
Produce CSV output on stdout for the query query with optional bind variables bindVariables. Bind variable place holders are specified as ? in the query. |
Example: Repository.getSystemId()
Returns SAP:C51_30 on this system.
Example: Repository.getParentJobId()
Returns 21 on this system.
Example: Repository.queryHTMLTable()
=Repository.queryHTMLTable('select Job.Description from Job where Job.JobId = 21')
Returns My Job on this system.
Example: Repository.queryCSV()
=Repository.queryCSV('select Job.Description from Job where Job.JobId = 21')
Returns My Job on this system.
Time - Extended
Prefix: Time
Advanced time functions.
In previous releases, you used sysdate and systimestamp to retrieve the current date and date-time-offset, respectively. You can use the following REL functions to retrieve the data:
=Time.format(, 'dd-MM-yyyy')
=Time.format(, 'dd-MM-yyyy a XXXXX')
The time zone used by default is the JVM time zone. The examples use the Europe/Amsterdam time zone by default.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
isDayOfWeekInSetNow | boolean Time.isDayOfWeekInSetNow(String weekSet)
Is the current day of the week in weekSet. |
isDayOfWeekInSet | boolean Time.isDayOfWeekInSet(Object date, String weekSet)
Is the day of the week of date in the set weekSet. |
isDayInRangeNow | boolean Time.isDayInRangeNow(String dayRange)
Is the current day of the month in the range dayRangeSet. |
isDayInRange | boolean Time.isDayInRange(Object date, String dayRange)
Is the day of the month of date in the range dayRangeSet. |
isLastDayInMonthNow | boolean Time.isLastDayInMonthNow()
Is it currently the last day of the month? |
isLastDayInMonth | boolean Time.isLastDayInMonth(Object date)
Is the date specified the last day of that month? |
isMonthInSetNow | boolean Time.isMonthInSetNow(String monthSet)
Is the month of the current date in the set monthSet? |
isMonthInSet | boolean Time.isMonthInSet(Object date, String monthRange)
Is the month of the specified date in the range monthRange? |
format | String Time.format(Object date, String format)
Format the date according to the specified [DateTimeFormatter pattern](DateFormat) in the default locale. |
formatLocale | String Time.formatLocale(Object date, String format, String localeName)
Format the date according to the specified [DateTimeFormatter pattern](DateFormat), in the specified locale. The locale is language[_country[_variant]]. For example 'en' for English, fr_CA for French (Canada), or TH_TH_th (Thai with Thai Digits). |
formatDuration | String Time.formatDuration(BigDecimal duration)
Format a duration in milliseconds using the standard format: |1 week, |# weeks, |1 day, |# days, |#|:#|:#|.# |
formatDurationEx | String Time.formatDurationEx(BigDecimal duration, String format)
Format a duration using a custom format. The format is specified as: |1 week, |# weeks, |1 day, |# days, |#|:#|:#|.#| The first element is used for 1 week. The second element is used for n weeks, where n > 1. The third element is used for 1 day. The fourth element is used for n days, where n > 1. The fifth element is used for hours. The sixth element is used for minutes. The seventh element is used for seconds. The eighth element is used for milliseconds. In all elements but the first and third, # is replaced with the actual number. If an element is empty it is omitted. If the first element is empty, weeks are not printed and days may be greater than 7. If the third element is empty, days are not printed and hours may be greater than 24. If the first and third elements are empty, neither weeks nor days are printed and hours may be greater than 168 (24 * 7). |
getUTCMillisecondsNow | BigDecimal Time.getUTCMillisecondsNow()
Get the number of milliseconds since midnight on January 1 1970 for the current time. |
getUTCMilliseconds | BigDecimal Time.getUTCMilliseconds(Object date)
Get the number of milliseconds since midnight on January 1 1970 for the specified time. |
formatNow | String Time.formatNow(String format)
Format the current date according to the specified [DateTimeFormatter pattern](DateFormat). |
parse | DateTimeZone Time.parse(Object string, String format)
Parse the string into a date according to the specified [DateTimeFormatter pattern](DateFormat). |
nextTimeWindowOpeningNow | DateTimeZone Time.nextTimeWindowOpeningNow(String timeWindow)
Next opening of timeWindow after now. In a JobDefinition or JobChain, you can specify `$` as a partition in your REL expression; this will be replaced by the partition of the JobDefinition or JobChain. This is especially helpful in combination with the Promotion module, as long as you keep the objects referencing themselves in one partition. Ensure the Time Window exists in the partition before you use the JobDefinition or JobChain. |
nextTimeWindowOpening | DateTimeZone Time.nextTimeWindowOpening(Object date, String timeWindow)
Next opening of timeWindow after the specified date. In a JobDefinition or JobChain, you can specify `$` as a partition in your REL expression; this will be replaced by the partition of the JobDefinition or JobChain. This is especially helpful in combination with the Promotion module, as long as you keep the objects referencing themselves in one partition. Ensure the Time Window exists in the partition before you use the JobDefinition or JobChain. |
nextTimeWindowClosingNow | DateTimeZone Time.nextTimeWindowClosingNow(String timeWindow)
Next closing of timeWindow after now. |
nextTimeWindowClosing | DateTimeZone Time.nextTimeWindowClosing(Object date, String timeWindow)
Next closing of timeWindow after the specified date. Note that you can only call this function on currently open Time Windows. |
Example: Time.isDayOfWeekInSetNow()
Returns true if the current day is Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Example: Time.isDayOfWeekInSet()
=Time.isDayOfWeekInSet('Europe/Paris'), '_X_X_X_')
Returns true if the day falls on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Example: Time.isDayInRangeNow()
Returns true if the current day of the month is between 4 and 7.
