About Objects

In RunMyJobs, an object is basically anything you can configure. Process Definitions, Chains, Process Servers, and Queues are all examples of objects. Objects can be organized into Applications, imported and exported, and even edited in XML.

There are five basic actions that are supported by most objects.

  • New <object_type>: Lets you create a new object of type <object_type>.
  • Edit: Lets you edit an existing object.
  • Delete: Lets you delete an object.
  • Export: Lets you export an object to a CAR file. For more information, see Exporting Objects.
  • Refresh: Refreshes the current view to display recent changes.

In addition, some objects support specific actions such as the following.

  • Processes can be restarted, resubmitted, held, released, and so forth.
  • Process Definitions and Chains can be submitted as processes.
  • Queues can be held and released.
  • Process Servers can be started and stopped.

Some actions (such as Edit, Add Note, and Resubmit) require further input before they can be completed. These actions are shown with a trailing ellipsis (...).

In some cases not all actions are available for a given object. There are three main reasons why this may be.

  • The local security policy may prevent it.
  • The object may be read-only, such as a process that has reached the status Queued.
  • Restrictions in the license may prevent it.

Note: You cannot create or delete time zones. However, you can change the description of a time zone. For more information, see Time Zones.

For more information, see Working with Objects.