Controlling Imports with LockDown
LockDown is a setting that restricts imports to specific defined Remote System objects.
LockDown works with Originator IDs. An Originator ID is a string that identifies a particular RunMyJobs instance. The Originator ID consists of the portion of a RunMyJobs instance URL after the domain, but with underscores instead of forward slashes. For example, if the URL is
, the Originator ID is example-inc_test
When a RunMyJobs instance receives an import request, RunMyJobs checks to see if the /configuration/import/LockDown
registry entry is set.
- If LockDown is set, the destination RunMyJobs instance looks for a Remote System object with a name of that matches the Originator ID of the source RunMyJobs instance.
- If the Remote System object is found and it is configured with a Push Acceptor Process Definition, the destination RunMyJobs instance executes that Process Definition. If it completes successfully, you should allow the import.
- If no source Remote System object is found or the Push Acceptor process fails, you should veto the promotion.
- If LockDown is NOT set, RunMyJobs looks for a Remote System object with a name of that matches the Originator ID of the source RunMyJobs instance.
- If the Remote System object is found and it is configured with a Push Acceptor Process Definition, the destination RunMyJobs instance executes that Process Definition. If it completes successfully, you should allow the import.
- If the Push Acceptor Process Definition fails, you should veto the promotion request.
- If no source Remote System object is found, you can allow the promotion.