Working with Ad Hoc Alert Sources

Ad hoc alerts are raised by the System_Alert_Send Process Definition or by custom script using RedwoodScript. The Process Definition or code can be placed into Chain Definitions in order to implement customized alerting.

Tabs and Fields

Note: For tabs and fields that are common to all objects, see Object Tabs.

Tab Field Description
Ad Hoc Alert Source Raise alerts only at certain times Time Window and Time Zone let you specify that alerts should only be fired when a specific Time Window is open or closed (depending on the Time Window Status).
Ad Hoc Alert Source Raise a custom Operator Message

Lets you specify the following:

  • A custom Operator Message Expression. This field allows substitution parameters.

  • A cusotm Operator Message Reply Expression. You can use regular expressions in the reply expression to force the user to select a reply option. If no reply expression is specified, the default reply expression is Acknowledge.

Ad Hoc Alert Source Sent to

Specify an Address and a Default Alert Escalation. The Address can use substitution parameters and is resolved by an Email Alert Gateway. The alert will be sent to the specified address and escalated, if necessary, using the specified escalation.

If you do not provide a Default Alert Escalation, you must specify an Escalation Expression under Use a dynamic escalation path.

Note: The Escalation Expression field is evaluated before the Default Alert Escalation field. If the Escalation Expression field results in a match, the Default Alert Escalation is ignored.

Ad Hoc Alert Source Use a dynamic escalation path Lets you specify an alert escalation using substitution parameters. If no matching escalation can be found, the Default Alert Escalation is used.
Alert Source Email Body The body of the email to send. For information on customizing this field, see Customizing Alert Emails.
Actions Type The type of action to take when an alert needs to be fired. The only valid option for alert sources is Post Alert. Any action you define here will be executed after the alert is sent. You must reply to the Operator Message and delete it if you want to suppress it.
Actions Enabled Lets you enable or disable the action.
Actions Action Subject The user under which the code in the action is performed. You must set this if you want to use jcsSession.
Actions Library Lets you specify a library containing methods you want to use in the Source field.
Actions Source The source code of the script.


The privileges available in the Security tab are as follows.

For more information, see Security Tab.

Privilege Description
AdHocAlertSource.Create Create ad hoc alert sources
AdHocAlertSource.Delete Delete ad hoc alert sources
AdHocAlertSource.Edit Edit ad hoc alert sources
AdHocAlertSource.View Access ad hoc alert sources