Example: Time.isDayInRange()
=Time.isDayInRange('Europe/Bratislava'), '4-7')
Returns true if the day of the month in the time expression is between 4 and 7.
Example: Time.isLastDayInMonthNow()
Returns true if the current day is the last day of the month.
Example: Time.isLastDayInMonth()
=Time.isLastDayInMonth(Time.expressionNow('add 2 days'))
- return true if the current day is two days before the end of the month.
Example: Time.isMonthInSetNow()
- return true if the current month has an even number.
Example: Time.isMonthInSet()
=Time.isMonthInSet(Time.expression(, 'add 1 month'), '_X_X_X_X_X_X')
- return true if the current month has an uneven number.
Example: Time.format()
=Time.format(, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
Returns the date in the yyyy-MM-dd format, as in 2023-07-27.
Example: Time.formatLocale()
=Time.formatLocale(, 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'de_DE')
Returns the date in the yyyy-MM-dd format, as in 2023-07-27 using the German/Germany locale.
Example: Time.formatDuration()
Returns 0:01:40.000.
Example: Time.formatDurationEx()
=Time.formatDurationEx(10000000000, '|1 week, |# weeks, |1 day, |# days, |#|:#|:#|.#|')
Returns 16 weeks, 3 days, 17:46:40.000.
=Time.formatDurationEx(10000000000, '|1 semaine, |# semaines, |1 jour, |# jours, |#|:#|:#|.#|')
Returns 16 semaines, 3 jours, 17:46:40.000.
=Time.formatDurationEx(10000000000, '|||1 day,|# days, |#|:#|:#|.#|')
Returns 115 days, 17:46:40.000.
=Time.formatDurationEx(10000000000, '||||# days, |#|:#|:#|.#|')
Returns 2777:46:40.000, which is the duration in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. The first and third elements were empty, causing the second which was empty and the fourth which was
# days,
to be discarded.
Example: Time.getUTCMillisecondsNow()
Returns the milliseconds since January 1 1970, for example 1690464753 on 2023/07/27 15:32:33,298 Europe/Amsterdam.
Example: Time.getUTCMilliseconds()
Returns the milliseconds since January 1 1970, for example 1690464753 on 2023/07/27 15:32:33,298 Europe/Amsterdam.
Example: Time.formatNow()
Returns 20230727153233.
Example: Time.parse()
=Time.parse('20230727153233', 'yyyyMMddhhmmss')
Returns 2023/07/27 15:32:33,000 Europe/Amsterdam.
Example: Time.nextTimeWindowOpeningNow()
Returns 2023/08/03 00:00:00,000 Europe/Amsterdam.
Returns 2023/07/27 00:00:00,000 Europe/Amsterdam.
Example: Time.nextTimeWindowOpening()
=Time.nextTimeWindowOpening(Time.parse('20230727153233', 'yyyyMMddhhmmss'), 'GLOBAL.System_Week_Thursday')
Returns 2023/07/27 15:32:33,000 Europe/Amsterdam.
Example: Time.nextTimeWindowClosingNow()
Returns 2023/08/03 00:00:00,000 Europe/Amsterdam.
Example: Time.nextTimeWindowClosing()
=Time.nextTimeWindowClosing(Time.parse('20230727153233', 'yyyyMMddhhmmss'), 'GLOBAL.System_Week_Wednesday')
Returns 2023/07/27 00:00:00,000 Europe/Amsterdam.
Prefix: Constraint
The following methods are used in the ''Simple Constraint Data'' field, the simple constraint type must be set to ''Expression''.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
listConstraint | boolean Constraint.listConstraint(Object[] args /*String title, String list[, boolean valid[, String separator]]*/)
Create a dropdown list with a list of values. The mandatory first parameter (title) is a title. For this type of constraint only one title is needed. The mandatory second parameter (list) is a comma separated list of values, which will be presented as a drop down list during submit. The optional third parameter (valid) is a boolean expression which says if the entered value is correct. You can use here the
variable for the value, entered by the user. The optional fourth parameter (separator) is a String, which is a regular expression to split the elements in the list. By default it is a comma (,) When you do not supply the third parameter, or it is null, then only values from this list are allowed to be entered. |
pairListConstraint | boolean Constraint.pairListConstraint(Object[] args /*String titles, String list[, boolean valid]*/)
Create a dropdown list with a list of values. The mandatory first parameter (titles) is a, comma separated, list of titles. For this type of constraint only two titles are needed. The mandatory second parameter (list) is a comma separated list of value=description pairs, which will be presented as a drop down list during submit. The optional third parameter (valid) is a boolean expression which says if the entered value is correct. You can use here the
variable for the value, entered by the user. When you do not supply the third parameter, or it is null, then only values from this list are allowed to be entered. |
Example: Constraint.listConstraint()
=Constraint.listConstraint('Country', 'de,nl,gt', value !== '')
This will show a drop down list with the values de, gt and nl. However you can fill in any non-empty value, for example also mx
=Constraint.listConstraint('Country', 'de,nl,gt')
This will show a drop down list with the values de, gt and nl. You can only choose values from this list.
=Constraint.listConstraint('Ciphers or letters', '1,2,3,...|a,b,c,...', null, '\\|')
This will show a drop down list with the values 1,2,3,... and a,b,c,.... Note, the commas in the values. Also note, that the bar here is a special character in regular expressions and therefore it needs to be escaped with two slashes. You can only choose values from this list.
