Object Tabs

Many of the tabs in object pop-up windows are the same for all objects. This topic describes such tabs.

Note: Tabs that are the same for all objects are documented only in this topic. Topics that cover specific types of objects cover only tabs that are specific to those objects.

Note: For information about tabs that are specific to process and chain definitions, see Process Definition Tabs.

Documentation Tab

You can use the Documentation tab to document the active object. For example, you might use this tab to explain the how to use a specific Process Definition or Chain Definition.

The Documentation tab supports the following link types:

  • HTTP (http://) hyperlinks.

  • File (file://) hyperlinks. These must be UNC paths (no drive letters). Note that file links cannot be accessed from Mozilla Firefox, because it does not allow servers to serve local files that include UNC paths. For information on disabling this feature, see the Mozilla Firefox documentation.

  • Document (doc://) hyperlinks. You can use these to link to RunMyJobs documents.

  • Email (mailto:) hyperlinks, as long as they are not hidden in HTML markup.

  • PermaLinks.

Security Tab

The Security tab lets you specify which users can access, edit, and delete the active object.

Note: You cannot grant object privileges directly. Instead, you must grant privilege ranks. For more information, see Granting Object Privileges and Granting System Privileges.

The columns in this tab are as follows:

  • User/Role: The user or role to which to grant a privilege rank.

  • Granted Rank: The privilege rank to be assigned to this user/role. The list of privilege ranks varies by object type.

  • Grantable Rank: The user/role can grant this privilege rank to other users. The list of privilege ranks varies by object type.

  • Exportable: If this is checked, RunMyJobs will export this setting if the object is exported. Note that the user/role must exist in the RunMyJobs instance where you import the object.

Tip: The Value field at the top is enabled when a value is selected in the rows. You can edit values either inline or in the Value field.


You can use the XML tab to view and edit an object's definition in XML format. You can enable the XML tab in the user options by enabling the Allow edit as XML option. For more information see Editing User Settings.