Process Definitions: File Searches Tab

File searches let you easily search for errors or warnings in log files and set the status of the process accordingly. You can use a file search to parse output and log files for a specific string pattern, then force the process to a specific status when the file matches the pattern. You can also store the matched string (or some part of it) in an Out parameter.

Field Description
Processing Order Sequence number for this file search. File searches are performed in sequence based on their Processing Order values, until a file search is matched that has the Stop property checked or the last file search has been performed.
Stop Specifies a file search that will prevent any further file searches to be performed if matched.
Process Note Lets you add a note to the process with the result of the file search.
File The name of the file to search for. You can use glob matching.
Search Pattern The pattern to search for in the file. If Wild Card is checked, you can use glob matching.
Begin Line The line at which to begin the search. Use -1 and check Reverse to start from the end of the file.
End Line The line after which to stop the search. If Reverse is checked, lines are counted from the end of the file. Specify -1 to end the search at the last line.
Return Code The return code to assign to the matching process (if any).
New Process Status The status to assign to the matching process.
Entire Line If this is checked, the pattern must match the entire line, not just a substring of the line.
Ignore Case If this is checked, the search is case-insensitive.
Reverse Check this box to initiate the search from the end of the file.
Wild Card Allow the use of glob matching in Search Pattern.
Output Definition Parameter The Out parameter to use to store the matched line.
Out Param Expr REL expression for the Out parameter value. The built-in variable line contains the string of the line matching the search criteria.

If the Process Definition is using the file search feature, and there is also a Post Running action configured on the Actions tab and/or a trigger has been created using the Before Process Post Running trigger option in the Scripting > Triggers module, the file search is executed first. In the case when all three options are configured, they are executed in the order listed below.

  1. File search
  2. Before Process Post Running Trigger
  3. Post Running Action


Assume you have a process that does not always return a return code greater than 0 when errors occur, and you want RunMyJobs to look for a specific error message in the log. Assume you want to create a note indicating the error and store the matched line in the Out parameter P_Error_Code so you can quickly see what the error was. The process in question runs a PL/SQL script, and you want to detect Oracle ORA-12345 errors.

  1. Navigate to Definitions > Processes.
  2. Select Edit from the context menu of the Process Definition in question.
  3. On the File Searches tab, click Add.
  4. Enter the data from the following table into the fields, then click Save & Close.
Field Value
Processing Order 0
Stop Checked
Note Checked
File stderr.log
Search Pattern ORA-*
Begin Line 1
End Line -1
Return Code 1
New Status Error
Entire Line Checked
Ignore Case




Wild Card Checked
Output Definition Parameter P_Error_Code
Out Parameter Expression =line.substring(12)

See Also