Working with Submit Frames

Tabs and Fields

The following table illustrates the fields of each tab of Submit Frames editor dialogs.

Tab Field Description
Submit Frame Partition The Partition where you wish to store the Submit Frame.
Submit Frame Name The name of the Submit Frame can contain any combination of US ASCII letters, digits, and underscores; limited to 80 characters.
Submit Frame Application The Application of the Submit Frame.
Submit Frame Description The description of the Submit Frame can contain any combination of printable UTF-8 characters, limited to 255 characters.
Submit Frame End Date-<time zone> An optional date/time at which this Submit Frame should end or stop submitting new processes. Default is empty which means always open submitting processes.
Documentation Documentation A comment about the object, can be used for documentation purposes.
Elements Description Short description of the Submit Frame element can contain any combination of printable UTF-8 characters, limited to 255 characters.
Elements Defined by > All openings of time window Specify a Time Window; at every opening of the Time Window a new process will be submitted.
Elements Defined by > Interval > Submit every <n> <t> Cycle of <n> * t, example every 5 days will submit a process every five days.
Elements Defined by > Interval > Preserve Times Follow DST changes. Example a process is submitted every 2 hours, original request time was 8:00 AM, it will always run every day at 8:00AM, even after DST change.
Elements Defined by > Interval > During Time Window Time Window during which the Submit Frame is used.
Elements Defined by > Interval > Start Time <time zone> Start time (in time zone) of the process.
Elements Skip when time window is closed The cycle should skip closed times of the specified Time Window.
Submits At Overview of every future submittal of a process.

Security * This is where you can specify who can access/change/remove the Submit Frame.

Submit Frames support the following context menu options.

Note: For generally applicable object context menu options, see Object Context Menu.

Action Description
Edit Security Edit the security of the Submit Frame
Duplicate Make a copy of the Submit Frame to create a similar one
Delete Delete the Submit Frame
Edit Edit the Submit Frame
New submit frame Create a new Submit Frame


You can now get a preview of when a process would be submitted if you were to submit it as this very moment by navigating to "Environment > Submit Frames" and choosing the Submit Frame. The preview is displayed in the form of a calendar, blue marks appear on the days the process will get submitted, if you choose a day at which a process will be submitted, you can see the times. You can see a summary of submits for the current month on the right-hand side of the calendar.

Deleting Submit Frames

You can only delete Submit Frames when no other objects relate to them. For example, if there are processes that have run with the Submit Frame, the Submit Frame cannot be deleted until all processes that ran with it have been deleted. You can see all processes that relate to the Submit Frame in Related Objects in the lower detail pane and on the show page.

The table in related objects contains three columns:

  • Type - the type of object with a link to it
  • Related Object - the name of the object with a link to it
  • Used As - objects can sometimes be used in different roles


The privileges available in the Security tab are as follows.

For more information, see Security Tab.

Privilege Description
SubmitFrame.Create Create Submit Frames
SubmitFrame.Delete Delete Submit Frames
SubmitFrame.Edit Edit Submit Frames
SubmitFrame.View Access Submit Frames


  1. Choose "Environment > Submit Frames".
  2. Choose Refresh to see all existing Submit Frames.
  3. Choose New Submit Frame to create a Submit Frame.
  4. Fill in the details, refer to the section below.
  5. Choose Save and Close to save the Submit Frame.

Submit Frame

  • Name - The name of the Submit Frame.
  • Application - The name of the Application used to group this object.
  • Description - The description of the Submit Frame.
  • End Date - A date at which the Submit Frame ends, no new processes will be automatically submitted after this date.


  • Documentation - A comment about a Submit Frame.


  • Description - The description of the Submit Frame element.
  • All openings of time window - the Submit Frame element is defined by a Time Window. A process is submitted every time the Time Window opens.
  • Interval
    • Submit every - The cycle interval in seconds, minutes, days or months. The unit of measure is specified in the Unit field.
    • Unit - The unit of measure: seconds, minutes, days or months.
    • During Time Window - An optional Time Window during which the Submit Frame interval can generate submits.
    • Start Time - The start time of the process, this is only available when the Unit is set to Days, Months or Years.
  • Skip when time window is closed - If this option is selected, the Submit Frame element must fall inside the defined Time Window. If it is not selected, the first Submit Frame element occurs as soon as the Time Window is opened. This option is only applicable if During Time Window is defined in the Submit Frame element or a Time Window is defined on the Process Definition.

Note: Skip when time window is closed has an influence on the process when the latter has a Time Window, defined in the Submit Frame element or on the Process Definition.


  1. Choose "Environment > Submit Frames" in the Navigation bar.
  2. Choose the New Submit Frame button and fill in the values below for the Submit Frame tab.
  3. Choose the Add button and fill in the values for the Elements tab.
  4. Click Save & Close to save the new Submit Frame and close the edit window.

Submit Frame tab

Name: EveryHour
Description: Every hour

Elements tab

Every number of: 1
Unit: Hours
Must Fit Time Window: Unchecked

See Also