Example: Constraint.pairListConstraint()
=Constraint.pairListConstraint('Country, Code', 'de=49,nl=31,gt=502', value !== '')
This will show a drop down list, like
Country | Code |
de | 49 |
gt | 502 |
nl | 31 |
However, you can fill in any non-empty value, for example also mx.
=Constraint.pairListConstraint('Country Code, Country', 'de=Deutschland,nl=Nederland,gt=Guatemala')
This will show a drop down list, like
Country | Code |
de | Deutschland |
gt | Guatemala |
nl | Nederland |
You can only choose one of the the values de, nl, or gt.
=Constraint.pairListConstraint('Code|Various symbols', 'C:1,2,3,...|L:a,b,c,...|O:=-*+/', null, '\\|', ':')
This will show a drop down list, like:
Code | Various symbols |
C | 1,2,3,... |
L | a,b,c,... |
O | =-*+/| |
Note, the commas and equal sign in the values. Also note, that the bar here is a special character in regular expressions and therefore it needs to be escaped with two slashes. You can only choose values from this list.
Prefix: Credential
Function Name | Signature | Description |
getProtectedPasswordByProtocolRealUser | String Credential.getProtectedPasswordByProtocolRealUser(String partition, String credentialProtocol, String endpoint, String realUser)
Obtain encrypted credential if present and accessible. |
getProtectedPasswordByProtocolVirtualUser | String Credential.getProtectedPasswordByProtocolVirtualUser(String partition, String credentialProtocol, String endpoint, String virtualUser)
Obtain encrypted credential if present and accessible. |
getProtectedPassword | String Credential.getProtectedPassword(String endpoint, String realUser)
Obtain encrypted credential for the default partition and login protocol, if present and accessible. |
Example: Credential.getProtectedPasswordByProtocolRealUser()
=Credential.getProtectedPasswordByProtocolRealUser('GLOBAL', 'login', 'host', 'root')
=Credential.getProtectedPasswordByProtocolRealUser('$', 'login', 'host', 'root')
where '$' represents the partition of the Process Definition the parameter is in.
Example: Credential.getProtectedPasswordByProtocolVirtualUser()
=Credential.getProtectedPasswordByProtocolVirtualUser('GLOBAL', 'login', 'host', 'appowner')
Example: Credential.getProtectedPassword()
=Credential.getProtectedPassword('host', 'root')
Functions for working with Events.
Prefix: Event
Function Name | Signature | Description |
isEventRaised | boolean Event.isEventRaised(String name)
Get the status of an event. |
Example: Event.isEventRaised()
Returns true on this system as the event is currently raised.
Prefix: JDBC
Function Name | Signature | Description |
clearCache | String JDBC.clearCache()
Clears the result cache. It always returns an empty String. |
constraint | boolean JDBC.constraint(Object[] args /*)
Create a constraint, with LOV support, based on a query on database tables/views. The first parameter is string with connection info, in the form [user=<user>] [endpoint=<endpoint>] [cache=[<number>[s|m|h|d|w|M|y]]], where <user> is the database user to connect with and <endpoint> the name of the database object for the database to connect to. When the cache keyword is used, caching of the results is used. The optional time specification is a number in seconds (default or when suffixed by 's'), minutes ('m'), hours ('h'), days ('d'), weeks ('w'), months ('M') or years ('y'). This time specification means that the cached result is not allowed to be older than specified. Thus the maximum cache age is not defined by the setter, but by the getter of the cache result! The second parameter is the query as a String. The rest of the parameters are optional bind variables. Bind variable place holders are specified as ? in the expression. |
query | Object JDBC.query(Object[] args /*)
Execute a database query and return the first column from the first row. The first parameter is string with connection info, in the form [user=<user>] [endpoint=<endpoint>] [cache=[<number>[s|m|h|d|w|M|y]]], where <user> is the database user to connect with and <endpoint> the name of the database object for the database to connect to. When the cache keyword is used, caching of the results is used. The optional time specification is a number in seconds (default or when suffixed by 's'), minutes ('m'), hours ('h'), days ('d'), weeks ('w'), months ('M') or years ('y'). This time specification means that the cached result is not allowed to be older than specified. Thus the maximum cache age is not defined by the setter, but by the getter of the cache result! The second parameter is the query as a String. The rest of the parameters are optional bind variables. Bind variable place holders are specified as ? in the query. |
Example: JDBC.clearCache()
Example: JDBC.constraint()
=JDBC.constraint('user=scott endpoint=xe',
'select name "City", state "State/province" from cities where country =
?', parameters.Country)
- Implements a constraint, showing two columns. The first column has the title "City", the second column has the title "State/province". The data in the drop down list is a list of cities from the country as defined in the parameter Country, where the data comes from the database table cities. The actual value that is chosen is the city. The other column is only informational.
Example: JDBC.query()
=JDBC.query('user=scott endpoint=xe',
'select global_name from global_name where rownum <= ?', 1)
- returns the global name of the Oracle database. Do not use a cached value of the result.
=JDBC.query('user=scott endpoint=xe cache=0',
'select global_name from global_name where rownum <= ?', 1)
- returns the global name of the Oracle database. Do not use a cached value of the result, but do cache the result for a next time.
=JDBC.query('user=scott endpoint=xe
cache=60', 'select global_name from global_name where rownum <= ?',
Returns the global name of the Oracle database. Do use a cached value of the result, but only when the cached value is not older than 60 seconds.
