Creating Custom Monitor Checks

Monitor checks allow you to control the severity of monitors. For each monitor that contains monitor-leaf nodes, you can create monitor checks that evaluate REL expressions which are mapped to a severity. The highest severity that applies according to the various expressions is displayed.

You can also use monitor checks to suppress severities, for example, on a Process Server that is intentionally shutdown for a longer period of time.

Process Server and Queue Performance monitors can also be configured this way. Note that Performance monitors are disabled by default. You can add monitor checks to set the severity. Remember, you can create checks for each value; see Monitoring External Systems with Platform Agents for available values for Process Servers. Note that these are also displayed in the Monitor Tree.


For example, on a Process Server, you can set the following monitor check to monitor CPU usage:

Field Description Example Value
Name A name for the monitor check. CPUsageGood
Description If set, this value is displayed instead of the name. Normal CPU usage
Action Subject The user under which the check should be performed.

Severity The actual severity you want to map the REL expression to. 25
Expression A REL expression to evaluate severity. =CPUBusy > 50
Field Description. Value
--- --- ---
Name A name for the monitor check. CPUsageHigh
Description If set, this value is displayed instead of the name. High CPU usage
Severity The actual severity you want to map the REL expression to. 50
Expression A REL expression to evaluate severity. =CPUBusy > 90
Field Description. Value
--- --- ---
Name A name for the monitor check. CPUsageCritical
Description If set, this value is displayed instead of the name. Critical CPU usage
Severity The actual severity you want to map the REL expression to. 75
Expression A REL expression to evaluate severity. =CPUBusy > 95

The names of the variables to be used in the REL expressions are the names of the leaf-nodes, which contain values.