Package jcs Summary
The jcs package is the primary runtime package which contains procedures for submitting and manipulating jobs, as well as other objects.
Transaction Keywords
Transaction keywords indicate when a change made by a procedure or function gets committed to the database.
The following transaction keywords are used in the jcs package:
Autonomous <condition>
When the <condition> holds, or when no <condition> is specified, the JCS call does its work in an autonomous transaction. It has no influence on the caller's transaction. If successful the work done by the API call is committed and cannot be rolled back.
Blocks <condition>
The JCS call does its work by sending a message to a database Platform Agent, and waits for that Platform Agent to return a completion message. It has no influence on the caller's transaction. If successful the work done by the API call is committed and cannot be rolled back.
The JCS call will commit if the 'can_commit' parameter is 'Y' (see 'commit') and just modify the database if it is 'N' (see 'database_modified').
The JCS call will do its work in an autonomous transaction if the 'can_commit' parameter is 'N' (see 'autonomous') and just commit the database changes directly if 'can_commit' is 'Y' (see 'commits').
Commits <condition>
When the <condition> holds, or when no <condition> is specified, the JCS call updates the database directly and commits the changes. If successful the work done by the API call is committed and cannot be rolled back.
Database_modified <condition>
When the <condition> holds, or when no %lt;condition> is specified, the JCS call updates the database. The caller can decide to commit or rollback the changes.
The JCS call does its work by sending a message to a network Platform Agent and waiting for a reply. It has no influence on the caller's transaction, as no work is done in the current session.
The JCS call does its work by storing all modifications in a temporary table. This temporary data is changed into database updates when the caller calls jcs.submit or
The following table contains the list of all functions and procedures of the jcs package.
jcs.add_job_lock | Make a job synchronize on an additional lock. |
jcs.add_job_note | Add a note (small comment) to a job that can be read by all users. |
jcs.add_job_raise_event | Make a job raise an additional event on a particular status. |
jcs.add_job_wait_event | Make a job wait on an additional event. |
jcs.change_password | Change the stored password for this user, and if desired the ORACLE password as well. |
jcs.clear_event | Clear an event, so that it can be raised again. |
jcs.clear_parameters | Clears the submit buffer and prepares for submitting a new job. |
jcs.close | Release a filehandle. |
jcs.current_job | Returns information about the current job. |
jcs.current_job_id | Return the ID of the current job. |
jcs.def_date | def_date is used to set date arguments to their default value if you cannot use a variable argument list. |
jcs.def_num | def_num is used to set number arguments to their default value if you cannot use a variable argument list. |
jcs.def_str | def_str is used to set varchar2 arguments to their default value if you cannot use a variable argument list. |
jcs.def_tstamp | def_tstamp is used to set timestamp arguments to their default value if you cannot use a variable argument list. |
jcs.delete_job | Delete the repository information and the output and log files of a job. |
jcs.detach_child | Detach a child job from the current job. |
jcs.disable_trigger | Remove a trigger. |
jcs.drop_user | Drops the (redwood) user or role identified by username, which effectively means that all its privileges are dropped, possibly including the Oracle user and privileges attached to that. |
jcs.enable_trigger | Add an existing procedure as an enabled trigger. |
jcs.errorfile | Returns the name of the error-file of the job. |
jcs.explain_job_status | Give explanation of why job has current status and not in any other. |
jcs.format_error_stack | Returns the last ORACLE or JCS error generated by the API. |
jcs.generated_user | Check if the current user is a redirected user |
jcs.get_credential_password | Get the (encoded) password for a given credential. You need to provide a full key and you need to have access to the credential. |
jcs.get_current_user | Returns the same value as the Oracle function USER, but in a more efficient manner (it does not use a SQL statement every time). |
jcs.get_date_timezone | Returns in which timezone date parameters are interpreted |
jcs.get_default_partition | Get the default Partition for this user. |
jcs.get_setuser | Get username that was used to override the requestor for whom jobs are to be submitted using jcs.setuser. |
jcs.get_starttime | Determine a good starttime for a job with Submit Frame/Time Window combination |
jcs.is_event_raised | Get the status of an event. |
jcs.job_parameter | |
jcs.job_pin_to_scheduler | Force the job that is being submitted to run on a specific scheduler, also referred to as pin to scheduler or force scheduler. |
jcs.job_status | Returns the status of a job. |
jcs.job_status_wait | Wait until the indicated job is in a finished state and return the job's status. |
jcs.job_statuscode | Returns the statuscode of a job. |
jcs.job_statuscode_wait | Wait until the indicated job is in a finished state and return the job's statuscode. |
jcs.last_job_id | Returns the ID of the last job that was submitted using jcs.submit or |
jcs.multiple_values | Create an array of numbers in the internal representation. | | no can be specified as a value in yes/no (truth) style parameters. | | Get a filehandle for an OS file, with, to use in the read, search or close calls |
jcs.operator_message | Send a notice (message) to the operator or ask the operator a question. |
jcs.operator_reply | Send a reply to someone's jcs.operator_message call. |
jcs.oracle_date_format | Given an input format stored for a date script parameter, gives the Oracle date format representing that date format. |
jcs.oracle_tstamp_format | Given an input format stored for a timestamp script parameter, gives the Oracle date format representing that date format. |
jcs.output_parameter | Returns the value of an output parameter. |
jcs.outputfile | Returns the name of the output-file of the job. |
jcs.parameter | |
jcs.parent_job_id | Return the ID of the parent of the current job. |
jcs.raise_event | Raise an event, releasing all jobs that are waiting for this event. | | Returns a line of text from the indicated filehandle. |
jcs.readfile | Returns a line of text from the indicated file. |
jcs.remove_job_wait_event | Remove a job wait on an event. |
jcs.reschedule | Edit, kill, abort or restart the job. |
jcs.return_code | Return the numerical value returned by the job when it finished or was killed. | | Schedule a job execution of a script, in a separate transaction. |
jcs.searchfile | Given a filehandle (and optionally a starting-line) find the first line which matches the given pattern. |
jcs.searchfile | Given a filename (and optionally a starting-line) find the first line which contains the given pattern. |
jcs.set_current_job_status | Set the end status for the current job. |
jcs.set_date_timezone | Define in which timezone date parameters are interpreted. If the value is never set, date parameters are interpreted in the timezone of the database host (this is the 'compatible' setting). |
jcs.set_default_partition | Set the default Partition for this user. |
jcs.set_job_format | Set the format of job that is to be submitted to a different format than originally defined at script level. |
jcs.set_job_name | Set the name of job that is going to be submitted. |
jcs.set_text_mode | Set translation options for jcs.readfile. |
jcs.setchild | Tells the Process Server that the following request for the execution of the destination script is a special request: it depends on the output of the job with the given job_id. The Process Server delays execution of the destination until the parent job is finished. |
jcs.setpassword | Set the password for the user set with jcs.setuser, or if this is not set, the logged in user. |
jcs.setuser | Override the requestor for whom jobs are to be submitted. |
jcs.submit | Schedule a job execution of a script. |
jcs.subscriber_info | Get user attributes such as address and email. |
jcs.ts_sort | This call can be used to convert a date value to a number value that is suited to be compared against one of the performance columns (named *_sort) in rs_jobs or rs_operator_messages. |
jcs.use_known_password | Use the password already stored in the repository. |
jcs.wait | Wait for child job(s) to finish. |
jcs.waitforone | Wait until any child job is in a finished state and return the job's ID. |
jcs.yes | yes can be specified as a value in yes/no (truth) style parameters. |