=JDBC.query('user=scott endpoint=xe cache=1m',
'select global_name from global_name where rownum <= ?', 1)
- returns the global name of the Oracle database. Do use a cached value of the result, but only when the cached value is not older than 1 minute.
endpoint=xe cache', 'select global_name from global_name where rownum
<= ?', 1)
Returns the global name of the Oracle database. Do use a cached value of the result, but only when the cached value is not older than the number of seconds as specified in the registry key
Prefix: JobChainParameters
Chain job names take the form Step name, job job number. For example: Step 2, job 3 or Data load, job 2. This expression is not zero-based, so the first job is Job 1.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
getOutValueString | String JobChainParameters.getOutValueString(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the String output parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. When you create a Step, add two jobs to it and then delete the first job (Job 1), the second job will become Step 1, Job 1. This means that when you delete a job, you must verify your Relative Job expressions. |
getOutValueNumber | BigDecimal JobChainParameters.getOutValueNumber(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the Number output parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getOutValueDate | DateTimeZone JobChainParameters.getOutValueDate(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the Date output parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getOutValueArray | Object[] JobChainParameters.getOutValueArray(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the Array output parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getInValueString | String JobChainParameters.getInValueString(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the String input parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getInValueNumber | BigDecimal JobChainParameters.getInValueNumber(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the Number input parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getInValueDate | DateTimeZone JobChainParameters.getInValueDate(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the Date input parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getInValueArray | Object[] JobChainParameters.getInValueArray(String jobName, String parameterName)
Get the value of the Array input parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getJobId | Long JobChainParameters.getJobId(String jobName)
Get the job ID of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getJobStatus | String JobChainParameters.getJobStatus(String jobName)
Get the job status of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getJobReturnCode | Long JobChainParameters.getJobReturnCode(String jobName)
Get the job return code of the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
getJobFilePath | String JobChainParameters.getJobFilePath(String jobName, String jobFileName)
Get the full path of the job file with short name jobFileName on the job named jobName in the current Chain. |
jobFileExists | boolean JobChainParameters.jobFileExists(String jobName, String jobFileName)
Returns if a job file with short name jobFileName on the job named jobName in the current Chain exists and can be read. |
Example: JobChainParameters.getOutValueString()
=JobChainParameters.getOutValueString('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the String Out value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getOutValueNumber()
=JobChainParameters.getOutValueNumber('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the Number Out value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getOutValueDate()
=JobChainParameters.getOutValueDate('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the Date Out value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getOutValueArray()
=JobChainParameters.getOutValueArray('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the Array Out value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getInValueString()
=JobChainParameters.getInValueString('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the String In value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getInValueNumber()
=JobChainParameters.getInValueNumber('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the Number In value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getInValueDate()
=JobChainParameters.getInValueDate('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the Date In value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getInValueArray()
=JobChainParameters.getInValueArray('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter')
Returns the Array In value of the parameter named "Parameter" of the first job (Job 1) in Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getJobId()
=JobChainParameters.getJobId('Step 1, Job 1')
Returns the job ID of the first job (Job 1) of the Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.getJobStatus()
=JobChainParameters.getJobStatus('Step 2, Job 1')
Returns the job status of the first job (Job 1) of the Step Step 2.
Example: JobChainParameters.getJobReturnCode()
=JobChainParameters.getJobReturnCode('Step 2, Job 1')
Returns the job return code of the first job (Job 1) of the Step Step 2.
Example: JobChainParameters.getJobFilePath()
=JobChainParameters.getJobFilePath('Step 1, Job 1', 'stdout.log')
Returns the path to the output file of the first job (Job 1) of the Step Step 1.
Example: JobChainParameters.jobFileExists()
=JobChainParameters.jobFileExists('Step 1, Job 1', 'stdout.log')
Returns true if the output file of the first job (Job 1) of the Step Step 1 exists and can be read.
Prefix: Logic
Function Name | Signature | Description |
case | String expression[, String match1, String result1,] ... [ String matchN, String resultN] [, String resultNoMatch] )
Run and map an expression. Execute the expression, if the result matches matchN return resultN, otherwise return resultNoMatch. |
if | String Logic.if(String expression, String trueValue, String falseValue)
Run an expression and return trueValue if it is true, otherwise falseValue. This function does not support else, if you want to use else, use '''' instead. |
nvl | String Logic.nvl(String o, String nullValue)
If the first argument is not null, return it, otherwise return the second argument. |
Example: Logic.keyword_case(), 'SAP:O51_32', '32', 'SAP:O51_31', '31', 'Not Matched')
Returns 31 on this system.
Example: Logic.keyword_if()
=Logic.if(getSystemId() === 'SAP:O51_31', '31', 'Not Matched')
Returns 31 on this system.
Example: Logic.nvl()
=Logic.nvl(getSystemId(), 'Not null')
Returns SAP:O51_31 on this system.
