Working with Process Definitions

For a general discussion of Process Definitions, see About Process Definitions.

Creating a Process Definition

To create a Process Definition:

  1. Navigate to Definitions > Processes.
  2. Click .
  3. Select the appropriate Definition Type and click Next. The New Process Definition pop-up window displays.
  4. Configure the Process Definition. This step is different for different Process Definition Types.
  5. ClickSave &Close.

For more information about the tabs in the Process Definition editor, see Process Definition Tabs.

Note: Some tabs require a new element to be created. You can do this either by clicking Add or clicking an empty row.

Note: Additional configuration options are covered in Working with Objects.

Required Fields

Fields with red lines, such as the Name field, are required.

Source Field

A RedwoodScript Process Definition requires the Source field to contain at least an empty script: {}. For other Process Definition Types, such as the SAPR3 type, the Source field is not editable. Some Process Definition Types require a specific license key to allow editing the Source field. For more information, see Editing the Process Definition Source.

Deleting Process Definitions

The following situations will prevent you from deleting a Process Definition.

  • There are no other objects with relations to that Process Definition. For example, if a given Process Definition is used in a Chain Definition, you cannot delete it unless you remove it from the Chain Definition first. You can see all Chain Processes that relate to the Process Definition under Related Objects in the Detail View.

  • The Process Definition still has a running process. To view running processes, right-click the Process Definition and choose Show Related Processes.

For generally applicable object context menu options, see Object Context Menu.

Action Description
Submit Submit the Process Definition via the Submit Wizard.
Cancel non-final state processes Cancel processes that have not reached a final state.
Edit Edit the Process Definition.
Edit Submit form Edit the submit form of the Process Definition.
Edit Security Edit the privileges for this object.
Edit Web Services Edit the web services associated with this Process Definition.
Duplicate Duplicate the Process Definition. Not all Process Definitions can be duplicated.
Reset Statistics Reset the runtime statistics for processes from this Process Definition.
Delete Delete the Process Definition. Only custom Process Definitions can be deleted.
Delete final state processes Delete processes that have reached a final state.
Monitor related processes Display related processes in the Process Monitor.
Show Statistics Report Display a runtime statistics report with overall status, runtime, average and standard deviation. Note that this is a standard Report with no configuration options.
New process definition Create a new Process Definition.
New (from Template) Create a new Process Definition from a template.
New (from Report) Create a report definition.
Import Web Service Import a web service and schedule it like any other Process Definition.

Security Tab

The privileges available in the Security tab are as follows.

For more information, see Security Tab.

Privilege Description
JobDefinition.Create Create Process Definition
JobDefinition.Delete Delete Process Definition
JobDefinition.DeleteJob Delete jobs
JobDefinition.Edit Edit Process Definition
JobDefinition.SubmitJob Submit jobs
JobDefinition.View Access Process Definition

See Also