System Configuration

Configuration settings can be set in the following default backends:

Backend Description Weight
Command Line Backend that is based on command line options. 5
System Properties Backend that is based on the java system properties. 10
Environment Variables Backend that is based on the environment variables. 15
Global configuration file Backend that reads the file. 20
CronacleFiles Backend that is based on a Properties passed in directly via startup options. 21
Servlet Variables Backend that gets it options from the servlet config (web.xml). 25
Registry Backend that reads the values from the registry under /configuration/jcs 30
Deprecated System Properties Backend that is based on the deprecated java system properties. 80
Deprecated Registry Backend that reads deprecated values from the registry under /configuration 90
Default This backend contains all the default values for options 1000

Note: The weight specifies the order in which the settings are applied, heavier backends are passed later and the first setting found is used. System defaults have a weight of 1000, a custom backend with a weight of 1001 will be ignored.

Custom Backend

You can create custom backends in the form of Java properties files containing any required configuration entries. The full path to the file must be specified in the Configuration.CustomBackends configuration entry using JSON syntax.

{"name":"<name>","weight":<weight>,"url": "<uri_to_file>"}



{"name":"myBackend","weight":25,"url": "file://C:/backends/"}


{"name":"myBackend","weight":25,"url": "file:///backends/"}

Registry Backend

The registry backend (registry) contains the configuration settings used by clients and the system.

A registry entry can have a value associated with it, as well as child registry entries.

Note: Registry entries for users should be managed through the options button on the tool-bar. You should not edit or create registry entries unless asked to do so by Redwood support.

The registry is part of the Configuration section in the navigation bar. A standard registry tree is shipped with Redwood Server and registry entries for users will automatically be added as users log in.

To view a hierarchy of all registry entries, choose "Configuration > Registry" in the Navigation bar.

Registry keys support the following context menu options.

Note: For generally applicable object context menu options, see Object Context Menu.

Action Description
Edit Security Edit the security of the registry entry
Apply Security Recursively Apply the security settings to child registry entries as well
Duplicate Make a copy of the registry entry to create a similar one
Delete Delete the registry entry
Edit Edit the registry entry
Expand All Expand all registry entries in the current filter
New Create a new registry entry


The privileges available in the Security tab are as follows.

For more information, see Security Tab.

Privilege Description
RegistryEntry.Create Create registry entries
RegistryEntry.Delete Delete registry entries
RegistryEntry.Edit Edit registry entries
RegistryEntry.View Access registry entries
RegistryEntry.CreateChildRegistryEntry Create a child registry entry.

Procedure to change a users time zone using the registry

  1. Choose "Configuration > Registry".
  2. Expand user > <username> > ui > configuration.
  3. In the detail pane choose Edit from the Actions menu.
  4. Enter the desired Time zone in the field Value.
  5. Choose Save and Close to save the modified registry entry.

To delete child registry entries

  1. Choose new to create a child registry entry.
  2. Choose one ChildRegistryEntry and choose delete to delete a child registry entry.
  3. Click Save & Close to save the new registry entry and close the edit window.

Registry Entry

  • Name - The name of the registry entry.
  • Description - An optional description of the registry entry.
  • Documentation - An optional comment for the registry entry.
  • Value - Value of this registry entry stored as textual data.
  • Type - Client-dependent type definition of the value.
  • Modify allowed - Whether users can modify the value of this registry entry themselves.

Inspecting JVM Parameters

import java.util.List;

RuntimeMXBean runtimeMxBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean();

List<String> jvmArgs = runtimeMxBean.getInputArguments();
for (String arg : jvmArgs) {

Inspecting Environment Variables

  java.util.Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
  for (String envName : env.keySet())
    jcsOut.println(envName + "=" + env.get(envName));

Inspecting All Configuration Entries

  1. Submit System_Info.
  2. Navigate to Monitor > Processes, switch to the Custom Maintenance (Background) Processes.
  3. Inspect the stdout.log file to see the currently configured backends and all configuration entries.

See Also