Prefix: Loop
Function Name | Signature | Description |
getString | String Loop.getString(String columnName)
Retrieve a String value for the named table column. |
getBigDecimal | BigDecimal Loop.getBigDecimal(String columnName)
Retrieve a BigDecimal value for the named table column. |
getDate | DateTimeZone Loop.getDate(String columnName)
Retrieve a DateTimeZone value for the named table column. |
formatBigDecimal | String Loop.formatBigDecimal(String columnName, String outputFormat)
Retrieve and format a value for the named table column, using the specified formatting. The column may be of any type, but needs to be parseable as a BigDecimal. |
formatDate | String Loop.formatDate(String columnName, String dateFormat)
Retrieve and format a value for the named table column, using the specified formatting. The column may be of any type, but needs to be parseable as a DateTimeZone. |
reformatStringAsBigDecimal | String Loop.reformatStringAsBigDecimal(String columnName, String inputFormat, String outputFormat)
Retrieve the string value of a column, parse it using the input format and format it using the output format. The column is assumed to be a number in a string column. |
reformatStringAsDate | String Loop.reformatStringAsDate(String columnName, String inputFormat, String outputFormat)
Retrieve the string value of a column, parse it using the input format and format it using the output format. The column is assumed to be a date in a string column. |
Example: Loop.getString()
Returns the value of the column named symbol as a String.
Example: Loop.getBigDecimal()
Returns the value of the column named price as a BigDecimal.
Example: Loop.getDate()
Returns the value of the column named date as a DateTimeZone.
Example: Loop.formatBigDecimal()
=Loop.formatBigDecimal('price', '$#.00')
- retrieves the value of the column named price as a BigDecimal and formats it as specified and returns it as a String.
Example: Loop.formatDate()
=Loop.formatDate('date', 'dd-MM-yyyy')
- retrieves the value of the date column named date, formats it using dd-MM-yyyy and returns it as a String.
Example: Loop.reformatStringAsBigDecimal()
=Loop.reformatStringAsBigDecimal('price', '$#.00', '#,00')
- retrieves the value of the column named price parses it using
and formats it using #,00 and returns it as a String.
Example: Loop.reformatStringAsDate()
=Loop.reformatStringAsDate('date', 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'dd-MM-yyyy')
- retrieves the value of the string column named date, parses it using yyyy-MM-dd, formats it using dd-MMM-yyyy, and returns it as a String.
Prefix: PLSQL
Function Name | Signature | Description |
booleanExpr | Boolean PLSQL.booleanExpr(Object[] args /*)
Evaluate a boolean PL/SQL expression in an Oracle database. The first parameter is string with connection info, in the form [user=<user>] [endpoint=<endpoint>] [cache=[<number>[s|m|h|d|w|M|y]]], where <user> is the database user to connect with and <endpoint> the name of the database object for the database to connect to. When the cache keyword is used, caching of the results is used. The optional time specification is a number in seconds (default or when suffixed by 's'), minutes ('m'), hours ('h'), days ('d'), weeks ('w'), months ('M') or years ('y'). This time specification means that the cached result is not allowed to be older than specified. Thus the maximum cache age is not defined by the setter, but by the getter of the cache result! The second parameter is the boolean PL/SQL expression as a String. The rest of the parameters are optional bind variables. Bind variable place holders are specified as ? in the expression. |
dateExpr | DateTimeZone PLSQL.dateExpr(Object[] args /*)
See booleanExpr |
numberExpr | BigDecimal PLSQL.numberExpr(Object[] args /*)
See booleanExpr |
stringExpr | String PLSQL.stringExpr(Object[] args /*)
See booleanExpr |
Example: PLSQL.booleanExpr()
endpoint=xe', '? > 0', 1)
Returns true. Do not use a cached value of the result.
=PLSQL.booleanExpr('user=scott endpoint=xe cache=0',
'? > 0', 1)
Returns true. Do not use a cached value of the result, but do cache the result for a next time.
=PLSQL.booleanExpr('user=scott endpoint=xe
cache=60', '? > 0', 1)
Returns true. Do use a cached value of the result, but only when the cached value is not older than 60 seconds.
=PLSQL.booleanExpr('user=scott endpoint=xe
cache=1m', '? > 0', 1)
Returns true. Do use a cached value of the result, but only when the cached value is not older than 1 minute.
endpoint=xe cache', '? > 0', 1)
Returns true. Do use a cached value of the result, but only when the cached value is not older than the number of seconds as specified in the registry key
=PLSQL.booleanExpr('user=scott cache=1m', '? > ?',
parameters.param1, parameters.param2)
- compares two numbers defined in parameters param1 and param2. Note that this uses the System_Oracle endpoint (default)
Example: PLSQL.dateExpr()
Example: PLSQL.numberExpr()
Example: PLSQL.stringExpr()
Prefix: Query
Functions for querying the data model.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
getNumber | BigDecimal Query.getNumber(String query [, Object [] bindVariables [, String bindTypes]])
Get the first column of the first row of the query query with optional bind variables bindVariables. Bind variable place holders are specified as ? in the query. On some databases it may be required to specify the type of the parameter, as the database will not convert to and from all types. If this is required, then for each parameter specify either a "s", for string, or an "n", for number. If a parameter type is not specified, then it will be passed as a string. |
getString | String Query.getString(String query [, Object [] bindVariables [, String bindTypes]])
Get the first column of the first row of the query query with optional bind variables bindVariables. Bind variable place holders are specified as ? in the query. On some databases it may be required to specify the type of the parameter, as the database will not convert to and from all types. If this is required, then for each parameter specify either a "s", for string, or an "n", for number. If a parameter type is not specified, then it will be passed as a string. |
getRelativeJob | BigDecimal Query.getRelativeJob(String jobName)
Get the job ID of the job named jobName in the current Chain. Note that Chain job numbers are incremented and never changed. This means that when you create a Step, add two jobs to it and then delete the first job, the second job will still remain Step 1, Job 1. Note that this function is 1-based and the Chain editor is zero-based. So Step 1, Job 1 will be displayed as Step 1, Job 0 in the Chain editor. |
Example: Query.getNumber()
=Query.getNumber('select Job.JobId from Job where Job.Description=\'My Job\'')
Returns 21 on this system. .
