Privileges Required to Use Oracle Applications Systems
To use Oracle Applications systems, you need one of the following:
role- system or partition-level permissions
- object-specific privileges
Using Oracle Applications Systems
The following privilege ranks are available on Oracle Applications Systems:
- Create - allows you to create a Oracle Applications System on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition), you have no further privileges through this rank, you automatically get All privilege rank on Oracle Applications Systems you create, as well as on their Process Servers and Queues.
- View - allows you to view a Oracle Applications System on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition), you have no further privileges through this rank.
- Edit - allows you to create, view, and edit a Oracle Applications System on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition).
- Delete - allows you to create, view, and delete a Oracle Applications System on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition).
- All - full control over a Oracle Applications System on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition).
You always need View privileges on the partition of the Oracle Applications System.
Oracle Applications Systems can reference the following objects, you need at least View privileges on these objects as well as their partition(s) when you want to create/edit/delete an Oracle Applications System that references them:
When you create a Oracle Applications System, you also need to the necessary privileges to create the following:
Creating Oracle Applications Systems
You need one of the following privilege ranks to be able to create Oracle Applications systems:
- Create - allows you to create Oracle Applications systems on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition), you have no further privileges through this rank, you automatically get All privilege rank on Oracle Applications Systems you create.
- Edit - allows you to create, view, and edit all Oracle Applications systems on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition).
- Delete - allows you to create, view, and delete all Oracle Applications systems on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition).
- All - full control over all Oracle Applications systems on the level the privilege was granted (system, partition).
Editing Oracle Applications Systems
To successfully edit a Oracle Applications system, you must have one the following privileges:
- Edit - privilege rank on the Oracle Applications system, or on Oracle Applications Systems in its partition or system-wide
- Delete - privilege rank on the Oracle Applications system, or on Oracle Applications Systems in its partition or system-wide
- All - privilege rank on the Oracle Applications system, or on Oracle Applications Systems in its partition or system-wide