=Query.getNumber('select Job.ReturnCode from Job where Job.JobId = ?', [JobChainParameters.getJobId('Step 1,job 1')], 'n')
Returns 0 on this system.
Example: Query.getString()
=Query.getString('select Job.Description from Job where Job.Queue in (select q.UniqueId from Queue q where q.Name=?) order by Job.JobId DESC', ['System'])
Returns My Job on this system.
=Query.getString('select Job.Description from Job where Job.JobId=?', [parameters.JOBID])
Returns My Job on this system; note that the job has a JOBID parameter of type Number that holds the actual job ID.
=Query.getString('select Job.Description from Job where Job.JobId=?', [parameters.JOBID], 'n')
Returns My Job on this system; note that the job has a JOBID parameter of type String that holds the actual job ID, so in this case casting is required.
=Query.getString('select Job.Description from Job where Job.JobId = ?', [Query.getRelativeJob('Step 1,job 1')], 'n')
- First Job on this system.
Example: Query.getRelativeJob()
=Query.getRelativeJob('Step 1, Job 1')
- get the job ID of the first job of the Step named Step 1.
Prefix: SAP
Ranges are sent as a long string in the form [<sign><option><low><high>]+ where
- <sign> is a single character I or E
- <option> a select option, for example EQ, BT
- <low> the low value of the range
- <high> the high value of the range
All fields are always sent, regardless of the value of the <option>. If the value is shorter than the length of the field, it is padded with blanks.
Such ranges are known to be sent by Closing Cockpit.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
convertJobParameterRangesToExpression | String SAP.convertJobParameterRangesToExpression(String jobName, String parameterName, int fieldLength)
Get the value of the String output parameter parameterName of the job named jobName in the current Chain. Convert ranges to a selopt expression. |
convertRangesToExpression | String SAP.convertRangesToExpression(String rangesString, int fieldLength)
Convert ranges to a selopt expression. |
Example: SAP.convertJobParameterRangesToExpression()
=SAP.convertJobParameterRangesToExpression('Step 1, Job 1', 'Parameter', 32)
Returns a select option.
Example: SAP.convertRangesToExpression()
=SAP.convertRangesToExpression('IBTAAZZ', 2)
Returns AA - ZZ.
Prefix: Table
Functions for querying a table.
You use the
placeholder to specify the partition of the object you are editing, in job definitions and Chains.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
getRow | String Table.getRow(String table, String key)
Retrieve the row of a table, all values are concatenated. |
getColumnString | String Table.getColumnString(String tableName, String key, String column)
Retrieve a String value from a table. |
getColumnNumber | BigDecimal Table.getColumnNumber(String table, String key, String column)
Retrieve a Number value from a table. |
formatRow | String Table.formatRow(String table, String key, String rowStart, String columnFormat, String columnSeparator, String rowEnd)
Retrieve a row from a table and format it. columnFormat accepts strings as well as the following substitution parameters to specify the position of the elements:
l | String Table.l(Object[] parameters/*String partitionName, String tableName, String key, String columnName*/)
Short hand for lookup. See lookup |
lookup | String Table.lookup(Object[] parameters/*String partitionName, String tableName, String key, String columnName*/)
Retrieve the value of a column for a specified row in a table. If no partition is specified, the table is looked for in the GLOBAL partition. |
Example: Table.getRow()
=Table.getRow('System_Variables', '2')
Returns EMEA on this system.
Example: Table.getColumnString()
=Table.getColumnString('System_Variables', '2', 'SystemValue')
Returns EMEA on this system.
Example: Table.getColumnNumber()
=Table.getColumnNumber('System_Variables', 'CCOP')
Returns 13100 on this system.
Example: Table.formatRow()
=Table.formatRow('System_Variables', '2', '<row><entry>', '{1}', '</entry><entry>', '</entry></row>')
Returns <row><entry>EMEA</entry></row> on this system.
=Table.formatRow('$.Countries', '49', '#', '{2}{0}={1}', '|', '#')
Returns #Abbreviation=De|Conversion_Rate=1.0|Name=Germany|Translation=Deutschland#.
=Table.formatRow('$.Countries', '31', '<row><entry>', '{2}{1}', '</entry><entry>', '</entry></row>')
- returns <row><entry>NL</entry><entry>1.0</entry><entry>The Netherlands</entry><entry>Nederland</entry></row>
Example: Table.l()
Example: Table.lookup()
=Table.lookup('PROD', 'CustomTable', 'Identifier10', 'ColumnA')
Returns the value from the table 'CustomTable' (table is in partition 'PROD') from the row with key 'Identifier10', and from that row the value of 'ColumnA'.
=Table.lookup('CustomTable', 'Identifier10', 'ColumnA')
Returns the value from the table 'CustomTable' (table is in partition 'GLOBAL', as partitionName is not specified) from the row with key 'Identifier10', and from that row the value of 'ColumnA'.
Prefix: UserMessage
Function Name | Signature | Description |
renderHistoryAsHTML | String UserMessage.renderHistoryAsHTML(String userMessageId, String cssPrefix)
Render an HTML table with the history of a user message. |
renderHistoryAsText | String UserMessage.renderHistoryAsText(String userMessageId)
Render a Text table with the history of a user message. |
Example: UserMessage.renderHistoryAsHTML()
=UserMessage.renderHistoryAsHTML(parameters.UserMessage_UniqueId, 'aCssPrefix')
Example: UserMessage.renderHistoryAsText()
Prefix: Variable
Functions for querying the System_Variables table.
Function Name | Signature | Description |
getString | String Variable.getString(String key)
Retrieve a String value from the System_Variables table. |
getNumber | BigDecimal Variable.getNumber(String key)
Retrieve a Number from the System_Variables table. |
Example: Variable.getString()
Returns EMEA on this system.
Example: Variable.getNumber()
Returns 13100 on this system.
Scripting contexts are fields in which scripting with Redwood Expression Language may be used. The implicit objects provided differ between the contexts.
RedwoodExpressionLanguage Implicit Objects
This section lists the implicit objects by category, and what they contain.
Implicit object | Description | Class |
Value of parameter <name> of current job. Class depends on the type of parameter. |
Character, String, Number, Date, Time, DateTimeZone, Table, FileParameter |
Value of Out parameter <name> of current job. Class depends on type of the parameter. |
Character, String, Number, Date, Time, DateTimeZone, Table, FileParameter |
Value of parameter <name> of inner-most Chain. Class depends on the type of parameter. |
Character, String, Number, Date, Time, DateTimeZone, Table, FileParameter |
Value of out parameter <name> of inner-most Chain. Class depends on the type of the parameter. |
Character, String, Number, Date, Time, DateTimeZone, Table, FileParameter |
JobChainParameters.getOutValueString(<jobName>, <parameter>)
The value of the Out parameter <parameter> of the job in Chain (see placeholders below) |
String |
JobChainParameters.getOutValueNumber(<jobName>, <parameter>)
The value of the Out parameter <parameter> of the job in Chain (see placeholders below) |
Number |
JobChainParameters.getOutValueDate(<jobName>, <parameter>)
The value of the Out parameter <parameter> of the job in Chain (see placeholders below) |
Date |
chainJobId | job ID of the inner-most Chain (needs to be a runtime parameter) | Number |
jobId | job ID of the current job (needs to be a runtime parameter) | Number |
topLevelJobId | job ID of highest parent job in hierarchy (needs to be a runtime parameter) | Number |
returnCode | return code of current job | Number |
stepIterations | iteration number of the current Step or job | Number |
the path of the file that raised event <name> (after move, if applicable) |
String |
the path of the file that raised event <name> (before move, if applicable) |
String |
the comment of the raiser for event <name> |
String |
the job ID of the job that raised event <name> |
Long |
the partition of the object named name</code>. The <code>$ variable will be filled with the partition of the job definition or Chain on which it is specified |
String |
The placeholders for the JobChainParameters.getOutValue
methods are as follows:
- the name of the job, for example:Step 1, Job 2
Extract data, Job 4
- the name of the parameter
The following example returns the Out
value of parameter Param1 on Job number 4 of Step Extract data in the Chain.
=JobChainParameters.getOutValueString('Extract data, Job 4', 'Param1')
Partition Placeholder
The $
placeholder is replaced with the partition of the job definition or Chain it is specified on.
The job definition Partition1.JD_Partition
is in the partition Partition1
, just like the Time Window Partition1.TW_DailyWorkShift
. A parameter default expression has REL expression that is referring to this Time Window as $.TW_DailyWorkShift
. The Chain Partition2.JC_Partition
is in the partition Partition2
; if you try to override the parameter with a parameter mapping using the $.TW_DailyWorkShift
syntax, the $
will be replaced with Partition2
. This means that you must duplicate the Time Window in the partition Partition2
or specify Partition1.TW_DailyWorkShift
for this to work.
The advantage of this syntax is that you can safely promote this job definition to another system without having to change the REL expression even if the partition name in the target system differs, provided you promote the referenced object as well.
You must keep objects that refer to each other using this syntax in the same partition and should, ideally, keep them in the same application so you can simply promote the application tree.
Note: The promotion module will not detect references that are using the $
syntax. This means that Export with related objects and Promote with related objects will not export all referenced objects.
Substitution Parameters and REL Contexts
In fields that support REL expressions you can specify the substitution parameters using either REL variables or Ant syntax, the latter inside string literals. Note that the substitution parameters will be replaced <b>after</b> the REL expression has been evaluated; this means that REL will only see the substitution parameter names, not their values.
In the Subject field of an email sent for a Process Server alert, the following expression has been specified:
='Process Server ${processServer} went from ${oldStatus} to ${newStatus} at ' +
This will first be evaluated as REL:
Process Server ${processServer} went from ${oldStatus} to ${newStatus} at 12:00:00pm Thursday 27 July 2023
Then the Ant substitutions are applied:
Process Server MSLN_UNIXS3 went from Running to PartiallyRunning at 12:00:00pm Thursday 27 July 2023
This expression can also be specified using REL syntax only:
='Process Server '+processServer+' went from '+oldStatus+' to '+newStatus+' at ' +
Since the Ant substitution is performed after the REL expression has been evaluated, the following example will not return UNIXS3
but cessServer}
=String.substring('${processServer}', 5)
RedwoodExpressionLanguage Contexts
This section lists implicit objects.
Ad Hoc Alert Source (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
alertSourceType | String | Alert Source Type |
alertSourceUniqueId | String | Alert Source Unique ID |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
data | String | The data associated with the current job or Process Server check |
jobDefinition | String | The name of the job definition of the current job |
jobDescription | String | The description of the current job |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
partition | String | The partition the object is in |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Name | Class | Description |
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainOutParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainOutParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
chainRequestedStartTime | DateTimeZone | Chain requested start time |
chainRunStartTime | DateTimeZone | Chain run start time |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
stepIterations | Number | The number of iterations of this Step |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Simple Constraint List of Values (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
value | Object | Value of the parameter or Process Server check result |
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
jobDefinition | String | The name of the job definition of the current job |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
username | String | The name of the current user |
waitEvents | JobWaitEventsScriptObject | The wait event object |
waitEvents. name .finalPath |
String | The path of the file that raised the event (after move, if applicable) |
waitEvents. name .originalPath |
String | The path of the file that raised the event (before move, if applicable) |
waitEvents. name .raiserComment |
String | The comment of the raiser |
waitEvents. name .raiserJobId |
Long | The job ID of the job that raised the event |
Name | Class | Description |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainOutParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainOutParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
now | Long | Override for current time in UTC milliseconds |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
stepIterations | Number | The number of iterations of this Step |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Step Precondition (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainOutParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainOutParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
now | Long | Override for current time in UTC milliseconds |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
stepIterations | Number | The number of iterations of this Step |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Name | Class | Description |
jcsJob | Job | Object representing the current job. |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
outParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of current job |
outParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
userMessage | MapScriptObject | User message response instance expression values |
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
callJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain call |
callUniqueId | String | The unique ID of the current Chain call definition |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainOutParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainOutParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
stepIterations | Number | The number of iterations of this Step |
stepJobId | String | The job ID of the current Step |
stepUniqueId | String | The unique ID of the current Step definition |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Chain Call Parameter Expression (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainOutParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainOutParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
stepIterations | Number | The number of iterations of this Step |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Step Precondition (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainOutParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainOutParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
stepIterations | Number | The number of iterations of this Step |
stepJobId | String | The job ID of the current Step |
stepUniqueId | String | The unique ID of the current Step definition |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Name | Class | Description |
alertSourceType | String | Alert Source Type |
alertSourceUniqueId | String | Alert Source Unique ID |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
jobDefinitionOwner | String | The owner of the job definition of the current job |
jobDescription | String | The description of the current job |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
jobOwner | String | The owner of the current job |
newStatus | String | The new status |
oldStatus | String | The old status |
outParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of current job |
outParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
partition | String | The partition the object is in |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
remoteStatus | String | The status of the remote service |
returnCode | Number | The return code of current job |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Name | Class | Description |
averageRuntime | Number | The average runtime of the current job |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
requestedStartTime | DateTimeZone | The requested starttime of the current job |
scheduledStartTime | DateTimeZone | The scheduled starttime of the current job |
standardDeviationRuntime | Number | The standard deviation of the runtimes of the job definition of the current job |
topLevelAgerageRuntime | Number | The estimated runtime of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelRequestedStartTime | DateTimeZone | The requested starttime of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelScheduledStartTime | DateTimeZone | The scheduled starttime of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelStandardDeviationRuntime | Number | The standard deviation of the runtimes of the job definition of the top level job in the Chain |
Return Code Mapping (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
callJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain call |
callUniqueId | String | The unique ID of the current Chain call definition |
chainJobId | String | The job ID of the current Chain |
chainOutParameters | OutParametersScriptObject | The values of output parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainOutParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of out parameter . name of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
chainQueue | String | The Queue of the current Chain |
eventDefinition | String | The name of the event definition being raised or waited for |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
stepIterations | Number | The number of iterations of this Step |
stepJobId | String | The job ID of the current Step |
stepUniqueId | String | The unique ID of the current Step definition |
topLevelJobId | String | The job ID of the top level job in the Chain |
topLevelQueue | String | The Queue of the top level job in the Chain |
Return Code Mapping (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
line | String | The string found by the File Search |
partition | String | The partition the object is in |
Name | Class | Description |
jcsJob | Job | Object representing the current job. |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
Name | Class | Description |
alertSourceType | String | Alert Source Type |
alertSourceUniqueId | String | Alert Source Unique ID |
data | String | The data associated with the current job or Process Server check |
Name | Class | Description |
Name | Class | Description |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
osFamily | String | The OS Family of the Process Server |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
Name | Class | Description |
chainParameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of inner-most Chain |
chainParameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of inner-most Chain |
monitoritem | MapScriptObject | Process monitor instance expression values |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
Name | Class | Description |
alertSourceType | String | Alert Source Type |
alertSourceUniqueId | String | Alert Source Unique ID |
newStatus | String | The new status |
oldStatus | String | The old status |
partition | String | The partition the object is in |
processServer | String | The name of the Process Server for the current job or Process Server check |
Return Code Mapping (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
alertSourceType | String | Alert Source Type |
reactionJobDefinition | String | The name of the job defition launched in reaction |
reactionJobDefinitionUniqueId | String | The unique ID of the job definition launched in reaction |
Name | Class | Description |
<Object> | String | The values of current object's fields |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
Name | Class | Description |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
Period Function (RedwoodScript)
Name | Class | Description |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
Return Code Mapping (Redwood Expression Language)
Name | Class | Description |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
returnCode | Number | The return code of current job |
Name | Class | Description |
jobId | Number | The job ID of the current job |
parameters | InParametersScriptObject | The values of input parameters of current job |
parameters. name |
String, Number, Date, DateTimeZone | Value of parameter name of current job |
parentJobId | Number | The job ID of the current job's parent |
queue | String | The name of the Queue of the current job |
Name | Class | Description |
$ | String | The default partition used by the current object |
partition | String | The partition the object is in |